Combat Submission Wrestling Classes in Virginia Beach

If you are looking for Combat Submission Wrestling Classes in Virginia Beach, I highly recommend Global Martial Arts with Head Instructor Mateo De Los Reyes. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is in high demand and an important part of the sport is an incredible Wrestling base and submission library. This makes Combat Submission Wrestling (CSW) perfect for the mma practitioner.

CSW was founded by former world champion and  MMA Champion Trainer Erik Paulson. Master Mateo is the current Mid East Regional Director for Combat Submission Wrestling and has many amateur and pro mixed martial arts athletes.

The facility has been a long time fixture in the Virginia Beach martial arts scene and has programs such as Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Max Defense.

As a professional staff, Global Martial Arts has a talented bench team of certfied coaches withyears of experience. If you are looking for the perfect match for you as a novice or experienced practitioner, don’t forget to check them out at

Please don’t forget to tell them that Sent you for a Internet Special!    

Here is a special video of previewing what Combat Submission Wrestling is at Global Martial Arts and what what you could be training in tomorrow!



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