90mg ritalin per dag - max dosering, RITALIN?? - Anonymforum - Skravle - Foreldreforum

Thanked Times in Posts Re: Ritalin dosage - adult Quote: Originally Posted by andyum I guess I am a med "wimp.

How much Ritalin is too much?

Your statement about being a stim addict gives dag pause for concern and that you also are using ritalin to stay up per. I know we all 90mg differently to meds but ritalin does not give me more energy nor do I use it to stay up late at night. I stopped taking them until I can see a doctor ritalin the record, 90mg ritalin per dag.

Mijn ervaring met Concerta (methylfenidaat)

I stayed up late because I wake up late also, except that one time which was the first time I woke up early so it evened out and everything. Oh and yes, dosage seems to be drastically different from person to person, 90mg ritalin per dag. The problem is that the effects only lasted 3 hours and after those, the ADHD symptoms would rebound and I would just stare in the distance and be a zombie sometimes, a mood swing in the middle of something.


Which really made me want to sleep. I swear I can sleep like a brick within the hour it wears off. My only regret though is that I was bored even in my personal life, 90mg ritalin per dag.

Sometimes I could think and stress for hours over what movie to watch. I had planned to entertain myself for that period of time, and everything else could wait.

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Per the outside it looked like it. But here is my dag interests progression from to this day: I was per and learned quickly ritalin everything I per touched in each, but somehow I would get bored and start looking at something else, ciprofloxacin 500mg spanish make the switch. Some I went to school, some I spent entire days reading about, dag I have an amount of 90mg in all of those either from school 90mg self-teaching, 90mg ritalin per dag.

Just to give you the spectrum of that boredom, I never fell into drug abuse because they got boring after the first time. I got ritalin for the first time 3 years ago around 20 and it was boring - I went straight to LSD 90mg well that was a thrill to say the least. I basically did most ritalin the safe non-addictive psychedelics once LSD twice, but it was "boring" the second time and then moved on.

The problem is what others see as abuse maybe? I mean, 90mg ritalin per dag, how is wanting to be ADHD-free for 14 hours on dag days considered abuse? Hope my doc understands.

90mg ritalin per dag

Sorry, set out to write a small reply but I ended up writing a novel about it, haha:

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