Posts Tagged ‘Armbar’

High Percentage Techniques in MMA

There are certain high percentage techniques in boxing, muay thai, Jiu Jitsu, and wrestling that are tried and true techniques that are battle tested and have a high percentage success rate in either real time sparring or rolling. I have listed what seems to be the general consesus of tried and true techniques that should be drilled over and over again. For those of you that train, i’d like to hear your thoughts on certain techniquies that are tried and true for you and are a reliable part of your arsenal.

Here is a list of techniques that are most people agree are “must master” techniques:

1. Boxing Jab
2. Boxing Cross
3. Boxing Hook
4. Thai Leg Kick

1. RNC (Rear Naked Choke)
2. Armbar
3. Triangle Choke

1. Single Leg
2. Greco Roman Body Lock and Leg Trip
3. Sprawl

This list is far from comprehensive-if anyone has a high percentage success rate using a superman punch or spinning back kick, i’d love to hear about it and add some insight on how you make your favorite techniques work for you.
