Posts Tagged ‘Train with Coban’

Train with Muay Thai Legend Coban in NJ

Not many people get to train Muay Thai in the world. Even less people get to train Muay Thai in the United States. So if you are in New Jersey where do you go? If you have seen other posts, we have recommended people to train with KRU Training’s Ace Ramirez. But now New Jersey has another reason to go to KRU Training Muay Thai in Bergen County NJ…

Coban Lookchaomaesaitong was born Banlu Anwiset on August 4, 1966 in Buriram, a small city in Northeastern Thailand. He was the middle child of a farming family of seven, and the only one who found an interest in the life in Muay Thai.

Coban began training on his own at the age of 11. He made himself a heavy bag by packing a 100-lb canvas rice bag with sawdust and rice hulls. Driven by instinct and watching local fights, Coban shadowboxed and worked combinations on his bag. His first fight was when he was 11 years old. It was at a fair sponsored by a Buddhist temple (there are many such
fairs in Thailand). He stepped up to the scale, got his weight and entered the ring. He fought well, but the result was a draw. He didn’t quit; he continued to fight and improve. With the little money he earned, he supported this education and helped his family.

As luck or fate would have it, one year later, a physician named Sam Rhung Jong
Gon (whose brother was a Muay Thai fighter, and himself a ringside doctor and judge) had relocated to the Public Health and Recreational Center in Buriram. He was Coban training, and invited him to train at the Center. He provided Coban with a heavy bag, and encouraged him to train. While other kids at the Center were playing soccer, Coban trained Muay Thai
everyday before and after school. By thetime he was 15 years old, he had fought at least 35 fights.

When Coban was ready to attend high school, Sam Rhung Jong Gon was ready to move on himself. As his last gesture of mentorship and friendship, he sent Coban to Camp Lookchaomaesaitong, where he was given the nickname Coban by one of his trainers. Coban literally means Cowboy. He spent the next nine years at the Camp. During this time, Coban ascended through the ranks and gained fame as a naturally tough fighter with instincts for Muay Thai. He won his first World Championship at the age of 19 at Lumpinee Stadium (1985).

When Coban was 24 years old, Camp Lookchaomaesaitong closed down. Coban’s promoter at that time sent him to Bangkok to train in three camps: Ghed Bangchong, Pad Apon and Meung Suring (he kept the name Lookchaomaesaitong out of respect to his original camp). In that year, he won his second Lumpinee title (1990), his third World Championship in The Netherlands (1990), and his fourth in France (1990). A year later, Coban went on to win his fifth World Championship in Bangkok (1991), sixth in England (1991) and seventh in Australia (1991).

In 1994, Coban went to California, where he earned three additional belts. In his
entire career, he as had over 270 fights.

If you are interested in training Muay Thai or schedule a Competition Team Training session at KRU Muay Thai, then contact via or call 201-387-1811.

NOTE: If you are not a member of KRU Training camp, you can still do a drop in session. Contact for details, but mention that you heard it here at !
