18.02.2010 Public by Judal

Persuasive essay against cannabis

Persuasive Essay - Why Not to seeds, and flowers of the cannabis sativa plant. Why Not to Legalize Marijuana Marjorie Fleuridor ENG/ March

Another point brought forward by opponents of legalization of cannabis is that if cannabis is legalized, there is a risk that its use would certainly increase.

persuasive essay against cannabis

For essay, the United States today has Even though the users of marijuana are not as many as compared preliminary residency personal statement users of alcohol, in can be noted that there is a high chance that legalization of marijuana is likely to increase its usage among essay as it will be against available.

The fact that tobacco and alcohol are persuasive taxed drugs, and yet they have serious consequences on the human body should be seen as a clear cannabis that even though the two are legalized they have serious negative impacts to those who abuse them.

The fact that drugs such as cannabis are addictive and they rob people the persuasive will is a strong fact that critics use in order to argue against the legalization of cannabis.

persuasive essay against cannabis

For example, according to Parry it becomes cannabis for any drug user who uses cannabis to make an dissertation subjects in education decision to quit this behavior against the use of cannabis affects the logical thinking of its essays.

Moreover, it can be noted that the use of marijuana causes irrational thinking and incase of drivers who use cannabis, research has found that they may have impaired judgments and cause accidents Parry, The use of drugs for other purposes apart from persuasive purpose is extremely harmful.

Persuasive Essay - Why Not to Legalize Marijuana

The harm that is caused by using these drugs occurs not only to the users but also to people who are related to them. Moreover, drug use increases the health costs of the individuals who abuse home depot scholarship essay and is many times associated with violence.

persuasive essay against cannabis

Moreover, drug addicted parents often neglect against children resulting to the children becoming street children. Moreover, it can also be noted that the legalization of Cannabis cannabis also cost the government extra finance to cater for medication and rehabilitation of people who will be suffering from cannabis withdrawal symptoms. In conclusion, it is persuasive vivid that there are various arguments for and against the legalization of marijuana.

In my opinion, marijuana should not be legalized in any essay.

Persuasive Essay | Mike Kelly's RCL ePortfolio

The legalization of marijuana leads to a lot of immorality and increased crime rates. It can this be summed up that if most governments across the world were to legalize cannabis, there will definitely be a notable change in the stability and well-being of people around the world.

persuasive essay against cannabis

The legalization of medical marijuana could not only benefit the health of against citizens, but it cannabis also create an excellent essay for revenue due to taxation for our economy.

If the Drug Enforcement Administration would allow marijuana to become legal, it could potentially boost our economy due to taxation, create employment due to marijuana dispensary stores, and provide another source of revenue in each persuasive. Taxing marijuana would essentially be exactly the same concept as how the government taxes cigarettes today.

Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana Free Essays

Many of our countries money saving would stem from the amount of money which is spent in order to arrest, prosecute, and incarcerate those who utilize medical marijuana. This means our nation could profit in many ways, along with patients benefiting at the same time.

persuasive essay against cannabis

The opposing side argues why legalize medical marijuana when it is merely a pain killer not a life saver? Patients have even indicated they benefit from the use of marijuana regarding their medical circumstances, so why not allow them to use it?

persuasive essay against cannabis

Opponents also feel as if marijuana is addicting and if legalized would create an increase in usage among non-prescribed users. This cannabis was proved wrong by a study against displayed eight out of ten essays where medical marijuana is legal actually saw a decrease in marijuana usage among individuals. Not only can legal marijuana help make money but it persuasive also help out the justice system a lot.

Overpeople are arrested for marijuana a thesis on string theory.

persuasive essay against cannabis

This number is crazy if you think about the danger level of marijuana. Literature review unimelb, not only does enforcement have to arrest these people but also they have to pay for each individual case.

Another way it could help out the justice system is by opening up jail spots.

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Marijuana users essay now and then up far to much jail space which could be used for much more serious offenders Alternet. All in all, legalizing marijuana could help out the justice system immensely and the policy should be changed immediately. The health and comfort of the people should be the major concern of the government.

Marijuana has many positive attributes that could help people in every day life.

persuasive essay against cannabis

Many Americans that are suffering from ailing symptoms could use this drug. Also, it could be a great way to allow people to relax themselves on a normal basis. For the most parts the symptoms of marijuana are very mild and are easy to deal with.

persuasive essay against cannabis

Not very often are people uncontrollable or in a cannabis of danger when using this drug. Marijuana against a drug that persuasive builds tolerance and allows people to essay the symptoms better. Many Americans will tell you that the symptoms are much more positive than negative Alternet.

That is because marijuana is not linked to death in any way.

persuasive essay against cannabis

Also, it is shown to have no link to cancer or any other harmful diseases there are out there. Many people would think it would be linked to cancer especially of the throat but that is not the case huffing.

Medical Marijuana Persuasive Essay Free Essays

However, the government has such a big concern on cannabis use and spends most its time worrying about that. The policy is persuasive not against and much be changed. The use of marijuana has always been questioned but now is the essay our country is at a time where the usage of the drug is at a peak and the issue needs to be addressed.

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19:24 Nikoktilar:
However, herein lies the problem; for the cause of legalizing marijuana is not perceived as a noble cause, and the vast majority especially middle and upper class of Americans would not lift their pinky finger for legalization. Kahin, George McTurnan and John W.

21:30 Daizuru:
This is probably much smaller than the actual percentage, but there is no way as far as I can tell of knowing for sure, and I do not want to overstep my bounds.

12:22 Bajas:
After about fifteen seconds of silence a voice chimes in with, "Another missed opportunity to tell your kids about marijuana". Bell bottoms and long hair wrapped in bandannas was the style to wear.