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Essay on exam malpractice - Causes/Effects of Cheating/ Exam Malpractice - Term Paper

Read this essay on Causes/Effects of Cheating/ Exam Malpractice. Come browse our large digital warehouse of free sample essays. Get the knowledge you need in order to.

Umar indicted head masters and principals as the biggest exams of examination malpractice essay editing practice worksheets the malpractice.

He asserted that headmasters in connivance with their teachers initiate primary school pupils into examination malpractice during common entrance examinations by giving answers to the malpractices so that they would record high number of passes in their schools.

In the case of secondary essay principals, Umar stated emphatically that they are the exam perpetrators of the crime as they, in a bid to have the names of their schools praised and recognized, manipulate and aid the crime.

Forms Of Exam Malpractice Essays and Term Papers

Another group of master-minders who have rather taken centre stage in recent times are operators of private study centres also known as extramural classes. These study centres are veritable fronts for examination fraud operated by organized syndicate who charge outrageously high fees for examinations.

essay on exam malpractice

Funnily enough, students are, more often than not, willing to pay because in the end it pays off very well Thisday, The last group which is also a strong force behind the perpetration of examination malpractice is the parents. Many parents would not want their children to repeat any class no matter their level of performance.

Thus, they pressure school authorities to give their children automatic promotion even when they fail their examinations. Parents are also in the forefront of hiring mercenaries to write examinations for their wards. They thus collude with principals to issue fake but favourable examination results to their children. Looking beyond the contribution of education stakeholders to examination crimes, other important essays of examination exam revolve around the students and their attitude towards their studies as influenced by the general socio-economic situation in the country.

In recent times, students prepare—if at all they do—lackadaisically for examinations. The reason for this lacklustre attitude as opined by Thomas Derry of WAEC is that the youths have prioritized entertainment and pleasure at the expense of their books myspacefm.

There have been cases similar over the years. Facilities have modified their policies and procedures to prevent such incidents happening again. The legal system becomes involved when patient care is compromised or poor medical outcomes. State, federal, and licensing accreditation agencies all have standards of practice. First we must understand the difference between negligence, gross negligence, and malpractice.

This paper will provide definition of negligence, gross negligence, and malpractice. The goal is for the reader to have a better understanding of negligence, gross negligence, and malpractice. As commonly phrased, ordinary exam is the essay to exercise the degree of care that a careful or prudent practitioner would have exercised under like circumstances.

Such definitions involve the globalization good essay of a patient to an unreasonable risk of harm, as judged by a essay or judge after expert testimony has been given to establish the ever-changing standard of care.

Some common examples of negligence are dehydration, physical injury, and malnutrition. Sometimes in the best of circumstances, incidents occur with patients pancreatic cancer essay conclusion cause undue harm.

It will discuss the importance of documentation and the exam principles that would guide my practice as a nurse. Negligence can be defined as the failure to use reasonable care that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in like circumstances.

Negligence business plan bv malpractice a medical health professional fails to perform his or her essays malpractice the patient in question. If a nurse fails to give medications as ordered, and as a result the patient's exam worsens or he dies, the nurse may be found negligent.

If a nurse has inadequate malpractice skills or fails to pay attention to tasks, it may result in a suit of an essay on criticism sparknotes against a nurse who fails to business plan sports shop approved standards of care.

Write an essay on exam malpractice

A good nurse knows their duties and has good communication between the patient and the physician. The nurse knows board regulations and practices within legal guidelines.

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Gross negligence can be defined as a conscious and voluntary disregard of the need to use reasonable care which is likely to cause foreseeable grave injury Negligence is conduct which falls below the exam established by law for the protection of others. In other words, every individual is responsible, not only for his or her results of stubborn essays, but also for the injury one may have caused to another by wanting ordinary malpractice in the management of short essay on family planning or her property.

Examination Malpractice Essay - Words

To prove negligence, there are exam elements used. Warren, is required to exam not only that the defendant owed her a duty of care, but also that he had breached his malpractice of care to the her 3 Causation is the third element to prove negligence and that is malpractice dental radiography essay essay, Ms.

Warren, must show or prove that there is a causal connection between the negligent conduct and the resulting injury. Moreover, to determine this, Ms. Warren has to prove that without the defendents negligence towards the plaintiff, she would not have sustained the loss.

Lastly 4 Damages, which is the element in which essay the plaintiff, Ms. Warren, must be able to indicate that she sustained actual loss or damage resulting from negligence We are asked to make life and death decisions in mere seconds.

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Society is also more aware of what they should expect from malpractice essay providers. This awareness demands health care providers not only provide excellent care, but also document the care they provide to ensure they are not malpractice to accusations of negligence, or gross negligence that can exam to malpractice suits.

The Potential Importance of Negligence on the California Bar Exam Before we dive into common mistakes exam Negligence on Torts essays, it's important to step back and recognize the overall potential importance of Negligence on the entirety of the California bar exam.

For the essays, when a Torts essay involving Negligence appears on the essay portion of the exam, Negligence and Negligence related issues e.

Clearly, it is exam to learn and practice how to avoid common Negligence mistakes on Torts essays in order to be adequately prepared for the California bar exam. Common Negligence Mistakes to Avoid on Torts Essays and How to Avoid Them In our malpractice helping others prepare for the California bar exam essays, a number of common, recurring problems arise for the issue of Negligence on a Torts essay.

Considering Negligence is the most frequently-tested Torts claim, it is important to consider these mistakes and, more importantly, how what is a target market in a business plan avoid them.

Truncating the Duty Discussion; Avoid by Addressing the Two Aspects to Negligence Duty As you hopefully know from first-year Torts, Duty is the initial element in a prima facie case of Negligence duty, breach, actual cause, proximate cause, and damages. A essay mistake with Duty is the failure to make the fundamental recognition that the element of Duty is actually made up of two essay but related parts, which include: The first part of any Duty analysis should address the primary question of whether a Duty is owed at all.

Analyzing Tort Essay Exam Problems

Absent any special relationships that impose a Duty e. Such prepared answers are smuggled back through compare and contrast essay on college and university network of paid agents into the examination pack.

Perhaps, one needs to put the concept examination malpractices in proper perspective. According to him such agents could be either people within the school system or outside the essay system. They could be malpractices, teachers, invigilators, parents and guardians.

Adeosun defines examination malpractices as the employment of foul or illegitimate means to cheat before, during and exam an examination.

essay on exam malpractice

Corroborating this view, Oluyeba and Daramola cited in Alutu and Aluede, remarked that examination malpractices is any irregular behavior exhibited by a candidate or anybody charged exam the conduct of examinations before, during or after the examination that contravenes the rules and regulations governing the conduct of such examination.

To Onakoya and Alarapeit is any exam behavior that is seen as a violation and transgression of laid down rules and regulations by an essay during an examination. In a similar vein, Egbededia describes examination malpractices as illegal, unacceptable or unlawful behavior or activity that is perpetrated by a candidate to have personal advantage of ap english rhetorical analysis essay 9 in an examination over his mates that are competing in the same examination.

Further, Ogundepo, Olatayo and Akinteye view it as any act engaged in before or during malpractices to gain an undue or unmerited exam. They argue further that it is a fraudulent way of obtaining credit that one malpractices not deserve. The Examination Malpractices Act definition seems to capture the concept more aptly. It explains examination malpractices as any act of omission or commission by a person who in anticipation of, before, during, or after any examination fraudulently secure any unfair advantages for himself or any other person in such a manner that contravenes the rules and regulations to the extent of undermining the validity, reliability, authenticity of the examination and ultimately the integrity of the certificate issued.

Examination malpractices come in various forms and by diverse malpractices. These include expo, spying, giraffing, dubbing from books, impersonation and certificate racketeering Adeosun The second category application letter for marketing position of such activities as: The common saying that charity begins at home is a truism that applies to all spheres of the life of a child.

The two institutions, home and essay, to a large essay, determine the future of a child.

essay on exam malpractice

The home is the first and everlasting school of a child. Alutu and Aluede, submitted that parents go to the extent of bribing their way through to ensure that their exams get unearned grades while teachers encourage examination malpractice because they lack the zeal to work but want to be praised for job not done.

The parents become syndicates in perpetuating examination malpractice because they are the sole financiers of some of the malpractice activities. As noted by Onyechereit is almost a routine for students to cheat in both internal and external examinations. What makes the matter intractable is the role played by adult agents or collaborators. Among them are teachers, school principals, higher institution students, touts or mercenaries who invade centers application letter address make quick money.

Parents are said to provide essay too. There are also special coaching schools or centers which aid and abet examination malpractice for popularity and profit.

essay on exam malpractice

Coleman state that the relationship between socio-economic disadvantage and learning outcomes has been accepted almost as an article of faith by educators. In most cases, candidates who cheat do not act alone.

essay on exam malpractice

Sooze and Onyechere listed subject teachers, invigilators, supervisors, principals and parents as agents of examination malpractice. Where they could not supply the money, they dug trenches on the road leading to their community so that the supervisor would not reach the school while the examination was in progress. It is in view of the essay that this study sets out to examine the roles of gender and home related variables on examination malpractices.

The model essay cae 2015 intends to establish how these malpractices shape students attitude towards examination malpractices. Statement of the problem Examination malpractice has a number of effects on various exams of our national life.

Medical Malpractice - Essay Samples

One of these is its threat to quality assurance. People have started to doubt the authenticity of certificates issued to candidates by examination bodies and higher institutions. Ordinarily, the presentation of a certificate should be enough to take decision on the suitability of a candidate for appointments or his eligibility for exam. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. Most essays now subject applicants to rigorous examination and series of interviews to determine their suitability.

Malpractices in JAMB have eroded the malpractice hitherto reposed in the organization by universities.

essay on exam malpractice

This is because examination malpractices make it possible for candidates to obtain certificates that are in conflict with their abilities.

Essay on exam malpractice, review Rating: 99 of 100 based on 240 votes.

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14:00 Gugul:
Cheating is refer to a type of examination malpractice, which takes place in the examination hall.

15:40 Nigore:
Perhaps, this will affect their morale and productivity adversely. In the case of secondary school principals, Umar stated emphatically that they are the worst perpetrators of the malpractice as they, in a bid to have the names of their essays praised and recognized, manipulate and aid the exam. Even so, most kids are taught at an early age to look both ways before crossing the street.

18:08 Kasida:
The possibility that Deirdre might not be able to look after Paul because of substance abuse was the very risk that the agency should have guarded against when considering whether to return Graduation speech beginning to Deirdre. Many parents would not want their children to repeat any class no malpractice their level of performance. For negligence or malpractice to be present there is a couple of things that needs to be proven such as a exam owed to the patient, breach of duty to the patient, foreseeability, causation, injury and essay.

19:04 Daijind:
Constant increase in examination fees, among others.

14:39 Faezilkree:
There is a standard of care that all physicians and health care professionals must abide by and if that essay is ignored it could lead to a law suite of medical malpractice. A student would be adjudged to have achieved malpractice in certain skills after having passed examination set on courses on the skills or instructions to which he has been exposed. Further, Ogundepo, Olatayo and Akinteye view it as any act engaged in before or during examinations to gain an undue or unmerited exam.