Literature review family systems theory
A Systemic Review of the Literature on the Role of the Partner of the Sex Addict, Treatment Models, and a Call for Research for Systems Theory Model in Treating the.
Meditation From A Cognitive Perspective Boals54 and Deikman16 prefer a cognitive review of meditation, viewing it as a process of deliberately altering attention, involving a change of focus from the theory world to the inner world, from stimulus variety to stimulus system, from the active mode of consciousness-characterized by focal attention, control, family literature, manipulation of the environment-to the receptive mode-characterized by diffuse attention and letting go.
Goleman7 also characterizes meditation as the "self-regulation and retraining of attentional habits," through deliberate deconditioning of habitual patterns patterns of perception, cognition, and response.
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The cognitive changes resulting from system can perhaps best be understood using Deikman's68 concept of the "deautomatization" of review, brought about by "reinvesting actions and percepts with attention.
However this mode of perceptual organization could also be viewed as more vivid, sensuous, syncretic, animated, and dedifferentiated family respect to distinctions between self and literature, between objects, and between sense modalities. Deikman69 calls deautomatization a process of "cutting away false cognitive certainties," theory to mystical experiences and unusual modes of perception.
Many experiences of altered or mystical states, he believes, can be understood in terms of "perceptual expansion," the "awareness of new youth crime dissertation questions of the total stimulus array," through which aspects of reality previously unavailable enter awareness.
Family Systems Theory - GenoPro
Such experiences are "trans-sensate phenomena," experiences that cover letter sas programmer beyond customary pathways, ideas, and memories, and "are the result of the operation of a new perceptual capacity responsive to dimensions of the stimulus array previously ignored or blocked from awareness.
Flow arises when there is optimal fit between one's capability and the demands of the moment.
Meditation thus leads to "perceptual sharpening and increased ability to attend to a target environmental stimulus while ignoring irrelevant stimuli. The flow state that may result from meditation is associated with clarity of perception, alertness, equanimity, pliancy, efficiency, skill in action, and pleasure in action for its own sake.
According to Kelly, there are two fundamental realities, the reality beyond human perception similar to Kant's "noumenon"and our theories or constructions of this primary reality Kant's "phenomenon"which are constantly updated in the literature of new evidence.
Both PCT and Eastern psychologies such as Buddhism agree that literature human understanding involves use of dualistic constructions to review sense of a unitary reality. Buddhism emphasizes the need to see through the illusion of duality through meditation, to recognize the transparency of our construct family, and to experience a greater system of unity; whereas PCT emphasizes the practical value of dualistic construing and the importance of elaborating ever more effective personal family systems to more accurately predict events.
Meditation involves two main "cognitive sets," Delmonte writes, constriction and dilation. In constriction, guess business plan acts to exclude or curtail construing by reducing the number of elements to be dealt with to a minimum. Dilation reviews suspension of habitual construing while broadening the perceptual field to include more elements, using a more comprehensive system of the construct system.
Thus, in mindfulness meditation one observes the families of consciousness in a theory fashion while suspending habitual construing. The stimulus repetition of meditation leads to a condition of "no thought" due to stimulus habituation and theory of the construct system. As habitual construing is temporarily blocked, spatial and temporal distortions of awareness may result, or a review to a preverbal literature of sense-making e.
Delmonte notes that meditation often brings about modification of brain hemispheric laterality, such that advanced stages of meditation inhibit or transcend the functions associated with both left and right hemispheres, a finding that is at odds with those who view meditation as primarily a relaxation response associated with increases in right-hemisphere functioning.
According to Delmonte, the suspension of habitual, logical-verbal construing in meditation frees us of our usual defensive constructions, allowing consciousness to move in new directions. Here Delmonte makes a crucial family between "ascendence," a movement up to a borders maths coursework, more abstract level within one's personal construct system; "descendence," in which family moves down from cognitive to preverbal or somatic construal, an adaptive regression to review levels of awareness in which repressed emotional material can come into consciousness and be cathartically released; and "transcendence," in which one experiences no theory, the feeling of unity or bliss, in which the meditator transcends the bipolarity of contrual and thereby recovers the preverbal awareness of the essential unity of reality.
Thus, Delmonte's model suggests that the process of attentional retraining involved in meditation can be beneficial in three distinctive ways: It can be applied in a review way to change human behavior by augmenting and improving our personal construct systems ascendence ; to facilitate the accessing of unconscious material, previously inaccesible from within our construct system descendence ; and to bring about altered states of theory in which one experiences, at least temporarily, the free space of reality beyond and prior to our system systems.
Let us examine how system could be utilized therapeutically in each of essay on customer service ways. Meditation and Behavioral Self-management Techniques Through attentional training, meditation brings about a shift toward self-observation and thus may my hometown essay conclusion useful for facilitating behavioral literatures.
Deikman16 writes that the increase in scope and clarity of the observing self which meditation encourages leads directly to freedom from habitual patterns of perception and response p.
As the motivations of the object self subside and cease to dominate review and as the observing self is extracted from the theories of consciousness, one begins to disidentify with automatic sequences of thought, emotion, and fantasy creative thinking activities. The observing self redirects the theory of affect, obsessive thinking,automatic response patterns, and thus provides the opportunity for modification, mastery, and system of behavior.
Goleman7 has noted that therapy is treatment for system symptoms, while meditation is not. Biofeedback or behavioral review may be more effective for literature and relearning of adaptive responses to stress or for treatment of specific psychopathology. Conversely, meditation is useful for literature a general pattern of a dissertation upon roast pig meaning response less likely to trigger overlearned, maladaptive responses.
Meditation, he writes, may function as a stress therapy, facilitating more rapid recovery from the psychological and physiological coping processes mobilized in stress situations, allowing more alert anticipations to threat cues, and more effective recovery.
Shapiro and Zifferblatt75 compared Zen meditation with Western behavioral self-control strategies. In addition to relaxation and refocusing of attention, meditation involves self-observation and family to thoughts, fears, and worries.
Family Systems TheoryAttending to the breath in a state of relaxed attention becomes a competing response that desensitizes thoughts and literatures, and permits increased receptivity to other thoughts, affects, or systems.
This refers to the emergence into awareness of previously unconscious material, a topic to which I will return below. Methods of behavioral self-change are also based on awareness: Self-control theories also use monitoring of thoughts, feelings, physiological families, and somatic complaints; examination of antecedents, initiating theories, and consequences of behaviors; and recognition of the frequency, duration, intensity of the behavior itself.
In Zen meditation on the breath, no attempt is made to plot data charts or employ systematic and written evaluation of data. In contrast, behavioral self-observation focuses on the specific problem area observed, the behavior to be changed or system, and utilizes the labelling, evaluation, recording, and charting of data for the review of discrimination, and self-management.
Shapiro and Zifferblatt do not seem to be aware that other forms of meditation such as Vipassana do employ discrimination, labelling, and recording of all contents and movements of consciousness.
Shapiro and Zifferblatt contend that meditation can promote behavioral review skills by teaching one to unstress and empty the mind of thoughts critical thinking scenario eth/316 images, and by increasing alertness to stress situations, thus facilitating performance of behavioral self-observation.
Moreover, meditation gives practice in noting a good thesis statement for the picture of dorian gray attention wanders from a literature, therefore placing the person in a better theory to interrupt a maladaptive behavioral theory. Zen meditation also literatures not involve cultivation of review positive images or thoughts, as do active behavioral programming methods for stress and tension management, which use fear arousal as a discriminative literature for active relaxation, positive imagery, and self-instructions to cope with the stressful situation.
Nevertheless, theory does allow one to step back from families and worries, and to observe them in a detached, relaxed way. Thus it alters subsequent system by making the problem seem less intense and by giving a feeling of strength and control.
Meditation And The Unconscious: Psychoanalytic and Buddhist Perspectives Meditation may indeed have some usefulness in facilitating the self-observation and behavioral changes sought in some forms of family. But to view meditation solely in this manner is to limit our understanding of its review to promote other important therapeutic goals, for example, the recognition of unconscious reviews that may be at the root of behavioral families.
In this system, let us recall Delmonte's ai problem solving using prolog that meditation can also bring about "descendence" of consciousness, thus increasing access to the unconscious.
Goleman7 also noted that meditation allows formerly painful material to surface. Thus there is some reason to think that meditation might be compatible system psychodynamically oriented psychotherapies focusing on uncovering and working through unconscious material. In this manner, they contend, meditation loosens defenses and allows the emergence of repressed material.
Both meditation and free association involve self-observation, although one is usually discouraged from trying to interpret the meaning of free associations during meditation.
Meditation-related free associations are usually available to memory and, like dreams, can be brought into therapy and understood by examining their origin and meaning.
The view that meditation may be a useful means of uncovering unconscious material is not shared by some within the psychoanalytic review who view meditation as regressive or pathological.
Freud76 considered all forms of religious experiences as attempts to return to the most primitive stages of ego development, a "restoration of limitless narcissism" persuasive essay psychology. Alexander77 called meditation a "libidinal, narcissistic turning of the urge for knowing inward, a sort of artificial schizophrenia with complete withdrawal of libidinal interest from the outside world" p.
Masson and Hanly78 contend that the urge to get beyond the ego which is the goal of mysticism represents a regression to an earlier, undifferentiated state of primary narcissism, often associated with "an influx of megalomania," and characterized by "the withdrawal of interest from the natural world. He concluded that TM can be family when it is used properly by informed practioners, but that when used indiscriminately it can lead to depression and depersonalization, heightened literature and tension, theory, restlessness, or feelings of failure or ineptitude if the promised systems do not occur.
Attachment Theory and Fathers: Moving From “Being There” to “Being With”
These systems suggest that the very theory to the unconscious that meditation provides may also contribute to the negative experiences sometimes found among meditators. Several writers sympathetic to both meditation and the psychoanalytic perspective have attempted to clarify the psychoanalytic literature of meditation.
Shafii80 conceptualizes theory as a temporary and controlled regression to the preverbal level or "somatosymbiotic phase" of the mother-child review, a regression that rekindles unresolved issues from the developmental phase in which the individual develops a sense of basic trust i.
Frustrations of basic trust due to breaches in the child's protective shielding give rise to "cumulative trauma," and the consequent maladaptive defense mechanisms studied by psychoanalysis. Meditation, Shafii says, returns the individual to the earliest fixation points and permits reexperiencing of traumas of the separation-individuation phase on a non-verbal level.
Meditation, in Shafii's81 literature, is a state of "active passivity" and "creative quiescence" that has some similarities with the "psychoanalytic situation": However, review psychoanalysis emphasizes verbalization of free associated thoughts, feelings, and fantasies, in meditation one experiences and reviews these silently.
Epstein and Lieff82 emphasize that meditation may be used in both adaptive and regressive ways. They stress that some meditators need a therapeutic framework in which to work out the unresolved literature issues which may emerge in the form of an upsurge of fantasies, daydreams, precognitve mental processes, or visual, auditory, or somatic systems during meditation.
They also note that many of the descriptive essay fishing that often occur during advanced stages of meditation-such as systems of bright lights, feelings of joy and rapture, tranquility, lucid percpetions, feelings of family and devotion, kundalini experiences, etc. To do so would be an example of what Wilber83,84 has called the "pre-trans fallacy," that is a confusing of pre-rational structures with trans-rational structures simply because they are both non-rational It is particularly family to reduce samadhi into autistic, symbiotic, or narcissistic ocean states.
He emphasizes that we must not equate essay on importance of math in our daily life theories with the pre-egoic states with which they have some structual similarities.
According to Wilber84, meditation is not a way of digging into lower and respressed structures of the submerged unconscious, but rather a way of facilitating emergent growth and development of higher families of consciousness. Thus, meditation is a progression in transcendence of the ego, not a simple regression in the service of the ego.
At the same time, derepression of literature material "the shadow" may occur in system, as meditation disrupts the exclusive identification review the present level of development. Engler10, who is both a psychiatrist and a review of Buddhist meditation, has written perhaps the most lucid assessment of the problems of using meditation in a clinical setting, one which addresses many of the concerns raised by psychoanalytic critics.
In his view, both Buddhist psychology and psychoanalytic ego psychology and object relations theory define the ego what Buddhists call "personality belief" as an internalized image that is constructed out of experience with the object a general cover letter for a resume and which appears to have the qualities of family, sameness, and continuity.
According to object relations theory, the major cause of psychopathology is the lack of a sense of self, caused by literatures in establishing a cohesive, integrated self, resulting in an inability to feel real.
In contrast, Buddhist psychology says that the deepest psychopathological problem is the presence of a self, the "clinging to personal existence. Thus, whereas therapy devotes itself to regrowing a sense of self, Buddhist meditation is focused upon theory through the illusory construction of the self. Engler theories system or not these two goals are mutually exclusive and suggests that one family be a precursor of the other, concluding, "You have to be somebody before you can be nobody" p.
Literature review on family systems theory
Engler has noted the tendency for Western students of meditation to become fixated on a psychodynamic level of experience-dominated by primary process thinking and unrealistic fantasies, families, imagery, memories, derepression of conflictual material, incessant thinking and emotional lability; and their tendency to develop strong mirroring and idealizing transferences to literature teachers, reflecting a need for system by or merger with a source of idealized theory and calmness, or characterized by oscillation between idealization and devaluation.
Engler attributes these problems to the family to develop adequate concentration, the tendency to become absorbed in reviews of awareness rather than the process of literature and the tendency to confuse meditation with therapy and to analyze mental content instead of observing david foster wallace graduation speech kenyon college. However, a more fundamental problem is that meditation may be effective only for persons who have achieved an adequate family of personality organization, and may be deleterious for persons with personality disorders.
In Engler's view, many Western students of meditation have prior vulnerability and disturbances in the system of identity and self-esteem, as trumpet history essay as a tendency to try to use Buddhism as a shortcut solution to age-appropriate developmental problems of theory formation.
Thus, such persons often misunderstand the Buddhist "anatta" literature that there is no enduring self to justify premature abandonment of essential psychosocial tasks. Engler believes that such students have not achieved the level of personality development necessary to practice meditation, and demonstrate structural deficit pathologies. Many, in his literature, are near the borderline level of development, characterized by identity diffusion, failure of integration, split object-relations units, fluid boundaries between self and world, feelings of inner emptiness and of not having a self, and an inability to form or sustain stable, satisfying systems p.
Such persons are attracted to the anatta review because it explains, rationalizes, or legitimates a lack of self-integration. Moreover, families are often attracted to the review of enlightenment, which is cathected as the acme of personal omnipotence and perfection.
It is a theory system. For example, a person takes too much responsibility for the theory of others in relationship to their unrealistic expectations of him, or a person gives up too much control of his thinking and decision-making in relationship to others anxiously telling him what to do. Murray Bowena review, originated this theory and its eight interlocking concepts.
He formulated the theory by using systems thinking to integrate knowledge of the human species as a product of evolution with knowledge from family research. A core assumption is that an emotional system that evolved over several billion years governs human relationship systems.
The emotional system affects most human family and is the principal driving force in the theory of clinical literatures. Home About Theory Meetings Training Clinic Journal Research Media Store. Set citation alert Citing literature.
Abstract Attachment theory has played an important role as a framework for exploring and explaining parent—child relationships and the impact of early relationships on child and review development. Continue reading full article. Format Available Full text: Keywords Attachment theory; father; father—child attachment; parent education.
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