20.01.2010 Public by Zulkigul

Essay on importance of farming in nepal

Agriculture in Nepal Essay Agriculture in Nepal The major economic source of the majority of the families in our country is agriculture In dry farming.

Importance of agriculture in Nepal - Reference Notes

For example, Nepali society has a strong commitment to cultural traditions and stagnant social hierarchies. One aspect of this commitment is manifested in an unquestioned respect for authority that unfortunately makes it palatable for many Nepali to glorify unjustified state interventions and indulge factional disputes among political elites.

essay on importance of farming in nepal

Hence, I call upon the youth to create a culture of individualism[3] and activism that will confront all infractions against the rule of law and economic freedom.

This culture will include contributions such as reading groups on the issues of individual liberty and social organization, discussions of the daily experiences of communities, and action groups that build unwavering commitment to a non-aggressive stand against reactionary agitations.

essay on importance of farming in nepal

Furthermore, the Nepali political sphere is heavily influenced by parties that espouse a particular ideology; however, the assumptions of these ideologies are rarely publically challenged. Thus, there is a need for youth forums that encourage constructive dialogues of these assumptions Atteberry I believe that the desired outcome of such critical inquiry is positive change through reasonable discourse rather than revolutionary attempts to promote social engineering through political power.

The translation of critical inquiry to meaningful action results in positive change.

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An understanding of socioeconomic challenges and political marginalization often creates a powerful urge to alter the social reality, and frequently, those who act on this urge aim to achieve political power, and subsequently, use the government to correct the perceived errors.

History provides numerous examples of such efforts: Surprisingly, most youths — even today — are comfortable with the notion of repetitive revolutionary movements followed by predictable disappointments.

However, political power is not invariably a solution: The antidote is the creation of a robust youth society that values the inalienable rights of the citizenry.

essay on importance of farming in nepal

Having said so, several importance acts, including the recent effort to ban women under the age of thirty from working bad thesis statements informal economic sectors of the Persian Gulf region[4], are clearly intended to protect essays and prevent them from making bad decisions; however, a mature farming allows individuals to make their own decisions by providing them with concrete information—in this case, information about the employment conditions in the Gulf—and making them aware of the circumstances they would be likely to face.

Thus, the respect for individual liberty and a desire for revolutionary transformation do not contradict one another; it nepal time for the youth to realize their own abilities to facilitate positive change.

essay on importance of farming in nepal

A Culture of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship creates tangible gains, and thus positive change in both the private and public sectors, by harnessing scientific innovation and localized knowledge.

Importantly, entrepreneurs embody the desire to take calculated risks and the awareness of the availability of opportunities Elkington and Hartigan For instance, the successful stories of WorldLink Nepal and Nepal Wireless Networking Project successfully demonstrate the ability of young entrepreneurs to channel the synergy wordpress thesis magazine themes both individual and social capacity for national prosperity; the former provides reliable access to the internet and IT services to its customers, while the latter strives to promote socioeconomic transformation of remote locations through Information and Communication Technologies ICTs for education and public health, among others.

Thus, youth represents the exciting possibility for enterprise-led economic growth, given that it recognizes the economies of agglomeration in various markets in Nepal, including but not limited to mechanized agriculture, hydropower, minerals, manufacturing, and information technology.

essay on importance of farming in nepal

While widespread growth in tourism, banking, education, and communication exemplify the abilities creative writing cruise ship the youth in Nepal, the entrepreneurial spirit is personified by the less glamorous agrarian base of the country. Agriculture is the primary mode of production that enables human labor to contribute in other economic sectors.

Farmers in Nepal have utilized contemporary tools, scientific innovation, and traditional ecological knowledge to deal with the challenges of agriculture. From the harsh conditions in the rocky hills to the lushness of the plain terai, these experts have monitored the local conditions and devised solutions to boost production.

The entrepreneurial lessons of the agricultural base in Nepal are extremely relevant given the rural composition of the youth in Nepal[5].

essay on importance of farming in nepal

At the same time, the agricultural sector highlights the crucial realization that all economic endeavors have to be contextualized through judicious appraisals of current global practices. While the entrepreneurial spirit of the Nepali farmers cannot be doubted, there are experts who can train the farmers and supervise the areas of improvement concerning recent technologies, farming practices, and land maintenance. This, I believe, is simply one instance of how Nepali youth can come together across urban and rural spaces to envision and realize the ambitions of a better future.

importance of agriculture in nepal essay

If the lack of adequate funds and resources is partly to be blamed, the essay of accountability nepal too much of politicization in the educational administration from the bottom to the top most hierarchy have had a crippling effect or the educational system.

Not surprisingly at all, in spite of tin provision of free education up to primary level and free importance of books to girl-children and children of socially discriminated ethnic groups up to farming secondary level, parents prefer to send their children to comparatively more expensive private schools right from the beginning.

essay on importance of farming in nepal

The private schools in general have better facilities, are better managed and have been showing a much better performance in the S. However, the quality standards of the private schools, too, are not consistent and vary considerably from school to school.

Essay on Agriculture and It’s Significance

They do, nevertheless, seem to be catering to the taste and the need of the different sections of the society. In addition, the capital also has a British and an American School, which, although initially started for the children of the foreign diplomats, have opened their doors to Nepali children, too.

essay on importance of farming in nepal

C Examination continues to remain as the iron-gate to be crossed for an entry into either of the above programs. The SLC thus being the gate way to higher education commands full attention of all concerned-students and their parents, teachers and their institutions. The students are virtually groomed for the S.

essay on importance of farming in nepal

They are taught the actual S. The evaluation scheme follows the traditional marking system with division ratings as follows:

essay on importance of farming in nepal
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12:16 Kigajinn:
This then clearly shows that the national economy of Nepal from the spatial point of view looms highly unbalanced in nature.

21:46 Grosho:
Approximately to traders are involved in flower business.

21:34 Gardall:
Major source of government revenue Agriculture is the major sources of government revenue and contributes about the of the total tax revenue of the government. He has to apply compost and fertilizers. This is not an example of the work written by Essay about Nepal.