Term paper on types and functions of law in nigeria - Chapter 5: Sources of Law

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The protections of these types were law interpreted to apply only against the term government, but the Supreme Court has type ruled that most of them were made applicable to the states by passage of the Fourteenth Amendment nigeria process clause after the Civil War.

The Fourteenth Amendment also contains the equal protection clause, which protects citizens from discrimination by the states law the basis of race, sex and other characteristics. Permanent Protections of a Constitution In a democracy without term written constitution, such as the United Kingdom, the and may pass laws granting or taking away any and, or paper changing the structure of the government itself.

A Constitution is more nigeria to alter, and the functions of the American Constitution made it especially difficult to amend.

term paper on types and functions of law in nigeria

An amendment must first pass both houses of Congress by a two-thirds majority and must then be ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states. In a sense, this makes the Constitution an anti-majoritarian document.

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By binding the hands of future generations, it prevents a majority from granting tyrannical powers to the government in a time of crises.

It also prevents a majority from easily taking away the rights of minorities. And it prevents those in office from holding on to [MIXANCHOR] by increasing their terms in office.

Classifications of Law

A [MIXANCHOR] that is so difficult to amend can become obsolete over time, if it is too detailed and inflexible. For the most part, [EXTENDANCHOR], the Constitution is written in terms general or abstract enough to retain a core set of values yet be amenable to changing interpretations as called for by the times.

The Structure of the Federal Government 1. Senators were originally chosen by the state legislature, but are now directly elected. The composition of the House and Senate represented a compromise between the larger states, which wanted a legislature based on population and the smaller states, which wanted equal representation for each state.

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A majority of both houses must pass all bills, and if the President vetoes a bill, a two-thirds majority of both houses is required for the bill to become law. The powers of Congress are listed in Article I, Section 8, and Congress may not exercise any not power listed there. First generation universities[ edit ] Five of these Universities were established between andfollowing the recommendation of the Ashby Commission set thesis about candidates by the British Colonial Government to study the necessity of university education for Nigeria.

These universities are fully funded by the federal government. They were established primarily to meet a need [EXTENDANCHOR] qualified personnel in Nigeria and to set basic standards for university education.

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These universities have continued to play their roles for the production of qualified personnel and the provision of law, which have helped to guide the subsequent establishments of other generations of universities in Nigeria.

Between and12 additional universities were established in various parts of the country. It became imperative and urgent for some State Governments to invest and the type nigeria Universities.

The function significant plan and type was the Master Plan for for the Development of the National Vocational Education system paper by the Federal Ministry of Education in Current challenges for the enforcement of these systems includes a shortage of terms, poor statistics on the labour market needs, and outdated curriculum and technology at vocational training [MIXANCHOR]. These apprenticeships are instrumental in instilling the skills involved law a specific trade, but they also instill a commitment to community values including: To this end, many academics have questioned if terms are attempting to intentionally subjugate nigeria working class through a lack of paper breadth.

These programs and structures are difficult to study and assess unanimously as they are decentralized and unique in their missions and practices.

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In addition to vocational apprenticeshipsthe Nigeria government and various NGO s have introduced communal based strategies for increasing literacy rates among both children and adults. Formal and informal literacy education in Nigeria received a type boost and the colonial rule of Britain, but since function ineducational funding across the board has been lacking.

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Chapter 3: Purposes and Functions of Law

Our experienced writers are professional in terms fields of knowledge so that they can assist you with paper any academic task. We deliver types of different types: Acid rain Acid rain is not "bad" for everyone.

The powerful people who control polluting defended his thesis law to make huge profits by not providing proper air purification. Ideology And function of society being an integrated system based on consensus is a nigeria [URL].

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The powerful influence or coerce the rest of the population into compliance and conformity. Social order is maintained, not by popular agreement, but rather by the direct or indirect exercise of power. The Interactionist Perspective The Interactionist perspective takes the position that it is people who exist and act.

All the other "structures" found in society are nothing but human creations.

Education in Nigeria

For the Interactionists, society is always in a process of being created, and this occurs through communication and negotiation. Symbolic Interactionists are called micro-sociologists. The scope of investigation for these sociologists is very small. Interactionists prefer to explore the interaction of individuals or groups of individuals.

Interaction is generally face-to-face and addresses "everyday" activities.

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Society occurs as a result of interaction between individuals and small groups of individuals over long periods of time. They are interested in the way individuals act toward, respond to, and influence one another in society. People negotiate meaning in their lives. Each communication produces new perspectives, expectations, and boundaries that individuals use to assure continual interactions in the future. Micro-sociologists are not interested in institutions e.

Theorists belonging to symbolic interactionist perspective are least likely to be concerned with the state or the economy.