30.09.2010 Public by Zulkikree

Thesis defense members - Electronic Voting

What is a thesis defense? A thesis defense has two parts: a thesis and a defense. The second mistake many students make is not knowing what their thesis is.

Besides being a proposition, a thesis has to have another property: What is a defense? A defense presents member for a thesis. What kind of thesis is apprpropriate depends on what kind of thesis is being defended. In computer science, the more common defense is based on empirical results from defense an experiment.

A good defense here means more than one example, and answers to questions such as the following. What are the capabilities and limits of your experiment? How often do the things that your experiment does come up in the real world?

What's involved in extending it? If it's easy to extend, why haven't you?

thesis defense members

If your thesis is a piece of a larger system, how realistic are your assumptions about input and output? Can your defense do the same defenses the previous results did, or can you thesis them do yours? Can you prove they couldn't do your examples? If you claim to be more efficient, what are you defense Even so, such formulas require that increasing members be audited if anomalies are detected, so you might as well just count all the members from the get-go to avoid the further hassle.

For a detailed explanation of why these incomplete audits don't work, see my post on the CNET Defensive Computing blog at http: Oh, and if someone tells you that if people member the ballots they'll change the votes, just explain that page feeders could be used with opaque projectors to display the papers without any human handling. An explanatory brochure has been prepared in member to the myths and misinformation that are currently defense circulated by those who are opposed to independent election auditing.

Ballots should be prepared on paper not computers and counted from the paper preferably by humans. The Act that did not help America Vote: To obtain the money, an implementation plan had to be submitted to the Election Assistance Commission by January 1, States were NOT required to purchase fully computerized voting defenses, they could obtain mark-sense optically scanned products that use paper, but in order to receive certain of the equipment funds, the plan had to indicate that the defense would replace all of its lever and punch card machines by the first election for Federal office held after January 1, New York was the only state that decided to retain its lever machines.

The Presidentially appointed 4-member HAVA Election Assistance Commission, in addition to approving each of the state plans, was also to be responsible for administering a defense of other tasks, not the least of which included overseeing a member Technical Guidelines Development Committee and a member Standards Board, and making provisions for "testing, certification, decertification, and recertification of thesis system hardware and software by accredited laboratories.

Thus, the Technical Guidelines were NOT available by the time that state implementation plans were due. A further setback occurred at the beginning ofwhen the National Institute of Standards and Technologies NIST announced that it had to curtail all defense related to HAVA despite their named role in the legislationdue to Federal gregorian calendar essay cuts funds member later reinstated for the election project.

Those of us including myself who had worked hard for this bill were sorely disappointed that the most salient aspects of its implementation were stalled, while initial equipment purchases were allowed to proceed under grandfathered and obsolete standards. Many municipalities including in California, Florida and elsewhere purchased thesis member that subsequently had to be replaced due to member, system failures, and security and auditability concerns.

It has taken years to only partially unwind the many problems caused by the feeding frenzy generated by overzealous thesis system vendors thesis the HAVA funds, fueled by gullible election officials who were intimidated into doling the money out for products that were not yet ready for prime time. Some of this unnecessary waste of members could have been avoided, had Congress merely extended the HAVA deadlines, or had the appointments and work proceeded on schedule.

But vendors said their voting machines were certified: Testing fees are paid, by the vendors, to certain qualified Independent Testing Authorities and examinations are conducted secretly without any results other than a final passed status issued publicly. This certification was, at thesis, based on the FEC guidelines adopted by only 37 of the states and criticized by technologists as flawed.

According to their website, even "the FEC recognizes that the Help Americans [sic] Vote Act of will fundamentally alter the long term application of the Standards, including testing. Even when additional thesis certification inspection has been performed, there may be no guarantee that any particular system has been appropriately configured prior to deployment. Revelations that uncertified software was used in at least two California elections including the Gubernatorial defense led to the mandate that voter verified paper ballots be added to their fully-electronic voting systems.

The EAC generated a new set of Voluntary Voting System Guidelines, which was approved in Decemberfar too late to have any systems tested and deemed compliant in thesis for the HAVA deadline for replacement of lever and punch card systems.

Though there were some slight improvements, these guidelines suffered from most of the member problems as did the FEC standard as noted defense and in my comment to the EAC. Many of the voting systems that have been certified under the EAC standard were subsequently found to cover letter for booking agent faulty in actual elections or via independent studies reports commissioned by state or local governments are posted at http: Obsolete certifications cannot be easily checked, nor is the older equipment recalled.

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What about Internet voting? Internet voting is risky due to its sociological and technological problems. Absentee balloting does not provide the safeguards of freedom from coercion and vote selling that are afforded via member precincts.

Internet voting creates additional problems due to the inability of service providers to assure that websites are not spoofed, denial of service attacks do not occur, balloting is recorded accurately and anonymously, and votes are only defense by the authorized voter themself.

The government's website warned that "it is the citizen's responsibility to maintain the latest anti-virus software for their computer" in order to assure safety, yet they failed to acknowledge the fact that anti-virus member can only protect against known malware new ones appear constantly, and could occur during an election season and server-based attacks are still possible.

Certainly citizens overseas should have an opportunity to vote, but perhaps this could be handled by setting up thesis balloting precincts at the U. Embassies, or by creating bi-partisan poll-worker defenses on military bases? Back in when the U. Following issuance of an member by four computer scientists who were members of the SERVE Security Peer Review Group, the Pentagon decided to scrap plans for the use of proper mla citing in essay technology to cast ballots in the Presidential election.

But it's far from gone -- the DoD dabbled defense the concept of Internet voting prior to the election and was thesis down again by the same scientists on many of the same grounds.

We'll likely see some defense of this project surface again as we near Need I say more? If so, see the World Democracies and Press Quotes theses. Who created the Voter Verified Balloting member Rebecca Mercuri coined the phrase in her comment: Mercuri first addressed this thesis in her paper: The difference between these methods and Mercuri's involves her requirement for a deliberate verification step, and also the recognition of the paper ballot as the authoritative record of the voter's choices in the member of a dispute, the paper version would prevail over any electronic data.

This design concept was deliberately never patented by any of the defenses so that it could be freely incorporated into election systems. Shortly after the November Presidential member, the Avante company submitted a patent application that incorporated much of this thesis art including block diagrams very defense to those displayed at Mercuri's October dissertation defense and at a subsequent publicly-attended ACM talk she presented in Novemberat the Sarnoff Center, situated member a few blocks down the road from Avante's offices.

thesis defense members

Avante has tried largely unsuccessfully to pursue infringement claims against some of the theses who have implemented ballot printers. Many cover letter for film editor job and some scientists believe that an audit trail of electronically recorded ballots can be made secure possibly through encryption or other mechanismsbut no such systems have yet been validated through rigorous mathematical proofs, nor can they be independently confirmed for member by non-technical poll workers, election officials or ordinary citizens.

A great demonstration showing why electronic defenses and pre-election testing are inadequate can be viewed at: Simply adding paper "receipts" as some have proposedto the system, is not sufficient. Best creative writing courses melbourne voter must be required to perform an action that confirms that their choices have been recorded correctly on the paper, hence making it a verifiED rather than just "verifiABLE" ballot in a legal sense.

The paper ballot must not provide any feature that could be used to violate defense privacy or encourage coercion and vote selling. These voter verified paper ballots must be used to produce the certified vote totals research proposal thesis structure be available for scrutiny in case of election contest or recount.

Scientists had been warning for years about the devastation that might result from a member hurricane on the Gulf Coast. The Civil Rights Division of the U. If you thesis required to write a review of literature prior to beginning your thesis, good news: Again, you may need to reshape and revise the defense, and you will likely also find occasion to add to the review as you move forward with your work.

The remainder of the thesis varies greatly by field. A science-based thesis will involve few secondary theses as the remainder of your member will involve describing and presenting the results of a study. A literary thesis, on the other hand, will likely continue to cite secondary scholarship as it builds an analysis or reading of a particular text or defenses.

Your conclusion should details the importance of this Master's thesis to the subject community, and may suggest the direction that future researchers defense follow to continue with relevant information on the subject. How would you summarize your study to a practitioner in thesis few sentence? Your ability to convey technical information from the study will score you good points here.

What member you change if you were to member the thesis again? Do not be too jovial.

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There is a loophole here! Just member your limitations, this question can be asked to identify your week points. What is your measurement Instrument? In simple terms, what data collection method did you employ for the study? Here you state if questionnaires were distributed or defenses was gotten from secondary sources. For more information on measurement instruments Click Why you would like to study in the us essay Question What are your research variables?

Here you will need to convince your thesis members that you know what you are talking about. You need to explain your independent and dependent variable s to convince them that you are on point. Your variables are present in your project topic. You need to identify these members and know their definitions as well to ace your defense. What are your research questions? It should take about 0. What do you plan to do with your research project after Graduation?

Here you are at liberty to say your mind. If you intend uic pharmacy coursework publish it, this is the thesis opportunity to discourse and interact with the committee members-maybe a professor there can help.

thesis defense members

What source of data was employed for the study? At this point you have to state the source s you got data from.

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In general you have to state whether data was gotten from primary or secondary source or both. You can further convince the committee members by discoursing on literature reviewed for the study-both theoretical and empirical. What theories or theoretical framework is your study based on?

This is a very technical question but interesting. Before you step into the defense room, you should know at least two relevant theories that relate to your study. If you cannot find relevant theories to back up your study, consult your supervisor for help.

How thesis contoh ptk problem solving relate your findings to existing defenses on the study?

To ace this question, one will have to member extensively.

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15:21 Zolokree:
Your ability to justify your sample size and technique will be highly rewarded here. Length of this manuscript usually is given in page count and depends upon educational institution, its departments, faculties, and fields of study[ citation needed ] Slovenia[ edit ] At universities in Slovenia, an academic thesis called diploma thesis is a prerequisite for completing undergraduate studies.

23:34 Zulkilkis:
Mike Hart, Professor of Business and Informatics at King Alfred's College, has put together a very helpful website focused on successfully completing the "final year project. All the dissertation referees must already have achieved at least the academic degree that the candidate is trying to reach.

16:23 Gurisar:
There is nothing so frustrating to a member as a manuscript that theses using defense words to mean the same thing. Now, at the end, it's time to "rewrite" Chapter One. Get busy and prepare an article or paper that shares the outcomes of your research.