10.04.2010 Public by Zulkikree

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introduction to computer essay questions

Bill has set up a spreadsheet in Excel that will help him keep track of expenses. So far, he has this: Tell Bill how to do the following tasks: Tell Bill what to put in Column G to do this: He thinks that in a few weeks, he will need to hire one or two employees to help him.

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He knows that each new employee will need their own computer. InWilhelm Schickard made a mechanical calculator. Other Europeans made more calculators after him. They were focus research paper modern computers because they could only add, subtract, and multiply- you could not change what they did to make them do something like play Tetris.

introduction to computer essay questions

Because of this, we say they were not programmable. Now engineers use computers to design and plan.

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InJoseph Marie Jacquard used punched paper cards to tell his textile loom what kind of pattern to weave. He could use punch cards to tell the loom what to do, and he could change the punch cards, which means he could program the loom to weave the pattern he wanted.

This means the loom was programmable.

introduction to computer essay questions

Charles Babbage wanted to make a similar machine that could calculate. He called it "The Analytical Engine". As time went on, computers were used more.

introduction to computer essay questions

People get bored easily doing the same thing over and over. Imagine spending your life writing things down on index cards, storing them, and then having to go find them again. Census Bureau in had hundreds of people doing just that.

introduction to computer essay questions

It was expensive, and reports took a long time. Then an engineer worked out how to make machines do a lot of the work. Herman Hollerith invented a tabulating machine that would automatically add up information that the Census bureau collected. They leased the machines instead of selling them.

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13:31 Julkree:
It starts the communication with another computer when an application starts.