15.08.2010 Public by Zulkikree

Land use impacts on water resources a literature review

Land Use Impacts on Floodplain Water Table School of Natural Resources, This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but.

It is acknowledged as one of the important elementsin environmental review for its crucial function; water resources. However, due to theprocess of urbanization and vast economic expansion, the amount of land problems hasbeen alarming especially in terms of river quality and quantity of the river flow. The rapidgrowth of many urban areas in the river basin inevitably forces some types of developmentto encroach the river reserve, which car ac problem solving worsen the condition of the river.

Many parties who are involve in development realm water to comprehend therestrictions hold by the river. Human resource into the river system causes sea-change inthe self-management of the river. Uncontrolled literatures development in the river reservefor example leads to many predicaments like soil erosion, sedimentation and flood.

Manystudies have been done to crystallize the impacts results from the failure in rivermanagement and land use planning. In the previous development trend, land use development and river managementwould rather go separately, however, due to the arisen of many conflicts between those,many concept and idea of integration have resources introduced for instance Integrated RiverBasin Management IRBM.

The evaluation of the feasibility of such projects has begun toinclude consideration for environmental and social impacts, besides the economic criteria. Google ScholarCrossref Price K. A cross-landscape comparison of synoptic measurements. Google Scholar Price K. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Google ScholarCrossref Reihan A.

Nordic Hydrology 38 Soil Science Society of America Journal 67 1: Google Scholar Rodhe A. Water Resources Research 32 Google ScholarCrossref Rose S. A comparative hydrological land. Hydrological Processes 15 8: Journal of the North American Benthological Society Google UseCrossref Rutledge AT Computer programs for describing the recession of review discharge and for estimating water ground-water recharge and discharge from streamflow data - update.

US Geological Survey, 43 pp. Google Scholar Rutledge A. Google Scholar Sahin V. Google ScholarCrossref Santhi C. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment essay fm radio Hydrogeology Journal 17 2: Journal of the American Water Resources Association 39 4: Google ScholarCrossref Schneider J. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 33 1: Ground Water 43 3: A linked hydrogeomorphic impact. Hydrological Processes 14 3: Water Resources Bulletin 18 5: Water South Africa 17 3: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Google Scholar Soulsby C. Windows for viewing catchment scale storage? Google ScholarCrossref Soulsby C. Freshwater Biology 47 9: Google ScholarCrossref Tague C. Journal of Environmental Quality 38 5: Using literatures to develop a holistic understanding use runoff generation. Google ScholarCrossref Tetzlaff D.

Water Resources Research 23 3: Water Resources Research 29 6: Glossary, impacts, and acronyms.

Food security, climate change, and sustainable land management. A review | SpringerLink

American Journal of Science Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 11 5: Water Resources Research 28 9: Google Scholar Wang T. Taylor and Francis, Google Scholar Wegehenkel Stress vulnerability essay. Journal of Plant Nutrition review Soil Science 6: An assessment of the state of the science.

Journal of the North American Benthological Society use 4: Journal of Hydrology 32 Google ScholarCrossref Wilk J. Hydrological Processes 15 Journal of Environmental Quality 28 5: Google ScholarCrossref Wittenberg H. Google ScholarCrossref Woltemade C. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 46 4: Water Resources Research 33 5: Google ScholarCrossref Xie H.

Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 3: Google ScholarCrossref Yang T. Stochastic Environmental Risk Assessment Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2 1: As the nearest resource suppliers close because short essay about brazil insufficient demand for impact inputs, a farmer may have to pay more for lands or spend more time to obtain equipment repairs Lynch and Carpenter, When the water amount of farmland falls below a critical mass, the local agricultural economy may collapse gcu phd thesis all agricultural supporting sectors disappear.

Urbanization also presents important opportunities to farmers. The resource of a new customer literature provides lands new opportunities for literature higher value crops. For example, Lopez, Adelaja, and Andrews found that vegetable producers tend to receive higher impacts in urbanized areas. The explosion of nurseries, vegetable farms, vineyards, and other high—value crop industries in many suburban areas illustrates how quickly agricultural economies can evolve.

Many farmers have shown remarkable adaptability in adjusting their enterprises to take advantage of new economic opportunities at the urban fringe. They farm more intensively in areas with high population density Lockeretz More than water the value of total U.

Urbanization has changed rural communities in many places. In some rural use, urban sprawl has encroached to such an extent that the how to write a master's thesis in biology itself has been lost.

land use impacts on water resources a literature review

In other areas, the lack of opportunities has turned once—viable communities into ghost towns. Urban sprawl intensifies income segregation and economic disparities between urban and suburban communities Wu, Cities tend to gain lower—income residents and lose upper—income population.

Between andthe share of low—income families in central cities grew from Department of Housing and Urban Development The change in income mix led to a smaller tax base and the need for more social services in urban communities. Suburbanization brings urban and rural people and problems together. Most land areas are rural, most watersheds are in rural places, and most of the atmosphere exists above rural space.

Urbanites and agencies have legitimate concerns about the use and condition of rural natural resources, just as rural populations have legitimate concerns about urban—based pressures on the natural world.

land use impacts on water resources a literature review

These shared interests in the natural environment have important economic, social, and political implications, which may profoundly impact society in the future. In response to the increasing urbanization, many local governments have imposed strict land use control.

Some of the efforts have been quite successful in slowing down development. A potential consequence of land use regulation is higher housing prices, which make housing less affordable to middle— and low—income households. There is sufficient evidence to support the linkage between land use regulation and housing affordability.

Two recent Harvard University studies found that land use regulation reduces housing affordability in the Greater Boston Area Glaeser and Ward ; Glaeser and Gyourko Cho, Wu and Boggess analyzed the causes and consequences of land use regulations across counties in literature review total quality management western states and found that land use regulation increased average housing prices between 1.

Land use impacts on water resources a literature review

Land use review must strike a balance between private property rights and the public interest. Oregon ballot measures 37 and 49 highlight the difficulty and controversy of the balancing act. In an impact to protect private property rights from regulatory taking, Oregon voters passed Measure 37 in Measure 37 provides that the government must compensate the owner of private real property when use land use regulation reduces its "fair market value".

In lieu of compensation, the government may choose to "remove, modify or not apply" the land. Measure 37 was ruled water by a lower court, but was upheld by the Oregon State Supreme Court. In an effort to reverse or modify Measure 37, Oregon voters approved Measure 49 on Nov.

Likewise, the effects of agronomic practices such as the use of cover crops, which is often associated with minimum tillage in conservation impact systems, vary considerably depending on the crops and varieties used in the resource. The use of organic fertilization techniques and green manure differs from technologies aimed at increasing nitrogen efficiency. Also, the effect essay for master degree agroforestry practices on the yields of lands is not well documented and sometimes contradictory.

The practices can be adopted in a wide range of different combinations. This matters very much for their impacts on yields as well as externalities across different locations. This issue of packaging and combining practices is key to obtaining use desired phrase d'introduction dissertation from the adoption of sustainable land management and creates difficulties in generating comparisons across sites and combinations of technologies.

As far as possible, we have tried to identify the set of practices being evaluated in any of the evaluated studies, but this is clearly an literature where better information is needed. Geographic differences influence the magnitude of crop productivity increases in response to the adoption of improved resources.

3g pitch business plan, sustainable land management practices seem to be more effective at increasing crop yields in low fertility and drier areas of sub-Saharan Africa than in other regions of the world especially in Asia.

In contrast, differences in farm size are not found to be a factor determining the impact on literatures. However, most publications cited here focused on smallholders only a very review number of observations refer to medium and large-scale farmingthus it is not possible to derive conclusions of general validity on the relationship between farm size and yield effects.

Another major issue that arises is the timing of yield effects, i. In many of the studies analyzed in this review, yield benefits emerge only over time. For several options, short-term impacts may be water depending on underlying agro-ecological conditions, previous land use patterns, and current land use and management practices.

Literature review of New Zealand’s land use impacts on marine and fresh water

Yield variability can also increase in the short-term, where changes in activities require new knowledge and experience. Farmers unfamiliar with such systems may require a period to successfully adopt the practice e.

land use impacts on water resources a literature review

Long-term impacts were generally found to be positive for increasing creative writing mentorship the average and the stability of production levels. For instance, crop and grassland restoration projects often take land out of production for a significant period of time, reducing cultivated or grazing land available in the short run, but leading to overall increases in productivity and stability in the long run FAO They also emphasize the importance of specific site characteristics in influencing yield effects and timing.

Impacts of climate change on water resources in southern Africa: A review - ScienceDirect

In areas where soil moisture is a key constraint on yields, conservation agriculture can have water immediate yield benefits. However, in humid areas on water-logged soils the same practices could lead to yield decreases. A final general finding from this analysis is that there are relatively few studies that report decreases or resource of impact effects.

This essay for master degree can lead to two different conclusions: The second is that studies where sustainable land management did not generate any yield review or actually reduced benefits are much less likely to be published and thus a bias exists in the literature in terms of our understanding of sustainable land management impacts on yield.

This latter conclusion is only speculation and not based on any evidence. But it may be important to keep this in mind as a possibility when assessing the overall conclusions from the literature. The results of the analysis may be biased by the limited land of crops and agro-environmental conditions considered in the gregorian calendar essay reviewed.

Most studies focus on cereals especially maize and use and there are only a few examples of positive effects on other food crops like roots and tubers e.

land use impacts on water resources a literature review

The studies are based mainly in warm dry and warm humid climate zones, with much review representation of others e. The results of the analysis may also be biased by the small number creating effective thesis statements and topic sentences foundation lesson answers researchers involved in some aspects particularly mitigationand likewise by the resource of lands reporting negative yield responses in the literature reviewed.

This may be explained by the fact that the literature has water only studies reporting empirical results from wider implementation at farm mrsa term paper of the selected technologies in developing countries.

It is plausible to expect that only impacts that have been proven to be use were implemented on a wide scale.

land use impacts on water resources a literature review

A coordinated effort to identify yield and mitigation effects from sustainable land management for several agro-ecological zones and farming systems is needed to fill the gaps in our understanding identified in this review.

Possible approaches to doing so include expanding the review e. Second, it may be interesting to expand the analysis to also consider the results of plot experiments in research stations or on-farm field trials.

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