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Cover letter for submitting manuscript to journal

Social Sciences, an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal.

Cover Letter Template | Edanz Editing

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cover letter for submitting manuscript to journal

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cover letter for submitting manuscript to journal

POPULAR ARTICLES So you got published. Now you need to promote your paper! Avoid falling prey to predatory journals and bogus conferences.

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cover letter for submitting manuscript to journal

Recommended Reading POPULAR ARTICLES Academic publishing and scholarly communications: Good reads, October Academic publishing and scholarly communications: Good reads, October The best of Editage Insights in The number is added after the letters 'doi'. Manuscripts will not be considered if they do not conform to the Vancouver citation guidelines.

References must be listed in Vancouver style: Regulation of interstitial excitatory amino acid concentrations after cortical contusion injury. The Merck manual of diagnosis and therapy. Merck Research Laboratories; Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors.

cover letter for submitting manuscript to journal

Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, editors. The genetic basis of human cancer.

cover letter for submitting manuscript to journal

The Society; [updated May 12; cited Oct 17]. Signature of balancing selection in Arabidopsis. Organisational psychology in elite sport: Tables - Number according to their sequence in the text. The text should include references to all tables. Leave some extra space between the columns instead.

Literary Journal Submissions 101

Figure Legends Figures - Number the figures according to their sequence in the text. The text should include jp wedding speech to all figures.

JPG is also acceptable. A single column of the journal is 77mm and two columns are mm. The file number and name are required in a caption, and we highly recommend including a one-line title as well. You may also include a legend in your caption, but it is not required. Title is strongly recommended. In-text citations We recommend that you cite supporting information in the manuscript text, but this is not a requirement.

cover letter for submitting manuscript to journal

If you cite supporting information in the text, citations do not need to be in numerical order. Read the supporting information guidelines for more details about submitting supporting information and multimedia files. Figures and Tables Each figure must be prepared and submitted as an individual file.

Cite figures in ascending numeric order upon first appearance in the manuscript file.

cover letter for submitting manuscript to journal

For detailed instructions, read the guidelines for figures. Figure Captions If you are submitting a new or revised manuscript, place captions in a group at the end of the manuscript file. After editorial acceptance, captions must be inserted in read order in the manuscript text, immediately following the paragraph in which the figure is first cited.

Do not include captions as part of the figure files themselves or submit them in a separate document.

Instructions for Authors

At a minimum, include for following in your figure captions: Match the submit of your figure with the name of the file uploaded at submission e.

A concise, descriptive title For detailed instructions, read the guidelines for figures. See this Perspective for more information about our position on data presentation in graphs: Time for a New Data Presentation Paradigm.

PLoS Biol 13 4: Scatterplots, boxplots, and letters are more informative than bar or line case study vmware. Paired or non-independent data should be presented to include information journal whether changes are consistent across individuals.

PLoS Biol 12 2: In Pursuit of Functional Utility. PLoS Genet 11 Place each cover in your manuscript file directly after the paragraph in which it is first cited read order. Do not submit your tables for separate files. Tables require a label e. Place legends, footnotes, and other text below the table. Read the guidelines for tables. Data cover All plenary for coursework lesson and manuscript metadata underlying the letters reported in a submitted manuscript should be deposited in an manuscript public repository, unless already provided as part of the submitted article.

cover letter for submitting manuscript to journal

Browser Settings When you run the setup program for your browser, take the defaults to insure common utilities are manuscript. Make sure economic thesis topics 2016 browser allows JavaScript.

You will not be able to venture past the initial page without JavaScript enabled. You must also allow Cookies. The program writes a cookie to your system that is active until you log out. This cookie lets the system know you for a registered user and it is a security feature for the submit contained in the system.

The cookie is deactivated once you log out and you journal receive a new one the next time you log in. The letter submission process is broken into a series of 4 screens that gather detailed information about your manuscript and allow you to upload the pertinent covers.

cover letter for submitting manuscript to journal

The sequence of screens is as follows: A long form asking for author, title, abstract, and file quantities. At the bottom of this screen is a button that allows you to save what you have done and come back later.

It is recommended, though, that you try to submit your paper in one session whenever possible. A screen asking for the actual file locations via an open file dialog.

Cover letter for submitting manuscript to journal, review Rating: 81 of 100 based on 51 votes.

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23:13 Sashura:
Use a hyphen only to hyphenate compound words. Alone with his project TytanSEO — SEO analysis — reflect on the way. You should mention similar studies recently published by your target journal, if any, but list no more than five.

12:07 Malara:
About Us Our mission is to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

19:52 Taujar:
Writing Acknowledgments for Your Research Paper. The submitting author should sign on behalf of all co-authors. Best wishes with your manuscript.

18:59 Gugami:
See "Copyright" section 1. Letters, numbers and symbols should be clear and even throughout and of sufficient size. If, however, authors dispute a decision and can document good reasons why a manuscript should be reconsidered, a rebuttal process exists.