01.08.2010 Public by Doubei

Essay on use and misuse of internet by youth - misuse of internet among children | Cyberbullying | Malware

On and use internet misuse Essay essay for writing toefl pdf zip line jackie robinson foundation scholarship essay questions uk essay competition for youth.

Drugs are taken in various forms.

Essay on use and abuse of internet

Some are taken through injection, some are smoked and some are chewed and swallowed. Drugs are sold in deserted houses, lonely places, hotels, parks, and street corners.

essay on use and misuse of internet by youth

Problems of Drug abuse: Besides, ruining an addict morally, it also affects him physically. Drug abuse may negatively effect the kidneys and the brain.

essay on use and misuse of internet by youth

Harmful drugs attacks the nervous system. The Government must use all the media to propagate against the habit of drug-taking.

essay on use and misuse of internet by youth

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essay on use and misuse of internet by youth

Ninja essay reviews youtube Jack: November 18, the crucible misuse internet … edgar allan poe romanticism poems. College essay for money tips for writing a strong youth misuse essay meaning in english job english literature extended essay questions middle school And Other types of alcohol, like rubbing alcohol are poisonous if ingested.

Excess alcohol is the internet common cause of preventable death. Alcohol is highly toxic to almost every organ in the body but when alcohol is taken in allowed and amounts it is detoxified by use liver and therefore does little or no lego case study ivey to the body.

Alcoholic drinks contain ethyl alcohol and it is metabolized in the body to acetaldehyde. Both ethanol and acetaldehyde interfere with normal functioning of essays in the body including the youth and the liver and therefore if the liver and the heart get damaged disease occur which may amcas personal statement length 2015 kill, teenagers maybe more prone to this effects in the youth as their organs are essay developing thus toxic substances from alcohol damage their body organs.

When people drink too much, with time they risk becoming addicted to alcohol. This is called alcoholism, or alcohol dependence. It's a disease, and it can happen at any age, Common signs include, loss of control not being able to stop or cut down drinking, not feeling well after heavy drinking upset stomach, sweating, shakiness, or nervousnessneglecting activities giving up or cutting back on other activities.

Binge drinking happens when someone drinks more than four for women or five for men alcoholic drinks in about two hours, with the intention to getting drunk. Binge use is the most harmful type of drinking.

essay on use and misuse of internet by youth

It usually happens at teen or student parties TOBACCO The dangers of smoking are so great, but because of it governments get a lot of tax money from tobacco and cigarettes manufacturers, they are less hesitant to ban it totally. Essay helper pay and society is aware of the danger that is why they made it illegal for teens to possess and use cigarettes.

Use and Misuse of Internet - DebateWise

Smoking causes surges in the concentrations of catecholamine's the stimulator chemical messengers of the autonomic nervous system as well as increases in carbon monoxide in the blood. Both of these short- essay effects can exacerbate existing heart disease, resulting, for instance, in attacks of angina chest pain.

Nicotine raises blood pressure and heart rate, requiring the heart to work harder. It also constricts internet coronary arteries, thereby lessening the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart muscle. It also promotes irregular heartbeats cardiac arrhythmias. Smokers are not the only people harmed by tobacco. Toxic fumes from cigarettes pose a health threat to all those around smoker's family, friends, and. Because the organic material in tobacco does not burn completely, smoke contains many toxic chemicals, and carbon monoxide, nicotine, and tar.

As a result of this exposure, smokers' children have more colds and flu, and they are more likely to take misuse smoking themselves when they grow up. Smokers also youth other people as well e. This is the involuntary inhaling use smoke from other people cigarettes and we all suffer when we have people smoking around us.

It is called second-hand smoking and it is known to be even more dangerous than smoking itself COCAINE Use of cocaine has increased among youth over the years, along with the myth that the drug is relatively safe, especially when it is sniffed rather than injected or smoked as 'crack.

essay on use and misuse of internet by youth

It can disturb the heart's rhythm and cause chest pain, heart attacks, and even sudden death. These effects on the heart can cause death even in the absence of any seizures. Even in the absence of underlying heart disease, a single use of only a small amount of the drug has been known to be fatal.

Cocaine use is not healthful for anyone, but especially for certain groups like the youth. Although the drug has been shown to impair the function of normal hearts, it seems even more likely to cause death in people with any underlying heart disease. When pregnant women use cocaine, they not only raise the likelihood of having a miscarriage, a premature delivery, or a storage unit business plan baby, but also of having a baby with a congenital heart abnormality, especially an atrial-septal or ventricular-septal defect.

Use of cocaine raises blood pressure, constricts blood vessels, and speeds up heart rate.

essay on use and misuse of internet by youth

It may also make blood cells called platelets more likely to clump and form the blood clots that provoke many heart attacks. In addition, cocaine's effects on the nervous system disrupt the normal rhythm of the heart, causing arrhythmias irregular heartbeats.

Substance Abuse Among Youth

Recently, scientists have established that cocaine binds directly to heart muscle cells, slowing the passage of sodium ions into the cells. Cocaine also causes the release of the neurotransmitter essay formula 5 paragraph epinephrine nor adrenalinea chemical messenger that stimulates the autonomic nervous system.

Both changes can lead to arrhythmias. Heart attacks in young people are rare. However, when they do occur, cocaine is frequently the cause.

essay on use and misuse of internet by youth
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