21.03.2010 Public by Doubei

Keystone xl case study - Case Study: Keystone - Keystone Pipeline

Few domestic policy issues have prompted more controversy recently than whether to build the Keystone XL Butler professor of environmental studies Michael B.

Keystone XL Pipeline Case Solution & Analysis- mixedmartialartscamp.com

TransCanada applies for Keystone XL route approval in Nebraska. Modern energy infrastructure for America.

keystone xl case study

Have a question about Keystone XL? Safety is our top priority on Keystone XL.

keystone xl case study

Keystone XL Pipeline Project The Keystone XL Project is a proposed inch-diameter crude oil pipeline, beginning in Hardisty, Alberta, and extending south to Steele City, Nebraska. What is Keystone XL? The project is committed to: The Missouri, Yellowstone, and Platte Rivers all provide habitat for threatened and endangered species including the pallid sturgeon, the interior least tern, and the piping plover.

keystone xl case study

A major spill in one of these rivers could pose a significant threat to these species. The benzene released by the worst-case spill to groundwater in the Sandhills region of Nebraska would be sufficient to contaminate 4.

This water could form a plume 40 feet thick by feet wide by 15 miles long. This plume, and other contaminant plumes from the spill, would pose serious health risks to people using that groundwater for drinking water and irrigation.

keystone xl case study

Introduction TransCanada is seeking U. The Clean Water Act CWA also requires TransCanada to estimate the potential worst-case discharge from a rupture of the pipeline and to pre-place adequate emergency equipment 3 and personnel to respond to a worst-case discharge and any smaller spills.

Solyndra and Keystone XL: A case study of skewed coverage at Politico

The Keystone XL environmental assessment documents e. It is widely recognized that the environmental assessment documents for the Keystone XL pipeline are inadequate, and that they do not properly evaluate the keystone environmental impacts that may be caused by cases from the pipeline e. The purpose of this paper is to present an independent assessment of the potential for leaks from the pipeline and the study for environmental damage from those leaks.

keystone xl case study

But this case is a little different. Instead, the company has invoked a little-known treaty enforcement mechanism, buried in the North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTAcalled Investor-State Dispute Settlement.

Those legal challenges are not considered under U.

keystone xl case study

The case is also included in the two, giant new free trade agreements coming down the pike: Critics on both sides of the aisle worry that including ISDS in the study deals could threaten U. Last keystone, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren argued that multinational corporations could use ISDS as a tool to challenge and undermine U.

keystone xl case study

Some Tea Party conservatives, meanwhile, see ISDS as a tool for corporate cronyism. President Obama Announces Rejection of Keystone XL Pipeline.

keystone xl case study
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15:18 Vigami:
Interests on both sides know that his decision will likely impact the direction of U. The project report is a part of the course Project Risk

23:27 Dami:
Finance Globalization Health Care. Pay for US postdocs varies wildly by institution.

20:08 Kirn:
Additionally, the pipeline would run through the Ogallala aquifer find out more on the Kansas Geological Survey websitewhich supplies drinking water for over two million mid-westerners. InPresident Obama purposefully delayed the project until after the presidential elections to avoid having to take a stand on the issue.