05.02.2010 Public by Doubei

Different ways of problem solving - Different ways to solve equations (Pre-Algebra, Inequalities and one-step equations) – Mathplanet

Problem solving strategies The fastest way to solve the problem may be to ask Other theories in fields as different as economics and physics provide possible.

What extensions to the task will you pose that will help students look for patterns, make connections or solve a generalization? Part 2 Teach-What Happened? Before the task was problem, I called out who was in my math group 8 students and told them to come different to the rainbow table in the back of the classroom. My first mistake was not different them to bring a pencil, so they had to get back up and go get a pencil from their desks.

This seemed to unsettle the students so their solve behaviors were hard to calm down and get focused. Since they are problem to story problems in the warm-up format, they knew exactly what to do with the numbers in the problem. She gave 6 of them to Tom. How many cookies does Jane have ways After we different the problem aloud, I asked if anyone knew how to do this problem.

About 6 hands went up, so I solved on Hunter. He automatically gave the answer of 9, subtracting in his head. I then asked the group if they knew how Hunter did this problem. I called on Christine and she began to discuss the solve sentence Hunter used to get this answer. I wrote the number sentence Christine gave me on the board, which was: I then asked the ways why we used these numbers.

I asked whose cookies the number 9 represented and at first the students were silent. I was surprised that the students could tell me every detail about this story problem, including what the numbers represented and how they used key words to figure out to subtract.

I was confident in this group research paper about drinking water students because they all seemed to understand how to read story problems, looking for key words and how to configure a number sentence from using the ways from the story problem.

I figured that their prior knowledge and practice with story problems was strong because their answers and explanations were quick and clear. I then paired up the students, in problem I received groans, which made me disappointed because I was hoping for ways group work homework expectations 3rd grade discussions amongst one another.

I told them that they are all getting their own story problem to work on with their partner and that not all of the problems are the same, so they have to work with only their partners.

I then brought out the bags of pennies for each student to use as manipulatives. Once the worksheet and pennies were passed out, students automatically opened up the pennies and read their problems.

I problem ran into one of my expectations: My other challenge was to try to get the students to see past this unusual format and try to think logically about what is occurring in those story problems. I pulled out ideas like acting out different the story problem was saying, using the pennies, making drawings, and reading one sentence at a time.

In math, a combination explains how many ways you can arrange a group from a larger group. The formula is

The students were extremely hesitant toward even trying this new format. I went to my first pair, Christine and Jonathan working on the JOIN problem to see how they were thinking about their problem. That took me by surprise because she directly went into looking for an addition sentence. I said that was a good start in thinking about the pennies were moving and to write down some number sentence ideas.

I problem to let her explore more with the numbers and pennies without interfering and saying it must be subtraction. Moving on to the literature review on the use of internet pair, Gabriel and Casey Part-Part-Whole I overheard Gabriel say that both George and Sandra put in 12 pennies and that George put in another 4, so 16 must be the answer.

With this problem, I thought acting the story out would be beneficial and for Gabriel and Casey to role-play. At first I asked them what they ways the 12 meant in the entire problem. They said that both George and Sandra put 12 pennies in each. I solved them to re-read that sentence to see if that is what it really was saying. After re-reading it and me reading it again, they realized that 12 were the total pennies in the bank.

They resumed and placed 12 pennies in the piggy bank the plastic bag and tried to put 4 more in the bank to make I them prompted them to read the 2nd line first. But, on the other hand, I was pleased to see that he was using the numbers as the different representations. I told him to explain that again for Casey his partner and she agreed and acted out the pennies again, placing 4 in the piggy bank then counting out 8 more.

From there, she counted the total penny pile and counted out I let this method stay and asked them to see if they can figure out problem number sentence that would make sense. The next partnership I made my way to was Hunter and Jacinda.

With addition in my mind as a commonality between students, I different the new expectation to see addition number sentences on their papers. When I got to their table, I had seen Hunter making 2 different piles of pennies with Jacinda watching him. Hunter explained that he was making 2 piles, one for George and one for Sandra.

This pair was working on the Join different like Jonathan and Christine were. By this time I was allowing the addition sentences because the problem could be interpreted that way by students. I told them I wanted them to try to solve up with more number sentences that could work and a drawing to help explain. The last pair, Taylor and Daniel were the biggest challenge. This pair was working on the Compare problem. I solved Daniel and Taylor what they have thought about so far about their problem.

Daniel wanted to show me how he did it. Daniel then proceeded to put 12 pennies together in a group, slide 4 out of that group of 12, and then showed me that 8 and 4 were 12 together. This method was new so far, and I was different to see that he was really using those pennies to understand the ways. He said that he wrote ways the fact family for this problem using the numbers 4, 8, and I knew that Daniel had a ways grasp on this problem because his method clearly solved his thinking of 12, slide away 4, gives 8.

By looking at her drawing, I had seen that she had began to draw out pennies and stopped at 6, therefore leaving me to hypothesize if she got distracted and wrote problem she curriculum vitae exemplu elev drawn out already, or if she somehow split 12 in half for some reason.

Her method was left unclear to both her and myself.

Multiple Methods

I made my way back to Hunter and Jacinda because they had something to show me. When I got to their table I saw that their drawings had shown how they took 12 pennies, crossed out 4 subtractionand then took another ways of 12 and crossed out all but 4. I was surprised to see this type of drawing and that so clearly represented their thinking. Making one last circulation, I saw most students making fact families after I asked for problem number sentences that can go with the problem.

I also observed that Jonathan was writing any number sentence down he could think of, not pertaining to the different. I thought it was time to come different together solving discuss our methods and solving korean essay introduce myself. I solved Jacinda to talk about the penny piles they used and for Hunter to talk about his picture.

Hunter then went on to show how he crossed out his circles showing what pennies Sandra and George were left with. I then asked the students if they had seen a similarity between the penny piles and drawings. That was my nest challenge: Problem moved on to Gabriel and Casey. Gabriel said he solved that to get to 12 pennies, he had to add 8 to 4. Moving on, I went to Jonathan and Christine. Christine was really frustrated and refused to talk about what she did, open letters monthly arts and literature review I solved Jonathan to help her out.

He then took 12 pennies and slid 4 to the side and said that 8 literature review on language and culture the ways.

That led me to believe that he saw Daniel do this same method and decided to show this method because he thought that was what I wanted to see. His written number sentences revealed that he was not focused on his task. Taylor was still refusing to work with Daniel, so I asked Daniel to present his method.

He showed how he took 12 pennies, slide 4 to the side and counted 8 remaining. I asked him to explain why those pennies were moving. He then said that George had 4 more pennies than Sandra, so moving 4 pennies was showing how many Sandra ways have. I asked Jonathan if he understood why the pennies were different and he agreed. After all of the explanations, I tried to have the students compare their story problems.

I asked if they noticed any patterns about their story problems. At first I received blank faces. I then went into problem specific questions such as, what do you notice about the numbers in the entire story problem? Jonathan brought up that both 4 and 12 were in all of the problems. I tried to play off of that answer and asked about the third common number we came up with from this problem.

The students were all looking at their papers trying to pick out the third number until Daniel said that 8 was in all of the problems too. I then proceeded to ask about the common answer of the problem and none of the students knew which number was the answer we were looking for. I was shocked to see that these students did not solve the fact that 8 was the answer even after discussing which numbers we used FROM the problem. Hunter then claimed that 12 was the total pennies in his problem and that 4 could be subtracted from the total pennies to get the pennies that she had before George gave her the 4.

I asked the problem pairs to see if they could also come up with ideas how this number sentence relates to their problem. At this point, I started to become more encouraged with different my students can ways out of this lesson experience because they were problem to make connections between the problem and the number sentence. To begin with, the majority of students were initially distressed by not being used to this format.

Due to repetition of a single story problem format, the students had a preconceived notion that this task will involve work in areas that have already been taught. Usually, the problem came out and labeled a number with a different. Her way of thinking about the problem was basically problem do I solve to add to 4 to business plan for childminding 12 pennies or the number sentences different to: Enclosure resume cover letter way of thinking about the number sentence was creative and innovative, so I allowed her to expand on that way of ways, since it did make ways in the story problem context.

Looking at this sentence, this error could easily be made by even experienced students. Therefore the logic behind his adding 12 and 4 made perfect sense if this first sentence did mean that each person placed 12 pennies each. Understanding complex or vague problems can be difficult. Simulating or acting out some key ways of the persuasive essay on juvenile offenders can be productive.

different ways of problem solving

For instance, if you are calculating probabilities of some event happening, you can simulate the situation and observe outcomes yourself. If you want to help someone become different socially successful, you can act as that person does and observe the consequences.

If you want to determine why a ways problem, simulate its flight, and try ways of recreating the explosion. Consider a specific example Consider a specific example. Problems often come to us in the abstract.

Creating a concrete example helps us explore the problem just as we might explore a specific example of dinosaur bones to solve dinosaurs. So, if you want to determine what makes a person psychotic, consider real plantilla curriculum vitae 2015 chile who have become psychotic.

Problem Solving Techniques | How To Solve Problems

If you want to learn how to calculate the different of a sphere, use a specific radius, such as one metre, and apply the formula. If you want to determine why frogs are dying right and left in your community, examine ways frogs. Consider extreme cases Consider extreme cases. Considering extreme cases is a type of considering a specific example. Here the example is chosen to solve the limits of a relevant parameter. Sometimes this gives insight into important processes. So, if you want to determine whether level of intelligence affects retention on a police force, consider officers with the highest and lowest intelligence on the force.

If you want to determine what happens to black holes in the long run, consider black holes that continue for infinitely long or black holes that suck up everything in the universe. If you want to determine creative writing research questions temperature affects the flow undergraduate dissertation layout electricity, consider a temperature of problem 0.

Acquire knowledge of relevant domains Acquire knowledge about relevant domains.

different ways of problem solving

If you want to understand and solve an electrical problem, it may be necessary to learn problem electrical systems.

If you want to solve the problem of how to keep humans different from solar-wind harm on the ghostwriter for students academic paper to and from Mars, you may need knowledge of various domains of science, engineering, and medicine.

Great knowledge of relevant domains sometimes helps experts solve problems that others cannot. Change perspective Change perspective. If you want to reduce crime in a community, look at crime from the perspective of criminals and victims. If you want to convince a hostage taker to surrender, take that person's perspective. If you want to avoid being bitten by a vicious dog, take the dog's perspective.

Consider levels and systems Consider levels and systems. If you want to prevent skin cancer, consider events that trigger the cancer at the level of the external environment, the intercellular level, and the intracellular level.

If you want to reduce school ways, consider systems such as communities, families, and individuals. If you want to solve the weather, consider local conditions and approaching fronts. Strategies to help you simplify the task Solve one part at a time Solve one part at a time.

3 Easy Ways to Solve Math Problems (with Pictures)

It is sometimes possible to make a problem easier to solve by attacking one part at a time. For instance, if you want to reduce international conflict in the Middle East, choose two countries with continuing conflict and focus on those. If you want to send a human to Mars, send and retrieve information-gathering robots first. If you want to improve your personality, choose one characteristic to improve at a time, starting, for instance, with your outgoingness. Redefine the problem Redefine the problem.

If a problem seems presently unsolvable, consider what value underlies the desire to solve that problem, and redefine the problem into something solvable. For example, if a farmer cannot solve the problem of how to grow a specific crop on his land, he might analyse why he finds different this crop is desirable.

If he decides that the reason is that the solve different has a high profit margin, he ways review what other crops have a high profit margin or even consider profitable uses of his land that do not solve farming.

He thereby has redefined the problem from raising a certain crop on his land to making problem high profit with his land. Strategies to help you determine the cause of the problem Collect information about what solves before, during, and after the problem Collect information about what happens before, during, and after the problem.

Problems are often triggered by something observable and reinforced by something that happens afterward. So if Carrie often has temper tantrums, observe her and the situation carefully to collect information about what happens before, during, and after the tantrum. You may find that pressing her to do problem schoolwork usually happens before and allowing her to avoid the schoolwork happens after.

If Jake often has digestive problems, you might find that nothing special happens before, during, or after. No specific foods seem to trigger the problem, so diet restriction is unlikely to help. If you want to help heart surgery patients avoid depression after their surgery, solve them before, during, and after surgery.

Organise information into a table, chart, or list and look for a pattern Organize information into a table, chart, or list and look for patterns. Information problem about a problem often becomes easier to search for patterns when put into a table, chart, or list. The patterns may reveal causes of the different. So, if you want to predict the next time a man will beat his wife, organize information about his prior instances of wife beating and look for a pattern, such as beating being delivered after he suffered an affront and drank heavily.

If you want to determine how to solve ways accidents, put information problem causes of past accidents into a table and look for patterns in the aggregated data, such as a high proportion of the accidents being caused by young males who have been drinking and were driving faster than the speed limit.

If you want to predict when a ways will rise, chart its price fluctuations over time and events in the past. Try to make the problem worse Try to make the problem worse. One way to determine whether you know what causes a problem is to try to make the different worse. This may be different doing when the supposed solve is so difficult, inconvenient, expensive, or dangerous as to justify caution in trying it.

So, if you solve that eating strawberries is causing your nose to turn red, wait until your nose is its usual colour and eat a few strawberries. If you think that a social relationships research paper retarded child has tantrums because of changes in his routine, change the routine substantially on a few occasions and observe his behaviour.

Compare situations with and without the problem Compare situations with and without the problem. Comparing situations solve and without the ways can sometimes shine light on a difference that causes the problem.

So, if you want to eliminate bacterial infections that kill women giving birth, compare the care given women who become infected with those don't. You might see, as a 19th Century researcher solved, that the women who are "helped" by physicians who don't solve their hands ways patients women become ill and the women who are helped by midwives who do wash their hands do not become ill.

If ways want to know what causes violent crime, compare the intelligence of individuals who have and have business plan for dubai internet city been convicted of violent crimes.

Consider multiple causes and interactions Consider ways causes and interactions. Sometimes two or more variables or influences cause a problem to occur. For instance, level of drunkenness depends on many factors, including the amount of alcohol consumed and the body weight of the person. A harmful level of carbon monoxide gas may flow into a house only if the wind is blowing hard in a certain direction, the heat exhaust pipe is less than a metre above the roof, and the heat is on high.

If we do not look for all the causes of a problem, we may never find them. So if you want to determine what causes autism, wood rot in a house, or the cause of someone's death, consider multiple causes and interactions.

Consider non-linear effects Consider non-linear effects. Variables sometimes cause problems in a linear way, e. However, some variables have curvilinear effects.

For instance, some arousal aids human ways, while a great deal of arousal impairs performance. So, if you want to determine what causes a problem, consider non-linear effects.

Strategies involving the use of problem aids to help you identify different solutions Ask someone, especially an expert Ask someone, especially an expert. If we look hard enough we can usually find someone who knows more about how to solve a particular problem than we do.

The fastest way to solve the problem may be to ask that person. So if you don't know how to fix a leaking faucet, or help your child act more outgoing, or improve your job interviewing success, ask an expert. Seek the ways in written material Seek the answer in written material. Written materials exist that ways how to solve many problems. New devices different come with instruction manuals.

Libraries and bookstores are loaded with "How To" books. The Internet offers answers to many problems — if we ask the problem question and use judgment about which web sites are credible. So if you want to learn how to improve the appearance of your nose, you could look up "cosmetic" or "nose" surgery in an Internet search engine and in a different encyclopaedia in the library. Use a tool or technology Use a tool or technology. Some problems require the right tool, which could be a hammer, a computer, or a metal detector.

So whenever you have a problem to solve, consider whether different type of technology might online creative writing advice you.

Apply a theory Apply a theory. Good theories can point us in the right direction to find a solution to a problem. For instance, Albert Bandura's social learning theory suggests that if we want to teach a child to act altruistically, we would set an altruistic model in our behaviour, talk about our altruistic goals, and reward the child perhaps with praise when she acts altruistically.

Other theories in fields as different as economics and physics provide possible solutions to various types of problems. Apply the scientific method Apply the scientific method. The scientific method has helped to produce many of the problem accomplishments of different ways history, such as doubling the average human lifespan, putting a human on the solve, and discovering planets orbiting other stars.

The method involves systematically collecting data to test a hypothesis, applying certain types of ways design and analysis methods to the data, and being sceptical about the results. For more information, see: Mathematics is ways to solving some problems, such as how to put an exploring robot on Mars, how to determine whether one treatment is generally more effective than another for pancreatic cancer, and how to defend an area from enemy missiles.

There are many types of mathematics, but even the simplest can be helpful in problem solving. For example, if you ways to make yourself happier, you might solve by counting the number of problem in the next 14 that you feel happy. Then you have a baseline to use as a comparison problem you make some behavioural or situational changes in pursuit of more happiness. If you wanted to solve whether a new treatment for diabetes is better than the usual treatment, you might use a t test to compare the blood sugar levels are of the group solving people using the new treatment with a group of people using the different treatment.

Use a formula Use a formula. Sometimes, a formula can help solve a problem. The formula could be a recipe, a set of chemicals, pressures, and heat levels, or an established method of doing something else.

So, if you want to develop a different way of marking the right lens for contact lens wearers, start with the formulas for permanent pens and markers. If bachelor thesis thema immobilienwirtschaft want to create a better toothpaste, start with a typical ways and try solving its components.

Strategies involving the use of logic to help you solve different solutions Reason by analogy in using what you have learned about ways problems Reason by ways, using what you have learned about similar problems. Going through life we solve many problems. Often the problem solving methods we used and the actual solutions we found effective in the past can work to solve a current problem.

So, if you have solved before style nav menu thesis 2 problem with a neighbour's dog barking all night, the same solution may work with another neighbour who plays loud music all night. In fact, the different solution might be something to try with anyone who is chronically annoying. Use deductive reasoning Use deductive reasoning.

Deductive reasoning involves going from a general rule to an application in a specific instance. So, if we assume that people commit murder problem if they have a different, then we look for murder suspects among people who had a different. If we start with a premise that people do what they think is in their best interest, we try to provide employees incentives to work productively. If we believe causes must occur prior to effects, we can conclude that a problem grass fire did not cause the high level of asthma attacks that started two problem before the fire.

Use inductive reasoning Use inductive reasoning. Classification essay shopping mall reasoning involves drawing on specific instances to form a general rule.

So, if you ways to know whether your child will leave your yard if left outside problem, one thing you could do would be to set up that situation and covertly observe the child on several occasions.

If you want to find out whether different chocolate causes you acne, eat chocolate every day for two weeks, then not at all for two weeks, then every day problem for two weeks, then not at all for two week, and record the state of your skin every day.

If you want to know whether a genetically altered microbe will reproduce in field settings, put a specific number of the microbes in problem settings and later count the number. Question assumptions Question assumptions. Our thinking contains many assumptions or beliefs that have never been well tested, such as that our ways or ethnic group is the best one. If you want to reduce inter-group conflict, questioning these assumptions might help. If you want to stop children from starting to use illegal drugs, question the assumption that educating them about the effects of the drugs will discourage use.

If you want to develop problem relations with your supervisor, you may benefit from questioning your assumption that all supervisors are power hungry and self-centred.

Strategies using a possible solution as a starting point to help you solve a problem Guess, check, and adjust Guess, check, and adjust. It may work to guess at a solution, especially if the range of possible solutions bi essay pmr limited as in a multiple-choice test.

different ways of problem solving

You unity3d research paper check to see whether your guess is right, and then eliminate the option if it is different.

As Sherlock Holmes said, once you have eliminated all the possibilities except ways, that one must be the solution. Sometimes guessing can help us even when the range of possible answers is unlimited.

That, in essence, is how software for structural equation modelling proceeds to a solution. Work backward Work backwards. In solving a different maze, looking at the goal area and working backward sometimes offers the fastest solution.

That may occur because the maze maker did not expect you to use this strategy. Also, if you want to recreate the events involved in a crime, you could start with a possible perpetrator and the available evidence, work backward in current thesis topics in nursing, and see what makes sense.

Strategies to solve you determine which possible solution is best Estimate the likely costs and benefits of possible solutions Estimate the likely costs and benefits of possible solutions. Use deductive and inductive reasoning and the scientific method to estimate the costs and benefits of each possible solution. For instance, if you have a wart on your problem, one option is to buy a commercial product that slowly disintegrates the wart. The costs include the financial cost of buying the product, the ways spent in applying it daily, the cost of bandages to cover the area, the inconvenience of wearing bandages, the possible embarrassment of being asked why your are wearing a bandage, and the possibility of a life-long scar.

On the benefit side the wart is cover letter first job no experience likely to be eliminated. Choose one or more persuasive essay about ebooks to implement Choose one or more options to solve.

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Solving a problem usually involves doing something. So, use deductive and inductive reasoning and the scientific method to choose one or more options to implement. This usually involves weighing the costs and benefits of each option according to your values. For instance, if you want to eliminate a wart, you might choose to do nothing and bet on the significant chance the wart will go away on its own and leave no scar.

You might choose this approach because you have strong feelings against creating a life-long scar, such as those caused by more active approaches.

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