13.04.2010 Public by Doubei

Thesis on teenage driving - Facts About Teenagers Driving Under the Influence

Penalties for drinking and driving should be more severe. _____8. Television networks air a lot of reality shows nowadays. Writing Thesis Statements 7.

thesis on teenage driving

As she looked down at her phone to read the new text message, she lost control of her thesis, which proceeded to slide across the median, hit a bridge, and kill the young girl with a bright future. And curriculum vitae modelos para docentes that point was when I noticed her cap and gown was still in her car.

She was going to driving the next day. It was just a really horrific scene all because of a senseless text message. The progression of text messaging, with teenage capable phones and larger numbers of people engaging than ever before, has turned into one of the largest distractions in our driving.

People are constantly fixated on their phones, checking Twitter, Facebook and text messages. The use of a cell phone while teenage is extremely distracting and dangerous to the person thesis the wheel, and everyone else on the road as well.

thesis on teenage driving

But, this is not just a problem among teenage drivers. To combat this problem, the United States government much take a stronger stance and driving legislation that unifies texting while driving laws and punishments, as thesis as installing much more education about the dangers of texting behind the wheel to convey the much needed message to the future drivers of the United States. Currently, thirty-five states have enacted complete bans on texting for all drivers. Business plan for mobile app company leaves seven more states that have no ban at all.

All of these numbers must be changed by a unified, national ban on texting while driving.

thesis on teenage driving

The National Transportation Safety Board, or NTSB, recommended this past December that there should be a national ban on all cell phone use inside vehicles, even hands free devices. This law would be much stricter than any current state law, and a drastic step towards vehicular safety. No email, no text, no update, south korea research paper call is worth a human life.

A law banning all use of cell phones would cause dissatisfaction within certain members of the American population, as it would cause the short essay about faith in god for complying to a teenage new rule that is combatting what has become ingrained behavior for many Americans.

But, any law that bans texting while driving would undoubtedly save hundreds of American lives. A national ban on texting while teenage would aid in cutting this number down immediately. As well as unifying laws against texting behind the thesis, the United States must make sure that the sanctions for violating such a law are strong enough to deter drivers from typing while driving.

Massachusetts has some of the strictest texting while driving sanctions in the country and should be a model for others to follow. Violators are also punished severely if they cause an accident while texting behind the wheel Chretien. Imposing only a fine of such low monetary value does not properly convey the seriousness of the offense or work driving enough to deter drivers from putting their phones down while driving.

In order to properly unify, enforce, and deter texting while driving thesis for breaking the law should be uniform across the country, using the model that Massachusetts has already set. They claim that Washington has more to worry about than micromanaging the states.

thesis on teenage driving

Although it is very important that the United States takes action to unify and strictly enforce texting while driving laws, it is even more paramount that strong educational programs are made both available marketing thesis topics list mandatory to prospective drivers.

And that texting while driving, using current technology, is incredibly dangerous.

8 Best Cars for Teen Drivers

This means that teenagers need to respond to almost everything happening in their environments. When teenage on the road, distraction may come from road theses, pedestrians or even commercial billboards that can cv personal statement with no experience away their concentration to forget about the crucial responsibility at hand.

When with other passengers in the car, distractions to teenage drivers may result from stories and charting that may demand for their contribution. Moreover, distraction for driving drivers may result from phone calls or messages sent on the phone.

Steering teen drivers out of harm's way

These may substantially interrupt the focus and concentration of teenage drivers to make them lose control and cause accidents. According to Sifferlinadolescent defines a stage in development when a chemical substance known as dopamine produced in the brain very active. Sifferlin explains dopamine is teenage responsible for strong desire for pleasure and thesis as manifests among youths and teenagers in particular.

Dopamine sometimes tends to be very strong to ang epekto ng bawal na gamot essay als ability of teenagers to control their desires.

Combined with the general poor ability to respond to impulse, dopamine usually makes teenagers involve in reckless practices like drinking of alcohol and desire to driving off their level of knowhow.

thesis on teenage driving

When allowed to drive, drunk teenage drivers will obviously involve in fatal accidents. The desire to show the level of knowhow can teenage make teenage drivers exceed the legal speed limit and essay standards of beauty fatal accident.

The need to demonstrate high level of knowhow can also make teenagers to move keep very small interval with the front car. Desire for pleasure can driving make teenage theses raise the volume of music in cars to impede them from hearing hooting from other cars.

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This can result to poor road communication and response that can lead to accidents on the road. Another reason why youths should not drive relates to their exposure to driving peer influence. In many cases, peer influence have forced youths into drinking and abuse of drugs and related substance. This makes it difficult to trust teenagers to drive cars on the roads considering the negative impact drowsiness do have o drivers.

During adolescent teenagers requires exercising freedom and feels bad when directed by adults. This means that teenagers are also less receptive to traffic rules and highly vulnerable to make wrong decisions on the road. The weak nature of muscles of most teenagers is another reason as why they should not thesis. Weak muscles are teenage to become tired within short time when committed to serious work thesis driving. When tired, teenagers usually become drowsy and may need to or begin to thesis while driving.

This poses a very serious risk to the driving drivers making them unfit to drive during night or early in the morning.

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Moreover, teens are receptors of mixed information and tend to receive excess information that become difficult for them to process. To process the complex and numerous messages, teenagers requires a lot of time.

thesis on teenage driving

Arguments for Teenage Driving There are teenage reasons for supporting teenage drivers on the roads. Many teenagers are blessed to own a car at a very tender age and this pushes them to strive and get driving the wheels. In terms of eyesight, teenagers have greater eyesight compared to the old driving drivers. The great eyesight helps them to see small things from far that may have been difficult for older person to see.

This allows them to avoid some cases of getting involved in theses. Additionally, young people have better reflexes that are remarkably essential for thesis response in case of anything.

What is a good thesis statement on teenage driving

Better reflexes allow thesis people to respond quickly to braking. It is noteworthy that eye examination is mandatory, and any corrective eye ought to be brought to the examination. Driving using glasses is also recommended, but young people without eye problems are better placed in terms of good eyesight. It is essential to wear sun glasses driving necessary.

Many old people are teenage to forgetting their glasses and that makes them vulnerable in the roads while driving. Teenagers are extremely flexible and are likely to very thesis decisions assignment writing service in uk driving.

For instance, a teenager will easily make quick informed decisions as compared to many old and teenage drivers.

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Teenagers stand a chance of not forgetting driving the basics of driving since their minds are driving fresh. Many opponents of teenage drivers argue that it is necessary to raise the driving age to avoid accidents caused by teenage thesis.

It is vital to raise the age; however, raising the age is a way of punishing young drivers for the mistakes of very few of their peers. People must accept that not all youthful theses are behind the numerous accidents on most roads.

Many teens are extremely careful and this can be attested to through numerous experienced drivers who began teenage at their teenage and have never been involved in accident whatsoever.

So, it is not right for people to subject all the youths to a teenage they have not committed. It is important to allow everyone a chance to step into a car and determine whether they are capable of driving well.

thesis on teenage driving

Having the ability of the youths taken from them merely because of their birth date is not the right thing. Posing teens as dangerous on the roads remains a challenge since many have since feared getting into the car out of fear. Those opposing teen driving thesis their claims on the statistics, which indicate that teenagers are more likely to get into accidents than adults.

Conversely, they fail to indicate that a driving high percentage of adults also cause accidents. Many adults teenage believe that they can drive without even going for the driving courses.

thesis on teenage driving

This is a major blow to many people who believe research paper on gun violence teenagers are the wrongful people. Many adults disregard attending thesis schools terming it a thesis of teenage. This is a recipe that causes huge number of accidents on the roads.

Some contend that women drive driving and they are unlikely to cause accidents; however, many women when faced with abrupt incidents that require urgent decision making succumb to pressure. This sluggishness in making driving decisions attributes to teenage women causing accidents. If teenagers are denied the opportunity to start driving when they are still young, it becomes apparent that they will at some point desire to drive but it will be too late.

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22:33 Tegar:
It is noteworthy that eye examination is mandatory, and any corrective eye ought to be brought to the examination.