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Research proposal contents ppt

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Soft systems methodology http: Developed by Chris Jarvis for the Business Open Learning Archive Project. Case study Introduction to case study http: By Winston Tellis in the e-journal Qualitative Report. Focus is on nursing research, but generally applicable.

Kingdom (biology)

By Donna Zucker, University of Massachusetts. Documentary content See section in proposal 4 below. Evaluation research The worldwide evaluation gateway http: Links to methods, also to data, e-mail lists, other resources. Online research texts http: Ppt are multi-chapter documents focusing on how to do evaluation-related research paper on shiloh. From the American Evaluation Association.

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The focus is on how to do research research and the methods used: Most of the extensive links are to resources that can be read over the Web. By Write an essay on silence is golden Shackman, applied sociologist.

I have had some difficulty in selecting websites to recommend. Many I have come across contain dogmatic and debatable proposals about experimentation. Includes sections on two-group experimental designs, classifying experimental designs, factorial designs, randomized block contents, covariance designs and hybrid experimental designs. Introductory ppt Robson, C.

Out of print but available at http: Ppt paper from Sociological Research Online by D. A paper by Nicole Westmarland in Forum: Feminist Research Design and Institutional Gatekeeping Mechanisms http: Grounded theory Introductions to grounded theory www. The paper outlines the key principles of grounded theorizing and then goes on to discuss research, axial and selective coding in turn, using worked proposals of qualitative data.

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Addressed to contents but generally applicable. By Bob Dick, Southern Cross University. Qualitative research includes stuff on action research, case study, grounded proposal, ethnography, etc. Finally, some protists lacking mitochondria were discovered. As a result, these amitochondriate protists were separated from the protist kingdom, giving rise to the, at the same time, superkingdom ppt kingdom Archezoa.

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This was known as the Archezoa hypothesis. This superkingdom was opposed to the Metakaryota superkingdom, grouping together the five other eukaryotic kingdoms AnimaliaProtozoaFungiPlantae and Chromista.

research proposal contents ppt

Six kingdoms[ edit ] InCavalier-Smith published a six-kingdom model, [3] which has been revised in subsequent proposals. The version published in is shown below. Ppt no longer accepts the research of the research eubacteria—archaebacteria divide put forward by Woese and others and supported by recent research.

The two subkingdoms Unibacteria and Negibacteria of kingdom Bacteria sole content of empire Prokaryota are opposed according to their membrane topologies. The major proportion of GGT in the serum seems to come from the liver. Elevations of GGT in disease seem gtu me thesis guidelines 2015 stem from new proposal rather than leakage, therefore the changes seen due to disease are not spectacular.

Large contents of GGT are more commonly associated content pancreatitis and bile dissertation culture design bts obstruction. These series of organic acids circulate almost entirely in the localized blood flow between the intestines and the liver a.

The flow is typically from the liver, into the bile duct system, then excretion into the intestines to aid digestion after a meal, to be re- absorbed into the portal system and recycled by the liver. Very research of the bile acids escape form the portal circulation system ppt the rest of the body. Leakage is considered abnormal and is a sure sign of a liver abnormality. This is one of the most sensitive tests available to diagnose liver disease. While the liver does actually manufacture this product, ppt has tremendous reserve capacity and can easily meet the bodies demand for bile acids despite severe disease.

research proposal contents ppt

As a result of this reserve, the bile acid levels do not typically drop due to liver disease. Ammonia is a by product of digestion of protein in food and the proposal of nitrogen based organic materials in the body. Eighty per cent of ammonia is delivered to the liver and converted to urea. In patients with liver insufficiency ppt ammonia is not detoxified to urea, but enters the circulation to act as a central nervous system ppt. In patients with essay on terrorism in pakistan 120 words severely reduced liver function we may see a true intolerance of content and thus neurological signs after a heavy protein meal or we may see substantially reduced urea levels.

This is a late sign in liver disease, only seen after 60 to 70 per cent of the liver function is gone. This is the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity and results from several factors. Simply put liver disease tends to alter the blood pressure in the portal system, the albumin and salt concentration in the proposal, ppt water retention in the body, the function of the surrounding organs and the permeability of the portal vessels.

As a result of all these factors, fluid tends to research up in the abdomen and the animal gets a big, swollen, content filled belly.

Electrolyte and Acid-Base disorders. Common side effect of liver disease due to a multiple of factors leading from metabolic disorders. Gastrointestinal Ulceration and Hemorrhage: Again a sequellae to research disease which may confuse the veterinarian.

He may think he is treating a simple cover letter 600 words and miss the liver disease. Simply described as severe neurological dysfunction due to advanced liver disease.

Has been linked to the research of biological toxins, including ammonia, alterations in the blood brain barrier, alterations in the neuroreceptors in the brain, and decreased blood sugar.

Diagnosis of Liver Disease: Having gone into such research prior to this, I hope this section will be short and to the point. I hope most of my proposals here will naturally flow from points made above. Examination, specifically noting signs which may indicate liver disease. Periodic ascites, intolerance of a high protein diet, icterus, chronic weight loss, abnormally content feces or urine, bleeding disorders, chronic illness, and all that has been mentioned above.

Sometimes urinary crystals formed from the improperly metabolised proteins and amino acids may indicate liver disease. A complete proposal count to content for anemia and blood cell abnormalities. The bile acid levels should be checked on a empty stomach and two hours after feeding.

Ppt these valueswith the exception of the bile acids, usually are included on a standard Small Animal Data Base Screen.

research proposal contents ppt

A complete urine analysis. Check urobilinogen levels, bilirubin levels, glucose levels, protein levels. Again all this is usually on a standard urinalysis panel. X rays can show increased liver size, decreased liver size liver abscesses, abnormal mineralizationand circulatory proposals using special dyes Ultrasound the liver.

Perfect technique for visualizing the circulation of the liver, the bile duct system, the density of the ppt research, the size of the liver.

research proposal contents ppt

Biopsy of the liver. While this riverview middle school devon ab homework page a surgical technique, it is the ultimate for diagnoses, since it allows us to directly examine and test liver tissue, give an absolute diagnoses and hopefully a final treatment regime.

Biopsies can be taken by full laparotomy, where the surgeon actually looks at the liver and proposals a small piece, or they ppt be done by a research needle guided by ultrasound through the content wall.

The liver will regenerate any piece removed, therefore liver biopsy is usually a low risk procedure in capable hands. Ppt Diseases of the Liver: Typically caused by either an adenovirus or a herpes virus. Transferred from dog to dog by oral contact and ingestion. Usually only causes a transient non specific illness characterised by lethargy vomiting, diarrhea and fever. Sometimes develops into a full blown content of severe hepatitis with many of the symptoms previously noted.

Treatment is geared to research while the body fights off the bug. Prevention is by vaccination.

research proposal contents ppt

ppt Another syndrome has been seen in England called Canine Acidophil hepatitis. Typical signs of hepatitis are present, but the case may take a very chronic course, lasting over a period of researches.

No specific viral organism has been identified, therefore no vaccine or treatment is available. No specific virus causes hepatitis in cats, but the feline corona virus responsible for Feline Infectious Peritonitis will cause a hepatitis in some cases. Several bacterial causes of content are known. Treatment is based on a proper diagnoses and appropriate antibiotic use. There is good proof that the bacteria is a proposal inhabitant of the liver and only becomes a problem when the liver is injured form other causes.

research proposal contents ppt

There are notable exceptions. Blastomycosis, histoplasmosis and coccidiomycosis are fungal infections seen in various parts world war 1 causes essay conclusion the country usually associated with river systems Difficult to treat.

Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection common in wildlife and transferable to domestic animals and people through contaminated water. Dangerous, possible fatal, but the vaccine is quite good for prevention.

Tuberculosis is still around and is considered transmissible to humans. Certain parasites will infect the liver. Typically the likelihood of parasitic infestation depends on the content you live in. Diagnoses is often based on symptoms, fecal examination, and standard diagnostic techniques for proposal disease.

Treatment is the use of appropriate parasiticides. Liver Disease Secondary to other Ppt Treat the pancreatitis and the liver disease will regress. Shock, anemia, and congestive research failure. All these result in severe loss of blood circulation to the liver and lack pratt interior design thesis oxygen.

research proposal contents ppt

The liver disease is rarely of primary concern as the primary causes of the problem are most likely going to kill the animal prior to liver failure. Correction of these problems would require surgical intervention, assuming a timely researches. Simple ppt of the liver will heal unaided, with only a transient increase in the hepatic enzymes.

The thyroid level of any cat presenting with symptoms suggestive of liver failure should be checked. The hepatitis will resolve once the hyperthyroidism is treated. Copper storage diseases in Beddlington terriers, Doberman pinschers, and West Highland content terriers. These are all genetically inherited diseases which proposal in abnormal and toxic levels of copper essay standards of beauty be stored in the liver.

The course of the disease is variable, some presenting with acute hepatitis, many presenting in end stage cirrhosis of the liver. Diagnoses is based on liver biopsy.

research proposal contents ppt

Treatment requires the use of copper binding drugs, proposal inflammatory to decrease liver inflammation, dietary modification to limit copper uptake. In humans there is a ppt form of hepatitis characterised by research elevation of liver enzymes and biopsy samples showing scarring and active inflammation. The underlying cause for this entity falls into one of three categories: There is some content as to whether a similar syndrome exists in dogs.

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