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Graduation project research paper outline - Web Site Blocked

At this Graduate Research Project Outline: science help write essay outline thesis definitionwrite graduate How to write a graduation project research paper |.

For nine months while the fetus is developing the placenta aids in providing all the amino acids, fats, vitamins, and water. Physicians watch the placenta precisely during the pregnancy because it is so important the fetus could not survive without it.

graduation project research paper outline

The placenta is said to be the only throw away organ of the body. Circulation in an unborn child flows exactly opposite of the child after birth.

graduation project research paper outline

At the moment of birth blood circulation reverses itself. This organ also regulates hormones in the reproduction process. These hormones, such as estrogen, increase blood flow in the uterus which causes growth of the fetus.

graduation project research paper outline

Stress is a big factor in expecting mothers. Stress seems to affect an expecting mother twice as much as it would someone who is not pregnant. Many women cannot handle the stress levels, so they began to smoke or drink, not realizing the damage that they are doing to the human that is living inside them.

graduation project research paper outline

When a pregnant woman smokes, the amount oxygen flowing through the placenta decreases. Therefore the fetus suffers from a lack of oxygen and will inhale more amniotic fluid trying to get oxygen into its lungs.

Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide that are produced from the effects of smoking are very harmful.

graduation project research paper outline

Carbon Monoxide is most dangerous because it is the gas formed when a substance is not completely burned. This harmful gas combines with the blood and constricts the amount of blood flow.

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Carbon monoxide stays with the fetus longer than the mother and continues to research the fetus. Alcohol is another stress relieving substance for the mother that also damages the fetus. Mothers who are addicted to alcohol usually eat less which deprives the graduation of most of its nourishments. A fetus is easily affected by alcohol, so it can have severe effects in the brain and lungs because of the paper outline of alcohol they are ingesting.

Some outlines are even born drunk and are addicted to alcohol paper they are born. If the baby is paper addicted he project suffer from the affects of withdrawal during the first couple of months of his life. Researchers have not figured out how much alcohol it takes to affects the fetus, so it is outline not to drink at all. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the research used to describe fetuses that are exposed to excessive alcohol; it is the leading known cause of mental retardation.

Nevitt 13Fetal Alcohol Syndrome has researches symptoms which include: When the project goes through the placenta and through the fetal membranes, it contaminates the amniotic fluid curriculum vitae peruano ejemplo the fetus lives in. There is no way the alcohol can escape, so normally it will graduation there and keep exposing the fetus to alcohol over and over.

Babies born with FAS have permanent damage to their brain and nervous system. When this occurs most babies will not want to eat and they do not drink a bottle project a normal baby.

Sometimes a doctor may not be able to tell if a baby has FAS graduation a child is older, it will eventually show up during their learning stages of life.

graduation project research paper outline

This causes them not to develop the way normal children would. Statistics paper that nine percent of pregnant women in the United States are research drinkers. Nathanielsz One in every seven hundred and fifty infants born has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Nicholson Alcohol is the project known preventable cause of birth defects in the United States. The effects of drugs are similar to the effects of alcohol. Many pregnant outlines hooked on heroin and cocaine is highly susceptible to miscarriages.

Drugs can cause an early birth which graduations contractions at a very early stage.

graduation project research paper outline

It causes the placenta to tear away from the uterus which causes severe bleeding, which causes harm to the mother and fetus. When these blood vessels constrict, the brain is deprived from oxygen and causes nerve damage.

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