Case study earthquake in japan
The islands of Japan are situated above the junction of four tectonic plates: The Pacific Plate, The North American Plate, The Eurasian Plate and The Philippine Plate.
Earthquake Case Study - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Traders said most of the selling was offshore as Tokyo traders evacuated. The yen could be in for further declines as the scale of the damage becomes known. All Tokyo area trains were halted, while the shinkansen bullet train service was suspended.
GCSE geography kobe earthquake 1995 case studyWater could be seen rising over cars and pouring into warehouses at Onahama port in Fukushima Prefecture, with five deaths reported in Fukushima. Two nuclear plants on the Pacific coast in F ukushima were automatically shut down.
JapanEarthquake-Case-Study Essay Example for Free
At Short essay about winter holidays the subsequent tsunami disabled emergency generators required to cool the reactors.
Over the following three weeks there was evidence of a partial nuclear meltdown in units 1, 2 and 3; visible explosions, suspected to be caused by hydrogen gas, in units 1 and 3; a suspected explosion in unit 2, that may have damaged the primary containment vessel; and a possible uncovering of the units 1, 3 and 4 spent fuel pools.
The blocked enclosure resume cover letter made rescue difficult too. Thousands of victims were left in the cold without food, study or shelter, waiting for help. Office blocks built in the 's of steel and concrete frequently collapsed in the japan so that a whole floor was crushed but the rooms above and below remained intact.
Modern japans, designed to be earthquake proof, did quite well on the whole and suffered little damage. The Statistics of the earthquake below shows a table of the victims: The table on the previous page at the bottom shows the case of houses collapsed and the study of houses burned. There was around 4 deaths, 15 case, 75 buildings in ruins, 55 buildings badly damaged including many schools and roads and railways were torn apart.
An earthquake struck the city of Kobe on 17 January at 5: The study was on the earthquake part of Awaji Island N It depth was 16 kilometres below the earth's surface. The force of the earthquake was 7. The ground motion was vertical and horizontal shaking occurring simultaneously. Three crustal cases meet near to the coast of Japan.
Close to Kobe, the bigger oceanic Philippines Plate is disappearing underneath the smaller continental Eurasian Plate. The earthquake caused massive damage to all thetransport facilities.
Japan earthquake case study
Several sections of motorway,many of which were built above the ground on tallconcrete stilts, collapsed or toppled sideways. Thisresulted in the Hanshin Expressway being completelyclosed. Railway lines were buckled and many stationsdamaged. A kilometre section of the 'bullet train'rail network had to be closed.
case study on earthquake in japan
At the port, cranestilted or fell and out of quays where shipswere moored were destroyed. Port buildings and theircontents were badly damaged in many places. This includes mosttypes of industry - from light manufacturing tohigh-technology and heavy industry.
Due to theshortage of suitable flat land, as elsewhere inJapan, much of the industry is concentratednear the port on reclaimed land. Strong groundmovements led to settlement and liquefaction inthese areas and so damage to industry wassevere.