Buying ibuprofen in germany. Buy Ibuprofen Germany 25mg, 50mg, mg tablets available today. Best medications for real men. Available with free Delivery & overnight shipping! Tags: Can he this in or any other type of Diphenhydramine? for an arthritic knee, ran out in more. The is variously formulated as the free acid or the lysine salt.|
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Buying ibuprofen in germany

OTC drugs in Germany I think they are the hardest country to even buy something for a headache Or asked if I had gastritic problems when I bought ibuprofen.

Mainhattengirl on Nov 26, 13 at If you need something, you ring the door bell and they come to the door, you don't go inside, buying ibuprofen in germany. All transactions are through a small opening.

Every Apotheke will have a sign on the door listing the locations for the open ones and on which germany. Alternative is to simply look it up online, rather than roam ibuprofen the neighborhood. Airports and large train station will also have open Apothekes after hours and on Sundays and holidays. FYI tip, if you need Aspirin, buying ibuprofen in germany, make sure you ask for the ibuprofen or equivalent stuff, otherwise you pay for the original name brand "Aspirin", and it costs 4 times as much.

Cowboy on Nov 26, 13 at In the old days, people would buy germany buy travel guide for their destinations and had at least a clue that a trip to a drugstore is useless in Germany if you buy for OTC drugs.

Medication into Europe - Germany Forum

It is not realistic to assume that because something is available in the UK or Ibuprofen that it will also be available in Germany or Sweden. The countries are all different with different legislation especially on sensitive issues like pharmaceuticals. It can also be helpful to know the ingredients of the buy you are looking for, buying ibuprofen in germany. Otherwise you will probably burp your heart out because you find no Pepto-Bismol in Germany. Once a drug contains controlled substances like codeine, penicillins, or are sleeping pills, anti-anxiety drugs or other psychoactive drugs it will not be OTC.

So germany you ask for one specific brand you know from back home and it is prescription only, you should also ask if there are OTC versions. In major cities like Munich, you always have aside from ERs in the hospitals regular doctors as well as dentists on duty on weekends.

buying ibuprofen in germany

esgic plus (generic) 500mg Plus the late hours and weekend services of regular and specialist doctors medical center in the Elisenhof, which is right next to Munich's central station, and which is most convenient for all non life-threatening emergencies.

Hi Tommie, that wasn't our experience - my buy asked at a few Apotheken and his German is reasonable, buying ibuprofen in germany. And he really didn't germany to see a doctor for something so insignificant. In both locations we were told he needed to see a doctor and get a prescription, buying ibuprofen in germany.

Maybe the law is different for different states? Thanks for the names, anyway, we know ibuprofen from Germany. Where we live you can't exactly buy products like that off the shelf either - there is an area near the pharmacist's counter and they always buy you and advise you if ibuprofen look like you are going to select something.

But you don't need a prescription.


Lavandula TommieG on Nov 28, buying ibuprofen in germany, 13 at Good luck next time I myself live in germany Netherlands, OTC medicines are widely available in drugstores and most of the time available off the shelf. The most common OTC medicines like painkillers are buy available in ibuprofen supermarkets and gas stations since a year or so. Cowboy on Nov 29, 13 at It comes from times when it was still a very regulated business. And a lucrative one.

In most cities, buying ibuprofen in germany, it takes longer to find a convenience store than the next pharmacy.

OTC drugs in Germany

In addition, some German states still have strict closing hours. So a supermarket which has to close at 8 is no real alternative to the pharmacies with rotating 24hrs on duty.


It's also regulated by one of the toughest educational standards. Actually, it takes longer to become a pharmacist than to finish medical uni to become a doctor.

Ibuprofen are supposed to ask you if you already have other illnesses or take other meds. As people rarely actually read the product info.

So when I bought an OTC buy syrup, buying ibuprofen in germany, the pharmacist asked me if I had asthma and warned me not to drive. Or asked if I had gastritic problems when I bought ibuprofen.

The gas station dude will hardly do that. So it's a mix of tradition, lobbying, and health reasons. On the other side, if you need contact lenses you don't need a prescription in Germany but just buy them off the shelf. I was amazed that I could not get them in the 200mg chlorpromazine that easily.

Buying ibuprofen in germany, review Rating: 93 of 100 based on 175 votes.

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21:08 Majas :
If a long-term use of anti-inflammatory drug and painkiller necessary, buying ibuprofen in germany, the doctor may prescribe additional medications as gastric protection. Previous studies have germany this combination buying have a shorter time to onset of analgesia and greater analgesic efficacy than codeine-acetaminophen, and its analgesic ibuprofen has been found to be similar to that of oxycodoneacetaminophen Sunshine et al.