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Side Effects Sumatriptan is used to relieve pain and other symptoms associated with migraines and cluster headaches. Migraines are a severe headache experienced as a throbbing pain at the front or side of the head resulting from dilation of blood vessels in the brain.
Imitrex (Sumatriptan)
Migraine headaches are often accompanied by other symptoms such as eyesight changes visual aura, dark or coloured spots, flickering lightseye pain, sensitivity to light and sound, dizziness, nausea or vomiting. What makes Sumatriptan different to an ordinary painkiller? Sumatriptan will only relieve pain resulting from migraine headaches. It is a type of triptan which works to reverse the tablets in the blood vessels in the brain which cause a migraine in addition to alleviating the symptoms.
Can Sumatriptan be used to prevent migraines? Sumatriptan, Sumatriptan must not be used to prevent an attack and should only be used at the onset of migraine symptoms or during a migraine attack, cheap sumatriptan tablets. Cautions Sumatriptan should not be used to prevent a migraine attack; it should cheap be taken at the onset of symptoms or during an attack.
Consult a doctor before taking Sumatriptan if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Sumatriptan passes into breast milk and a child should not be fed with milk expressed within 12 hours of taking Sumatriptan. There have not been any studies carried out on the influence of Sumatriptan on the ability to drive or operate machinery, cheap sumatriptan tablets, however tablet may occur and cheap patients are advised against sumatriptan or operating machinery while taking this medicine, cheap sumatriptan tablets.
The active ingredient, sumatriptan, is a serotonin receptor agonist 5-HT which mimics the action of serotonin to relieve pain by causing the blood vessels in the brain to narrow sumatriptan return to their normal state. Sumatriptan also treats other symptoms associated cheap migraines such as nausea, vomiting and tablet to light and sound.
Take one Sumatriptan tablet at the onset of migraine symptoms or during an attack, cheap sumatriptan tablets.
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Do not take a second dose for the same attack; only take Sumatriptan again if there is a subsequent attack after at least two hours. Side effects of Sumatriptan can be intense but usually pass quickly, cheap sumatriptan tablets. If they persist or become severe, seek medical help urgently. The most common side effects of taking Sumatriptan include: