30.03.2010 Public by Talar

Essay about smoking should be banned in all public places

Smoking in Public Places Essay - Why Smoking Should be Banned in Public Places. Spain, and Italy moved in recent years to ban smoking in public places.

Essay: Why Smoking Should Not Be Banned

In this case the freedom to smoke in public area clashes with the individual right of those who don't want to be exposed to smoke. Even smokers complaint of how bad their clothing smells after spending time in close places business plan bloggers a lot of smoke.

Banning smoking in public spaces would contribute to reduce tobacco odor.

essay about smoking should be banned in all public places

No need to wash pullovers, dresses, trousers, as often as before. Set a good example for children: Actors, politicians, parents and other figures we admired law school personal statement intellectual property to smoke. Somehow kids would try to imitate the demeanor of those they like or find role models in their lives and aspirations.

The less children see other people smoking, the less prone they will be to smoke. If smokers cannot smoke cigarretes in public spaces they will likely smoke less. This wil be good for their health and for their finances.

Tobacco has become very expensive in many countries. Tobacco users also claim that the banning smoking in public places may help them with quitting. In particular social smokers are vulnerable when they see other people smoking around them.

Cons of banning smoking in public places: Smokers are normal people, some of them smoke because they really enjoy the habit other because the fail to quit.

essay about smoking should be banned in all public places

Forcing them to smoke in private or only in smokers designated areas is a way to stigmatize them in society. For instance, in many countries it is allowed to drink alcohol in public places. Alcohol consumption is another great threat for public health. We often see people very drunk in public spaces. They may provoke fights and set a poor example for children. If we want to be fair, shouldn't we also ban drinking in public places? In some states carrying guns is allowed in public places. Dissertation sur le populisme firearms more dangerous than cigarettes?

Cigarettes are heavily taxed and the money collected from tobacco consumption can be used to fund research projects against the diseases caused by it or even education programs to raise awareness about the dangers of tobacco. Humans are often willing to undertake some risks for their health for the sake of enjoyment. It is accepted that people drink alcohol because the fun they may get from it, despite its obvious risks.

Similarly, extreme homework tic tac toe 4th grade are practiced by an increasing number of people regardless of the dangers they entail. Banning smoking in public areas means limiting individual liberties.

Government regulation can become increasingly intrusive if we allow it. What is the boundary between the collective good and the individual freedom?

Smoking should be banned in public places like pub gardens and parks, says new report | Metro News

There is a delicate trade-off and it is not clear where the red lines should be placed. What if after banning smoking in public places they decide to ban speaking loud, cracking jokes, or wearing a certain type of clothing? Can we objectively reussir sa dissertation philo what is necessary to ban or not?

essay about smoking should be banned in all public places

Is current regulation too enough or too much? Should smoking be illegal? The bottom line is that secondhand smoke has numerous short-term and long-term consequences for innocent bystanders. The evidence is there, littering attractive buildings and the surrounding landscape with cigarette butts.

essay smoking should be banned in all public places

A smoking ban would reduce litter. Although not a primary argument in support of a public smoking ban, it is still a credible one. The lingering odor of stale cigarettes. In bars and restaurants and other establishments that permit smoking, many patrons find the smell of cigarettes to be unpleasant and annoying.

Clothes worn to a smoky bar may still smell like smoke days later.

essay about smoking should be banned in all public places

The right to a healthy workplace. It is the responsibility of the employer to provide a safe and healthy environment for its employees. While many workers choose to work in workplaces that permit smoking, others may prefer not to be around smoke but persist because they need the employment.

The cost of secondhand smoke. But there also are smoking medical costs. For example, a smoker with poor lung function may have much higher medical bills because of the smoking habit.

essay about smoking should be banned in all public places

Smokers also pay more for life insurance and health insurance than nonsmokers, because of their higher risk of health care costs. Smoking lowers the potential resale value of home and cars, because most buyers are not interested in purchasing a house or car that smells like cigarettes.

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12:58 Kezragore:
Smoke free environments can lead to more smokers quitting and less non-smokers starting to smoke. Wednesday, December 09, at Some people say that science study should be mandatory in schools, others argue that it is unnecessary.

16:31 Mihn:
Do We Still Need Libraries? It is no surprise that smoking is one of the leading causes of death in the nation.

18:10 Faelar:
Include examples from your own experience. Some people think that children should have some classes outside their schools, visiting essay on culture companies or public enterprises for some real life experience. Government regulation can become increasingly intrusive if we allow it.

18:34 Menris:
Research at the University of Zurich in Switzerland demonstrated that when a non-smoker is in a smoky room for just half an hour, he can wind up with the same amount of carbon monoxide in his blood as if he had smoked one cigarette directly.

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