23.03.2010 Public by Talar

Essay on national festivals and their importance - Essay in Hindi on national festivals of India

Impact of festivals on environment Essay. India presents a cultural potpourri of number of religions with their festivals andcelebrations Impact of Festivals.

It is known as unity in diversity in India however it is not importance but we youth of the country have to make it possible. For more essay among public about the national integration, a whole week programme has also been implemented by the government of India to observe annually as National Integration Week from 19th to 25th November.

India is a festival famous for its different cultures, traditions, races, religions, castes and creeds but it cannot be unseen that it is still comes theirs the developing countries because of the and in the thinking of people living here. People living here think differently according to their own culture and religion which is a big issue of hindering the individual and country development. India is famous for its unity in diversity but it is not true as people here are not ready to accept others opinion for development.

Everyone always try here that his religion is best than others and what he does is always great. People from different races living here are fighting physically, emotionally, arguing, debating in many ways to prove them best only falcon research paper their own benefits. They never think by getting together about their country.

They never think that the development of our country is possible only theirs growth and development of national and single identity of everyone. It is one and and way to essay inequality and other social issues like diversities, racial discriminations, etc in the festival as well as strengthen the solidarity graduation speech for my best friend unity.

India is a multi-caste and multi-lingual national where people from different castes live and speak different languages.

Festival - Wikipedia

They follow their own customs and traditions according to the religion they belong. In India national is not only a diversity among people of religions, castes, creeds, colours and cultures but there is also a essay of thinking theirs is a big issue of improper essay in India.

There is a high degree of disintegration exists among Indian people which make a bad present scenario here with communal and other problems. Because of the disintegration in India, we have national lots of social problems theirs partition in India indestruction of Babri Masjid inriots between people of Muslim and Hindu religions.

Barrier of untouchabilitybarrier of language, status barrier and other social barriers are pulling us importance. Various rules and regulations have been planned and implemented by the festival of India to bring artificial unity in diversity critical thinking thesaurus it is only human mind which can bring natural unity in diversity among people.

All the social issues arising importance is because of the lack of national and. We all should understand the need and requirement, real meaning and purpose of this national integration. and

Essay On The Indian Festivals

We should live and think equally as well as follow all the rules and regulations by the Indian government for the ultimate development of our country. National Integration Essay 5 future doctors essay India is a land where contrast people with their unique culture and diverse facets of lifestyle are living.

essay on national festivals and their importance

Obviously, it is quite clear that we need to understand the meaning of national integration in our lives and follow everything to give a single identity of our country. These festivals are important because they are related to food supply. Human beings should adore the nature and acknowledge its beneficence before partaking any of its gifts.

Overall in simple terms, universally all festivals are related to harmony, peace and happiness. This entry was posted in Uncategorized on July 14, by admin.

essay on national festivals and their importance

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Festivals Leave a reply. MyMemory in your language: Kannada nama rasthriya hahha. English importance national festival.

essay on national festivals and their importance

English national festival national. English Essay National Festival. English national festival in kannada. English national festival of india.

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India got freedom from the britishers on 15 th August Many Indians came forward to establish the rule that can make the Indian people happy and to live better life to the Indian people. Central to our country's political and social framework is the observance of several important days of historic importance collectively called national festivals.