29.05.2010 Public by Talar

Interpretive case study qualitative research - Interpretive Research - SAGE Research Methods

International Journal of Doctoral Studies Volume 10, Cite as: Ponelis, S. R. (). Using interpretive qualitative case studies for exploratory research in.

interpretive case study qualitative research

Choose an appropriate statistical method using this straightforward tool. Interpretive Case Studies in IS Research: Nature and Method Search form.

Qualitative Research in Information Systems

Show page numbers Download PDF. Search form icon-arrow-top icon-arrow-top. Nature and Method Previous Next. Looks like you do not have access to this content. This analysis is critical for methods like participatory action research which uses such critique as the basis for collective action.

interpretive case study qualitative research

A critical examination of the consumer study texts used in adult literacy programs revealed content that was disrespectful of adult learners and their previous experience as cases, promoted certain ideologies regarding consumerism, and interpretive the status quo by placing blame for economic researches on individual inadequacies, ignoring societal inequities.

The politics of consumer education materials qualitative in adult literacy classrooms.

Case Study

Adult Education Quarterly, 50 4 Postmodern Research This is research that challenges the form and categories of traditional qualitative analysis.

The postmodern perspective involves questioning certainties and assumptions in the world including the nature of truth, the ability of research and science to discover this truth, and all generalizations and typologies.

interpretive case study qualitative research

This paper critiques the use of self-reflection by higher education teachers as a student-centered method of continuing professional development.

The author argues that the widespread and unquestioned use of reflective self-assessment assumes that the self has a transparent nature and can be adequately examined by introspection and ignores the many post-modern and post-structuralist challenges of this view.

interpretive case study qualitative research

For example, if our views of the self are themselves constructed by the society we live in and the language we use, is true knowledge of the self, independent of these, even possible? Adrfit without a lifeboat: Reflective self-assessment in a post-modern age.

interpretive case study qualitative research

Teaching in Higher Education, 5 4 Regina Gresham College of Education My responsibilities are plentiful as I seek to inspire my students with a desire to learn. I consider education to be invaluable.

interpretive case study qualitative research

I find the establishment of a positive, caring learning environment, one that encourages students to "believe in yourself with dedication and pride" to be priceless. It is an envir Fortunately, the educator role is integral to nursing practice.

interpretive case study qualitative research

I have been afforded the opportunity to teach in a variety of positions for most of my nursing career. An anti-naturalist critique of qualitative methodology. Perspectives on Politics 6 3: Klotz, Audie and Lynch, Cecelia.

Strategies for research in constructivist international relations.

interpretive case study qualitative research

Working in the postpositivist tradition. One might use IPA if one had a research question which aimed to understand what a given experience was like phenomenology and how someone made sense of it interpretation.

Qualitative Research through Case Studies

Analysis in IPA is said to be 'bottom-up. IPA studies do not test theories, then, but they are often relevant to the development of existing theories. One might use the findings of a study on the meaning of sexual intimacy to gay men in close relationships, for example, to re-examine the adequacy of theories which attempt to predict and explain safe sex practices.

After transcribing the data, the researcher works closely and intensively with the text, annotating it closely 'coding' for insights into the participants' experience and perspective on their world.

interpretive case study qualitative research

As the analysis develops, the researcher catalogues the emerging codes, and subsequently begins to look for patterns in the codes. These patterns are called 'themes'. Themes are recurring patterns of meaning ideas, thoughts, feelings throughout the text.

Themes are likely to identify both something that matters to the participants i.

interpretive case study qualitative research

Some themes will eventually be grouped under much broader themes called 'superordinate themes'. For example, 'Feeling interpretive and overwhelmed during the first driving lessons' might be a superordinate category which captures a variety of patterns in participants' interpretive, emotional and cognitive experiences of the early phases of learning to drive, where we might expect to find sub-themes relating to, say, 'Feeling nervous,' 'Worrying about losing control,' and 'Struggling to study the complexities of the task.

In IPA, a good analysis is one qualitative balances phenomenological description with insightful interpretation, and which anchors these interpretations in the participants' accounts. It is also likely to maintain an idiographic focus so that case variations are not lostand to case a close focus on meaning rather than say, causal relations.

A degree m phil thesis topics in marketing research contextual detail about the sample, a clear account of process, adequate commentary on the data, key points qualitative by research quotes is also crucial to estimating the study and transferability of an IPA study.

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14:51 Zolosar:
An empirical example of the use of triangulation is Markus' paper on electronic mail.

13:17 Julkree:
Discussion The findings of this study have highlighted a number of issues for researchers. Civil Society Budget Monitoring for National Accountability. The goal of case study research is to understand the complexity of a case in the most complete way possible.

15:23 Kigajind:
This exemplifies the dynamic characteristics of this method. There is no intervention, or control group used in qualitative research. As a first step a lexico-grammatical definition is attempted, then the material for explication is determined, and this is followed by a narrow context analysis, and a broad context analysis.

14:42 Kazile:
See also the section on philosophical perspectives below. Calls for Papers Forthcoming The following are calls for papers relating to qualitative research in information systems: The procedure has the pretension to be inter-subjectively comprehensible, to compare the results with other studies in the sense of triangulation and to carry out checks for reliability.

19:20 Dirg:
The aim of the hermeneutic analysis becomes one of trying to make sense of the whole, and the relationship between people, the organization, and information technology.