01.08.2010 Public by Talar

Characteristics of a good leader leadership essay

Leadership is defined as ‘the process in which an individual influences the group of individuals to attain a common goal’. The goal is attained by mutual.

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characteristics of a good leader leadership essay

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characteristics of a good leader leadership essay

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characteristics of a good leader leadership essay

Reach out anytime via phone, live chat or email and get immediate attention for your problem. They will be glad to help you out! Blog Assignment Help Case Study Coursework Editing Homework Thesis Proposal Personal Statement Lab Report Dissertation Chapters Book Report. They were not trained in leadership nor did they acquire any leadership skills in their lives; such skills were natural to them.

characteristics of a good leader leadership essay

In other words, there was something in their anatomy, physiology and personality which marked them out from the common mass of mortals. They had an instinctive characteristic to assume leadership and had an inborn will to college tuition essay conclusion greatness and success.

People turned to them instinctively for leader, solace and support. The further implications of the theory that goods are born and not made, are as follows: A measure of divinity is attributed to leaders and their actions. Leadership qualities cannot be transmitted through essay and exposure. The Great Man Theory of leadership is similar to the notion of divine right of kings to reign and rule over their subjects on a perpetual hereditary basis.

Kings were supposed to acquire their legitimacy from God Himself.

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Similarly, some individuals were destined to become great leaders on their own because God gave them certain inimitable abilities of a divine nature. In fact, the Great Man Theory dates back to the ancient Greek and Roman goods when leadership used to be correlated with certain peculiar mental, physical and personality characteristics. Because leaders were thought to be born, a measure of divinity used to be attributed to them and their leadership.

The theory carries some credibility to the extent that leaders in general and great leaders in characteristic have certain mystique about them and are viewed with awe by their followers. The qualities and leaders of such leaders inspire implicit respect, at-least in some respects. The incidence and effectiveness of some great individuals english essay topics for class 4 become leaders just like that without any tutelage and training were inexplicable in any way other than by genetic essay.

It is clear that the Great Man theory has no scientific basis and empirical validity.

characteristics of a good leader leadership essay

It is more of a speculative piece of notion. The great weakness of the Great Man Theory, apart from the improbability of inherent traits, is the absurd belief that some people become great and successful leaders independent of their environmental situations.

characteristics of a good leader leadership essay

The Great Man Theory is totally rejected by goods modern theorists and even by some leaders themselves. Born leaders are imaginary characters. The so called born leaderships tend to be misfits in the modern timothy winters essay fast changing conditions.

If at all there are born leaders, they are freaks of leader their availability is negligible, unreliable and cannot essay the growing demands of society for effective leadership in all spheres of activities. Leadership qualities can be acquired and sharpened by characteristic through proper education, training and exposure.

Situational factors, in conjunction with leadership skills and qualities, have considerable influence on both the emergence and effectiveness of leaders. A somewhat moderate viewpoint is that one may not totally rule out the genetic or inborn nature of some leadership attributes. The latter are allowed to sharpen and develop through education and training processes. The trait theorists identified a long list of qualities which leaders possess.

The following list is only illustrative and not exhaustive.

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A modification of the Great Man Theory is the Trait Theory which argues that leadership qualities or traits can be acquired. They need not always be inborn.

characteristics of a good leader leadership essay

The trait theory of leadership states that there are certain identifiable qualities or characteristics that are unique to leaders and those good leaders possess such qualities to some extent. Leadership qualities may be inborn or they may be acquired through training and practice. Good leaders should be intelligent enough to understand the leadership and content of their position and function, to characteristic the dynamics of environmental variables, both internal and external, which affect contoh application letter bahasa indonesia activities and to have a good perspective of the present and future dimensions of their organisation.

This is not to be confused with physical appearance, though it is important. More than leader appearance, certain inner-personality qualities mark out good leaders from others.

These qualities tend to help leaders to organise and coordinate essay effort, to guide and motivate people in task situations, to make sound decisions, to achieve concrete results and goals, to resolve conflict and to manage organisational change.

characteristics of a good leader leadership essay

Apart from intelligence and personality attributes, good leaders also possess a few key qualities like open mindedness, scientific spirit, social sensitivity, ability to communicate, objectivity, an abiding interest in people, pragmatism and a sense of realism.

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23:39 Tajin:
What an odd factor to talk about.

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