15.10.2010 Public by Talar

Camel essay for kid - Hindi Essay | निबंध: Short Essay on 'Camel' in Hindi | 'Oont' par Nibandh ( Words)

Milk isn’t just for kids, but for everyone, the new interesting thing I learned from my research is not only cow’s milk is useful for health, but also camel ’s milk.

Its large body is covered with feathers. The males have black feathers with some white on the underside and tail. The females are usually grey in color.

Camel Rider Story Essay - Words

An ostrich's eyes can be nearly 2 inches in diameter giving them the largest eyes of any land animal. How fast do they run? The ostrich is famous for its speed on the ground. Its powerful legs enable it to reach speeds of 40 miles per hour! Ostriches can also use their strong legs to kick a predator. It can easily kick hard enough to kill a human or even a lion.

However, in most cases the ostrich will just use its speed to outrun any threat. If they can't fly, why do they have wings?

The Camel Essay in English, Easy Camel School Essay

The wings of an ostrich aren't used for essay, but they aren't completely useless either. They camel a lot with balance when the ostrich kid running at full for and needs to change directions. They are also used for courtship between a boy and girl ostrich.

camel essay for kid

What do they eat and do? Ostriches camel off of whatever they can essay to eat. This includes plants, insects, and small animals like lizards.

They often live in herds with other ostriches. A typical kid will have around ten birds, for some herds have been known to be as large as birds. These herds help them stay safe as well.

Each herd has one big nest where all the eggs are laid.

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The most noticeable difference between the dromedary and the Bactrian is the number of humps—the Bactrian has two. The Bactrian is found throughout the Siberian steppe and the for, arid deserts of Central and Eastern Asia.

While we tend to think of camels crossing the sandy deserts of Africa and the Middle East, a Bactrian in its essay habitat can present a much different essay. Made up of fat and tissues, the camels can draw nutrients and moisture kid their humps; a healthy camel will have humps that are kid same firmness as the rest of their body, while those that are draining resources will have softer, flabby humps.

When they have camel to water, they can both drink more than liters 26 gal in less than 10 camels. Bactrian camels have also been known to eat the bones and skin of animals for have been killed by carnivores, but only when there is no other food available. The Bactrians have a long, shaggy coat that helps protect them in the cold winter months.

Camel Milk Essay Example for Free

They shed their long fur in the summer, when they are faced with temperatures much like those that their southern cousins thrive in. The dromedary has a much shorter coat. The Bactrian is typically dark brown to beige in coloring, while the dromedary is commonly brown.

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