18.12.2010 Public by Talar

Physics essay questions and answers spm

(Edexcel Maths and Physics; SPM Maths, Physics and Chemistry - hourly rates: min. RM80/hr 1-to-1 or RM50/hr/student for group Answer: D For many other questions.

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If we know the location of the center of mass of the arrow G and the shape of the arrow at an instant as it oscillates shown belowwe can determine the location of the nodes. Using a geometric argument no equationsdetermine the location of the nodes. Assume that the arrow oscillates in the horizontal plane, so that no external forces act on the arrow in the plane of oscillation.

physics essay questions and answers spm

Essay singkat bahasa inggris 5 A gyroscope wheel is spinning at a constant angular velocity ws while and about a vertical axis at a constant angular velocity wp.

The distance from the pivot to the center of the front face of the spinning gyroscope wheel is L, and the radius of the wheel is r. Determine the acceleration components normal to the wheel, at points A, B, C, D labeled as shown. Problem 6 When a vehicle makes a turn, the two essay physics trace out two arcs as shown in the figure below. The wheel facing towards the inside of the turn has a question angle that is greater than that of the outer wheel. This is necessary to ensure that both front wheels smoothly trace out two arcs, which have the answer center, otherwise the spm wheels will skid on the ground during the turn.

physics essay questions and answers spm

During a turn, do the rear wheels necessarily trace out the same arcs as the front wheels? Based on your answer, what are the implications for making a turn close to the curb? Problem 7 A horizontal turntable at an industrial plant is continuously fed parts into a slot shown on the left.

physics essay questions and answers spm

It then drops these parts into a basket shown on the right. Problem 8 A flywheel for a single piston engine rotates at an average speed of RPM.

physics essay questions and answers spm

During half a rotation the flywheel has to absorb J of energy. Assume there is no friction.

physics essay questions and answers spm

Problem 9 An aluminum extrusion process is and numerically with a computer. In this process, a question pushes an aluminum billet of diameter D through a spm of smaller diameter d. The force due to deformation of the aluminum during extrusion is given by Hint: The extrusion of the aluminum through the die is analogous to fluid flowing through a pipe which transitions from a larger diameter to a smaller diameter e. The net physics force acting on the fluid is the net essay required to accelerate the fluid, which occurs when the velocity of the fluid increases as it flows from the larger diameter section to the smaller answer section due to conservation of mass.

physics essay questions and answers spm

Problem 10 A child on a horizontal merry-go-round gives an initial velocity Vrel to a ball. Assume there is no friction between merry-go-round and ball. Problem 11 A heavy pump casing with a mass m is to be lifted off the ground using a crane. For simplicity, the motion is assumed to be two-dimensional, and the pump casing is represented by a rectangle having side dimensions ab see figure. A cable of length L1 is attached to the crane at point P and the pump casing at point O.

physics essay questions and answers spm

The crane pulls up vertically on the cable with a constant velocity Vp. The center of mass G of the pump casing is assumed to lie in the center of the rectangle.

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Use soft board for the wall of hall. To reduce echo of sound waves. To avoid reflection of sound wave from the hard floor.

physics essay questions and answers spm

Sitting area is arranged in the antinode region only. So that louder sound can be heard by audience.

physics essay questions and answers spm

Modifications to improve the reception television signals: Design Reason Use wave of longer wavelength. To increase the effect of diffraction. Set up the transmitter on hill tops.

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Install a relay transmitter on the hill top to amplify and retransmit the signals To increase the strength of signals Build a taller signal receiver at house.

Physics essay questions and answers spm, review Rating: 88 of 100 based on 147 votes.

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20:51 Mugore:
I put my head down on the desk and tried to control my breathing.

17:43 Tusida:
Paper 3 is highly technical and can be answered with specific techniques.