06.04.2010 Public by Talar

Rate of reaction coursework ocr - BBC - GCSE Bitesize - Rates of reaction

Students investigate how surface area affect rates of reaction, Investigation skills - Rates of Reaction with Rhubarb How temperature affects rate of.

However, they will cool a little standing out in the laboratory, so not completely satisfactory solution to the problem.

Rates of reaction graphs and orders

In the case of the sodium thiosulphate - acid reaction, you can leave the thermometer in the flask and take the temperature at the end, then use an average for the temperature of the reaction. If temperature isn't a variable, it must be kept constant. The simplest solution here, is to make sure all the chemicals have been standing in the laboratory prior to the lesson.

Rates Of Reaction Gcse Coursework

Then, they will all be at the same temperature, which should be recorded. If more experiments are conducted at another the time, the temperature must again be checked and recorded.

rate of reaction coursework ocr

Refer to any previous laboratory experience with 'rate coursework reaction' experiments which may have helped you decide and design the experimental method. A clearly labelled diagram of the method with a brief outline of ocr you intend to carry out the experiments - this cuts down on the writing and makes the rate clear! You must give details of how long you might time the experiment as well as the time interval between experimental readings REMEMBER you can change your 'recipe' or way of reaction the experiment.

Obtaining evidence[ edit ] Observations, measurements, in other words the results!

rate of reaction coursework ocr

Possibly some data you might have been given secondary data These must be clearly recorded in neat tables showing all the units e. Repeat corrected gas volume???

rate of reaction coursework ocr

All experiments should be repeated where time allows checking for accuracy and consistency; this may become more necessary after you have done a preliminary analysis The 'bung effect'!

Your recorded results should indicate the accuracy of the measuring equipment e. Some of the work done here in presenting the results, e.

rate of reaction coursework ocr

See more about anomalous results in the evaluation. Evaluation I feel confident with my results.

rate of reaction coursework ocr

I did not include this anomalous reaction in the average time because then it would make that one average result unreliable, which would then also make ocr graph of coursework unreliable. To get this outlier, it could have been because I did this experiment in two different rooms on two different days, and the heat and weather conditions could have changed which probably affected the rate.

rate of reaction coursework ocr

Also, the timing may not have been correct because I were watching it with my own eyes. The ocr itself depends on the nature of the reactant or product: The rate of a substance - solid, liquid or gas - is measured with a balance Coursework volume of a gas is usually measured with a gas syringe, or sometimes an upside-down measuring cylinder or burette Measuring critical thinking making judgements production of a gas using a gas syringe It is usual to reaction the mass or total volume at regular intervals and plot a graph.

The readings go on the vertical axis, and the time goes on the horizontal axis.

rate of reaction coursework ocr

Factors affecting the rate You will coursework expected to remember the factors that affect the rate of reactions, and to plot or interpret graphs from rate experiments.

How to rate the rate of a reaction: The rate of a reaction increases if: The temperature is increased, The concentration of a dissolved reactant is increased, The reaction of a reacting gas is increased, Solid reactants are broken into smaller ocr, A catalyst is used.

rate of reaction coursework ocr

The graph above summarises the differences in the rate of reaction at different temperatures, concentrations and size of pieces. The steeper the line, the greater the rate of reaction.

rate of reaction coursework ocr

Additional notes 1 Hydrogen peroxide is capable of oxidising thiosulfate ions to tetrathionate ions but the reaction is too slow to affect this demonstration. To avoid this the acid and sodium thiosulfate are separated in solutions A and B.

Teaching notes Visual tips: Scaling up the volumes of solution that are mixed may help in a large room.

rate of reaction coursework ocr

There is no warning of when the blue colour is about to appear.

Rate of reaction coursework ocr, review Rating: 94 of 100 based on 203 votes.

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12:49 Grokus:
Because if there is remains of chemicals on your hands and you touch your eyes with your hands it may cause temporary blind and irritation which may lead to a long term effect. I will then put 40cm3 of sodium thiosulphate into a conical flask and place it on a tripod and gauze.

15:35 Yosida:
That greater density of molecules increases the number of collisions. Therefore it shows a fast rate of reaction when the concentration is stronger.

13:49 Zum:
Therefore, they are not really reliable. Then, they will all be at the same temperature, which should be recorded.