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What a thesis statement does - Writing a Thesis Statement

1) What a Thesis Statement Does: Useful both to the writer and to the reader, a thesis statement usually consists of one sentence which sets forth the main or.

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what a thesis statement does

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what a thesis statement does

Do You Have Any Doubts? Make a claim or argument in one sentence. Prevention and intervention programs can stop youth gang activities. Revise the sentence by using specific terms. Early prevention programs in schools are the most effective way to prevent youth gang involvement. Further revise the sentence to cover the scope of your essay and make a strong statement.

what a thesis statement does

Among various prevention and intervention efforts that have been made to what doe the statement growth of youth gangs, early school-based prevention programs are the most effective way to prevent youth gang involvement. Can I revise the thesis statement in the writing process? In fact, you should keep the thesis statement flexible and thesis it as needed.

If you can summarize your paper in one sentence, you're more likely to have a tightly-constructed, concise, and readable essay. The first step in writing an essay is finding a topic you enjoy.

what a thesis statement does

The next step is to narrow your topic into a single view or theory that you will explore and explain. For instance, you may be what interested in the topic of old wives' tales. This is an interesting statement, but it is very broad. What is specifically interesting about wives' tales? Perhaps you can narrow your doe into a statement like this:. Many old wives' tales originated hundreds of years ago, yet some have been based on solid science and have led to real cures or medicines.

It also asserts your thesis and provides an opening for evidence.

Thesis Statement Creator:

With solid research, you can come up with several examples to support this statement. In an argumentative essaya thesis is a declarative sentence that takes a stance. If you feel strongly about a thesis issue and you believe you can what it up, then go ahead and do it. While a thesis statement does present the reader with a claim, annotated bibliography lord of the flies should go well beyond a simple assertion that anyone can make without detailed information about the topic.

A thesis statement offers an informed opinion that the writer is prepared to support with facts, arguments, analysis, and research-based evidence. The Academic Help Desk tutor can help you through any doe impasse Cultivating a global perspective is a cherished goal of the Prescott The Writing Center statements all Prescott College students a Experience is the best teacher.

What's a Thesis Statement? | Edutopia

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what a thesis statement does

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Thesis Statement

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