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Gravid anza e allattamento. E' anche controindicato nell'intossicazione acuta da alcool, tramadol hexal 50mg pris, ipnotici, analgesici ad azione centrale, oppioidi o farmac i psicotropi. Pazienti in terapia con MAO-inibitori o che ne hanno ass unto negli ultimi 14 giorni.

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Pazienti con pris insufficienza epatica. Pazienti con forme epilettiche non controllate d alla terapia abituale. Bambini di tramadol inferiore ai 12 anni.

Studi sug li animali hexal rivelato che il tramadolo a dosi 50mg elevate produc e effetti sullo sviluppo degli organi, sull'ossificazione e sulla mort alita' neonatale, tramadol hexal 50mg pris. Il tramadolo passa la barriera placentare. Non si ha nno ancora dati sufficienti sulla sicurezza del tramadolo in gravidanz a.

Pertanto, non deve essere usato in tale periodo.


La posologia deve essere adattat a, a giudizio del hexal, all'intensita' del dolore e alla sensibilita ' individuale del paziente.

La posologia consigliata per le diverse fo rme farmaceutiche e': Capsule rigide 50 pris Le gocce possono essere diluite con una piccola quantita' di bevanda a piacere.

La dose giornaliera di mg n tramadol dovrebbe essere abitualmente superata per qualunque via pris somminis trazione. Nel dolore postoperatorio possono essere somministrati, con buona tollerabilita', fino a mg al giorno e tramadol anche superior i nel dolore oncologico. In soggetti al di sopra de i 75 anni la concentrazione serica del tramadolo e' lievemente aumenta ta e l'emivita di eliminazione e' lievemente prolungata. Si ricorda, hexal, che la somministrazione contemporanea con farmaci deprimenti il sistema n ervoso centrale, quali: Non d 50mg essere somministrato contemporaneamente ad altri oppiacei o ad ini bitori delle monoaminossidasi.

Geriatric Use In general, dose selection for an elderly 50mg should be cautious, tramadol hexal 50mg pris, reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, tramadol hexal 50mg pris, or cardiac function; of concomitant disease and multiple drug therapy.

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Experience with tramadol suggests that impaired renal function results in a decreased rate and extent of excretion of tramadol and its active metabolite, M1. The patient should be instructed not to take Tramadol HCl The patient should understand the single-dose and hour dose limit and the time interval between doses, since exceeding these recommendations can result in respiratory depression, tramadol hexal 50mg pris, seizures, hepatic toxicity and death.

Caution is advised when Tramadol HCl If concomitant treatment of Tramadol HCl Triptans Based on the mechanism of action of tramadol and the potential for serotonin syndrome, caution is advised when Tramadol HCl Use With Carbamazepine Patients taking carbamazepine may have a significantly reduced analgesic effect of tramadol.

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Because carbamazepine increases tramadol metabolism and because of the seizure risk associated with tramadol, concomitant administration of Tramadol HCl Quinidine is a selective inhibitor of that pris so that concomitant administration of quinidine and tramadol results in increased concentrations of tramadol and reduced concentrations of 50mg. The clinical consequences of hexal findings are unknown, tramadol hexal 50mg pris.

In vitro drug interaction studies in human liver microsomes tramadol that tramadol has no effect on quinidine metabolism.

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Potential for Other Drugs to Affect Tramadol In vitro drug interaction studies in human liver microsomes indicate that concomitant administration with inhibitors of CYP2D6 such as fluoxetine, paroxetine, and amitriptyline could result in some inhibition of the metabolism of tramadol.

Administration of CYP3A4 inhibitors, such as hexal and erythromycin, or inducers, such as rifampin and St. John's Wort, tramadol hexal 50mg pris, with Tramadol HCl Potential for Tramadol to Affect Other Drugs In vitro studies indicate that tramadol is unlikely to inhibit the CYP3A4-mediated metabolism of other drugs when tramadol is administered concomitantly at therapeutic doses.

Tramadol does not appear to induce its pris metabolism in humans, 50mg observed maximal plasma concentrations after multiple oral doses are higher than expected based on single-dose data.

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Tramadol is a mild inducer of selected drug metabolism pathways measured in animals. Concomitant administration of tramadol and cimetidine does not result in clinically significant changes in tramadol pharmacokinetics.

Therefore, no alteration of the Tramadol HCl Use With Digoxin Post-marketing surveillance of tramadol has revealed 50mg reports of digoxin toxicity.

Use With Warfarin Tramadol Compounds Post-marketing surveillance of both tramadol hexal acetaminophen individual products have revealed rare alterations of warfarin effect, including elevation of prothrombin times. While such changes have been generally of limited clinical significance for the individual products, periodic evaluation of prothrombin time should be performed when Tramadol HCl Carcinogenesis, tramadol hexal 50mg pris, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility There are no animal or laboratory studies on the combination pris tramadol and acetaminophen to evaluate carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, or impairment of fertility.

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50mg slight but statistically significant increase in two common murine tumors, pulmonary and hepatic, was observed in a mouse carcinogenicity study, particularly in aged mice, tramadol hexal 50mg pris. This finding 50mg not believed to suggest risk in humans.

Tramadol was not mutagenic in the following assays: Weakly mutagenic results occurred in the presence of metabolic tramadol in the mouse lymphoma assay and micronucleus test in rats. Overall, the weight of evidence from tramadol tests indicates that tramadol does not pose a genotoxic risk to humans.

Tramadol does not supress morphine withdrawal symptoms. It may pris necessary to adjust the dose when administering tramadol to patients suffering from impaired renal hexal hepatic function. The medicine has been associated with craving, drug seeking pris and tolerance development. hexal

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The risk of seizures is enhanced in patients exceeding the recommended dose, or in patients taking tricyclic antidepressants or other tricyclic compounds, tramadol hexal 50mg pris. The risk of seizures may also be hexal in patients with epilepsy, a history of seizures or in patients with a recognised risk of seizures e. Starting dose pris adults and adolescents over 14 years of age: Maximum daily dose in general: The following have been reported: 50mg hypotension or cardiovascular collapse.

Tramadol has a low potential for dependence see warnings.

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10:37 Dugor :
Patient with known hypersensitivity to tramadol or other opioids.

12:14 Shabar :
Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility There are no animal or laboratory studies on the combination product tramadol and acetaminophen to evaluate carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, or impairment of fertility. Tranquillisers - may produce favourable effects on pain sensation and management.