28.02.2010 Public by Zulkigul

A list of persuasive essay - Essay Topics Generation Tool

List of persuasive essay topics, compare contrast essay topics, argumentative essay topics and many other good essay topics for college writing assignments and tests!

The overall content of your essay was strong, but its expression was awkward at times. I agree that your essay needs a "stronger sense of purpose," and I believe that the essay persuasive essay lists "wishy-washy" is that you do not have strongly-articulated goals. Broad career objectives like, "establishing a network of scholars and future administrators participating in a rigorous intellectual process," are too vague; you need to give your reader a precise sense of what you want to do.

Your essay will be much more persuasive if you articulate specific intermediate and long-term career goals.

Persuasive writing - Wikipedia

Because you have already accomplished significant work in the educational field, the committee will expect you to have clearly-defined lists in your doctoral studies. Given your experience, you may want to discuss your essay plans for your dissertation. Here are my specific comments on each individual paragraph of your essay: Paragraph 1 Your introduction suffered from an excessive reliance on persuasive logic "I seek an education because I am interested in education.

I want to fine-tune my research skills because research skills are important to a career in education. Sentences like these obscure rather than clarify your essays, and I sought to make your writing more active and transparent.

I eliminated your cv cover letter for nursery nurse first paragraph and incorporated your discussion of "purpose" into a new engaging list.

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I also liked this paragraph's allusion to your role as a "reformist. What do you want to reform? Can you give concrete examples? See my suggestion for alternative wording that does a better job of capturing your experience and of demonstrating how that experience has influenced your decision to seek an advanced degree. Paragraph essay mortgage crisis This paragraph did a good job of describing your work at the Christian Assistance Ministry.

Nonetheless, your argument digressed somewhat during your discussion of the difficulties faced by social workers.

a list of persuasive essay

This paragraph is most effective if you focus on your accomplishments and on the needs of your clients. Also, please note that even though the refined paragraph is more concise than your original, it still retains all the significant content. The ability to condense and synthesize information is highly prized by admissions committees.

Paragraph 3 This paragraph required more up-front details. You mention some diverse research experiences, which is good, but you should also cite the title of your position and describe your primary responsibilities.

Persuasive Essay Topics & Original Ideas for Your Essay!

Because the name of your company implies that you do persuasive business development, a reader might be confused by your research in seemingly unrelated fields. Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade essay Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade Grade 1 Back list Top.

Explanatory Writing How Much I Know About Space Explanatory Paragraph My Favorite Pet Explanatory Paragraph Sweet Spring Explanatory Paragraph.

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Narrative Writing A Happy Day Narrative Paragraph My Trip to Mexico Narrative Paragraph. Creative Writing Happy Easter Story Paragraph Leaf Person Story. Research Writing Parrots Report.

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Grade 2 Back to Top. Explanatory Writing If I Were President Explanatory Paragraph.

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Narrative Writing My Dad Personal Narrative The Horrible Day Personal Narrative. Response to Literature One Great Book Book Review.

Creative Writing A Fable Story Ant Poem Poem The Missing Coin Story Winter Words Poem.

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Research Writing Horses Report Ladybugs Report. Grade 3 Back to Top. Topics Relevant to Legal Issues Do gun control regulations help to reduce crime?

Is capital punishment a justifiable action?

Top 100 Persuasive Essay Topics

Is the practice of euthanasia a defensible one? The book "Twelve Angry Men" is a literary representation of democracy, including its potential flaws. Should same-sex marriage be legalized? It is never justifiable to submit someone to torture.

Smoking in commonly held places should not be permitted.

Argumentative Essay Topics

Regulations in society are becoming too controlling. It is wrong to make the use of marijuana legal in some states. It should be illegal to produce and sell cigarettes.

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Topics of Social Concern Racial tolerance is enhanced by cross-cultural marriages. The behavior of children from one-parent homes is different from those who come from a two-parent household. Criminal activity is more frequently engaged in by men rather than women.

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Youthfulness makes people more rebellious by nature, and consequently, young adults are more receptive to negative influence. Children who saw violence on TV are more likely to be violent themselves Sexual content on TV influences teenagers in a negative way.

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The best way to improve education is to homeschool children. Environmental Topics Because trees recycle air, the destruction of rainforests should be prohibited.

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To reduce gas prices, should countries drill for oil in environmentally persuasive places? Global warming does not actually exist. Do persuasive cars potentially offer a remedy to worldwide pollution? Topic Pertaining to Society and the Media Is it true or false that women' body images are influenced by the essay Is it true or false that there is causality between playing violent video games and perpetuating violence in schools?

Miscellaneous Topics Do cities have an obligation to preserve old or historic buildings? Now you need to avoid. King's mountaintop speech i'm sitting in does the following article can have like no topic can be difficult to convince a essay title attention-grabbing.

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A list of persuasive essay, review Rating: 86 of 100 based on 218 votes.

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