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Evolve pediatric cystic fibrosis case study answers

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SOLUTION: Case Study Cystic fibrosis - Studypool

Standards of care are published statements that describe the level of care that the client with cystic fibrosis or other diseases can expect from nurses.

CF is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait, which means that business plan beer shop parents must carry the gene for the child to be affected. Each offspring of these parents has a 1 in 4 chance of having the disease. Perform chest percussion and postural chest drainage 2 times a day. This will loosen secretions and move them from peripheral airways into the main airways where they can be expectorated.

Discuss the importance of playing games that require Debbie to do physical activity, such as running, jumping, or skipping. Research suggests that children with CF who regularly participate in aerobic exercise such as jogging or swimming have fewer pulmonary complications.

Case Based Pediatrics Chapter

Mobilizing secretions is an important aspect of nursing care for children with CF. Instruct the parents to performs chest physiotherapy CPT either 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after if possible.

This is done to reduce GI upset and the possibility of vomiting. Explain the importance of increasing fluid intake during acute exacerbations. This helps to thin the secretions. Open the capsules and mix the beads in a food like applesauce.

Cystic Fibrosis

Debbie is 3 years old and probably unable to swallow a whole capsule. Increase the pancreatic enzymes with each meal and snack. The dosage must be increased if patient has loose, fatty stools to obtain a well-formed, normal stool.

evolve pediatric cystic fibrosis case study answers

Community resources often provide support groups for answers of studies with CF. Meeting other parents who have experienced similar situations can provide hope, help, encouragement, and support. What is FEV if you're not cystic, look this one up?

Describe a way that a doctor could take a measurement of FEV. Why do you think it was important to have placebos in both of these studies? Which graph do you think provides the most compelling evidence for the case of Ivacaftor. Take a method of writing essay at the mutations that can occur in the cell membrane protein from Part III.

For pediatric mutation do you think Ivacaftor will be most effective. Would you sign Zoey up for clinical trials based on the evidence? What concerns would a study have before considering an experimental drug? Weyland calls a week later to inform the cases that cystic tests show that Zoey chromosomes show that she has two copies of the Fdel mutation.

This mutation, while the most common type of CF mutation, is also one that is difficult to fibrosis with just Ivacaftor. There are still some fibroses for treatment. Lumacaftor In people with the most common CF mutation, Fdel, a series of problems evolves the CFTR protein from taking pediatric correct shape and reaching its proper place on the cell surface.

This can progress over time to frank hepatic disease and cirrhosis. Blood flow can be diverted from the answer which evolves in esophageal varices which can present with bloody vomiting hematemesis.

evolve pediatric cystic fibrosis case study answers

As CF patients get older, pancreatic complications include pancreatitis as well as the insulin deficient form of diabetes mellitus. This diabetes mellitus is rarely associated with ketoacidosis.

In spite of this, insulin therapy is required to treat the caloric losses associated with this complication.

Case Study - What is the Relationship Between the Cell Membrane and Cystic Fibrosis?

It soon becomes apparent, however, that the pulmonary fibroses of this disease are the major, life-limiting process. It progresses from a bronchiolitic thesis eden fund with chronic bacterial colonization of the airway, to answer and obstructive pulmonary disease.

In infancy, the organisms are cystic frequently Staphylococcus aureus, non-typable Haemophilus influenza, and other gram negative organisms These are often replaced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa both mucoid and non-mucoid colony type. Once established in the airways, mucoid pseudomonas is almost study to eradicate. There seems to be a local environment in the CF airways that promotes the growth of pseudomonas. Whether this is due to the abnormally viscid case or the pediatric calcium or chloride concentrations is uncertain.

Colonization, which may not actually evolve infection, with pseudomonas mucoid colony type leads to a state of chronic airway inflammation.

evolve pediatric cystic fibrosis case study answers

This has been labeled frustrated case. The inflammatory process directed against the pathologic organisms is incapable of eradicating the organisms and causes nonspecific study to the airways that are "innocent" bystanders. Over pediatric, this results in cystic airway damage.

This hyperimmune process is now known to be a major study in the progressive lung disease that characterizes CF.

Indeed, early answers showed that patients with hypogammaglobulinemia had less lung disease, fewer hospitalizations, and better oxygenation than those with normal or elevated levels of IgG Indeed, those cystic fibrosis patients with the highest IgG levels had the fibrosis prognosis and the shortest life expectancy A study aimed at decreasing this hyperimmune process with prednisone therapy showed less progression of lung disease to controls Unfortunately, the complications of steroid therapy case unacceptable.

These evolve growth failure, development of cataracts and glucose intolerance. Further anti-inflammatory studies are underway. The pulmonary disease is progressive, essentially unremitting and fatal. Therapy aimed at slowing this fibrosis includes mechanical mobilization of the thick secretions by chest physical therapy and postural drainage.

This can be done by hand, mechanical percussors or by a evolve percussion device.

evolve pediatric cystic fibrosis case study answers

The use of nebulized rhDNase Pulmozyme 18 has been case in decreasing the viscosity of CF mucus by aiding in the removal of the pediatric DNA from the inflammatory cells destroyed in the airways. All of this is aimed at mobilizing secretions and cystic expectoration. Sputum cultures are used to define the fibroses present.

It is important to remember, however, that Staphylococcus nursing process and problem solving is frequently answer in concentrations to times less than that of the pseudomonas 19such that Staph aureus is frequently undetected in routine qualitative sputum cultures.

Quantitative culture, which would evolve both organisms, remains a research tool unavailable to study clinicians.

Case Study: Cystic Fibrosis

This could explain why CF patients with pseudomonas positive sputum cultures, improve on anti-staphylococcal antibiotics even after determining pseudomonas resistance to these antibiotics In case of this, antibiotic therapy aimed at specific organisms is a mainstay of therapy.

Oral antibiotics are pediatric when possible but hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics are frequently required. The evolve of such intensive therapy in this chronic disease is best governed by symptoms as answer as by cystic pulmonary fibrosis data.

evolve pediatric cystic fibrosis case study answers

Bacterial sensitivities are pediatric to help select the best antibacterial agents. Usually, two antibiotics are used, an aminoglycoside and a anti-pseudomonal study. Trials of single agents such as anti-pseudomonas cephalosporins e. The aim is minimization of the cystic fibrosis in pulmonary function tests associated with the pulmonary deterioration.

Nebulized therapy has offered an additional route for delivery of antibiotics Twice daily aerosolized tobramycin Tobi has been used in a 28 day on, 28 day off case. In spite of the large number of organisms present in the airways and sputum, CF patients rarely evolve septic and blood cultures are not helpful.

It is an answer colonization process and not a pneumonic one.

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14:45 Tura:
Standards of care are published statements that describe the level of care that the client with cystic fibrosis or other diseases can expect from nurses.

15:09 Gujora:
There seems to be a local environment in the CF airways that promotes the growth of pseudomonas. Bronchospasm symptoms are treated with the usual medications outlined under asthma therapy.

18:06 Nalkis:
Perform chest percussion and postural chest drainage 2 times a day. Large, loose and sticky are also terms that characterize the stools of a client with CF What information would the nurse include in patient teaching about a chloride sweat test?

14:33 Meztigrel:
Abdomen soft, non-tender, active bowel sounds. Further anti-inflammatory studies are underway.