Zoloft 200mg pregnancy - Pregnant And On Sertraline - Zoloft/Lustral (sertraline) - The Depression Forums - A Depression & Mental Health Social Community Support Group

Has anyone taken zoloft during pregnancy?What were the results?

And where did you get your PHD in neuropharmacology? He said Zoloft is one of the most studied antidepressants, zoloft 200mg pregnancy.

Sertraline Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Warnings

I am in the 200mg of switching to it myself. You have to make the best decision you can for you and your pregnancy after consultation with legitimate experts. Took mg through my pregnancy with twin boys who are now 6 with no problems. If you decide to go off it I would recommend looking at going back on when you get further along into your third trimester to zoloft with Post Partum Depression.

N My maternal fetal medicine dr advised against it. So I quit before getting pregnant. If the benefits outweigh the risk, listen to your doctor. I take 6 different medications for a more severe mental illness.

Depression, anxiety, zoloft 200mg pregnancy, and other symptoms change your heart rate, your sleep is disturbed, eating habits suffer, and stopping antidepressants abruptly can cause serious withdrawal symptoms like severe diarrhea, vomiting, muscle aches, and even seizures. You can also become suicidal.

Pregnant And On Sertraline........

Make sure if you stop your meds to do it with 200mg doctors advice. I took Cymbalta for 5 pregnancies and a doctor switched me to Prozac without weaning me off the Cymbalta and I ended up hospitalized for seizures. I had severe vomiting, diarrhea, and muscle aches so bad I just curled up in a ball and cried. Obviously that is an extreme case, zoloft it happens more than you think.

Talk to your doctor and weigh the risks. Oh yea, stop googling: It bothers me that people post "antidepressants are dangerous". Do you have a medical degree or are you just reading warnings? They are ALL different and Zoloft is the most widely used, thus studied in pregnancy. In fact, some docs switch pregnant women TO Zoloft from other meds when their client is pregnant. The reason docs would like you off in the third trimester is to avoid aciclovir ranbaxy hinta withdrawals but its only in an "ideal" world and many take them up until they deliver, zoloft 200mg pregnancy.

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Not all babies with have noticeable withdrawals, zoloft 200mg pregnancy. If you have been symptom free for over 6 months some docs will okay you to trial off them I did this with all my pregnancies but with some I had to go back on and with some I didnt. You know your brain! While drug free is ideal, so is managing your mental health! Its being a responsible parent too!

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