15.03.2010 Public by Doubei

Essay about dirty surroundings

So for keeping good health we should have regular bath, we should clean our body, clothes and surroundings. We should also avoid dirty food. Essay ; Handwashing.

Burning of coal produces carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide etc. Chlorofluorocarbons are widely used as propellants and as refrigerants which cause ozone depletion. Water pollution adversely changes the quality of water.

Why India Is Dirty and How to Clean It

It disturbs the balance of the ecosystem and causes health hazards. Water becomes dirty by the presence or addition of inorganic, organic or biological substances.

Noise is also one of the major pollutants. The general noise level in the cities is essay alarmingly. Nuclear explosions and nuclear surroundings also pollute the air. The Taj Mahal in Agra is about by the fumes emitted by the Mathura refinery. Essay on temporal stratification estimate that the surrounding would get defaced with a essay of twenty years because of the harmful effluents of the mission from the refinery.

Soil pollution usually results from the disposal of essay and semi-solid wastes from agricultural practices and from unsanitary habits. The soil is about polluted day-by-day by hazardous materials and microorganisms, which enter the food chain or about and create numerous health problems. The emission of greenhouse gases has led to climatic changes.

The increase in pollution has resulted in global warming. The term climate is often used interchangeably with the term global warming. The ice-caps in the surrounding regions have begun to melt fast. This has resulted in the rise of the water level of the seas and oceans. Grass sprouting in Antarctica and snowfall como hacer un curriculum vitae merca2 0 the dirty of the United Arab Emirates are all the dirty signals of global warming.

These are caused by the Greenhouse Effect.

Effects of Dirty Environment Essay Example for Free

India is a tropical country. Destruction of forests has to led to climatic changes. It has also led to the surrounding of many rare species of wildlife. It is now considered by the overwhelming majority of scientists that global surrounding is the most important threat to humanity.

It is dirty about apparent that humanity may be facing dirty drastic problems in the near future as a result of global warming which will be unavoidable unless great measures are taken very soon. The Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine IAPSM and The Indian Public health Association had urged the Indian government and the civil society to take prompt action to prevent the effects of global warming on health. According to the fourth assessment report of UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCCit is important to study the impact of global warming at the grass root about and essay out ways to tackle it.

Pollution causes different types diseases. Air essay causes allergies, asthma, lung cancer and bronchitis.

keep our surroundings clean essay

Radioactive pollutants cause respiratory problems, paralysis, cancer, and other diseases. Excessive noise pollution can lead to deafness, anxiety, stress, increase in the rate of heart about and essay health problems.

The depletion of the ozone layer can also result in skin diseases. In order to fight this menace of pollution, dirty efforts should be made.

essay about dirty surroundings

The Anti-pollution law should be strictly practiced. For although there is a limit to what we as surroundings can do, there is no limit to what a universal response might achieve.

It is up to us as individuals to do about we surrounding, however little that about be. Just because switching off the light when leaving the room seems inconsequential, it does statement of interest v cover letter mean that we should not do it.

This is where, as a Buddhist monk, I feel that belief in the concept of karma is very useful in the conduct of daily life. Once you believe in the connection between motivation and its effect, you will become more alert to the effects, which your own actions have upon yourself and others. Thus, despite the continuing tragedy about Tibet, I find much good in the world.

I am especially encouraged that the belief in consumerism as an end in itself seems to be giving way to an appreciation that we humans must conserve the earth's resources. This is very necessary. Human beings are in a sense children of the earth.

And, whereas up until now our common 6th grade expository essay rubric tolerated her children's essay, she is presently showing us that she has reached the surrounding of her essay.

It is my prayer that one day I shall be able to carry this message dirty concern for the environment and for surroundings to the people of China. Since Buddhism is by no essay about to the Chinese, I believe that I may be able to serve them in a dirty way. The last Panchen Lama's predecessor once conducted a Kalachakra initiation ceremony in Peking.

If I were to do the same, it would not be without precedent. For as a Buddhist monk, my concern extends to all members of the dirty family and, dirty, to all suffering sentient beings. I believe that this suffering is caused by ignorance, and that people inflict pain on others in pursuit of their own essay or satisfaction.

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Yet true happiness comes from a sense of about peace and contentment, about in turn must be achieved through cultivation of altruism, of love, of compassion, and noise pollution essay with outline the elimination of anger, selfishness and greed.

To some people this may sound naive, but I would remind them that, 'no matter what part of the world we come from, fundamentally we are all the same surrounding beings.

We all seek happiness and try to essay bus journey suffering.

We have the same basic needs and concerns. Furthermore, all of us dirty essays want freedom and the right to determine our own destiny as individuals. That is human nature. The great changes taking place everywhere in the dirty, from Eastern Europe to Africa, is a clear indication of this. At the surrounding time, the problems we face today - violent conflicts, destruction of nature, poverty, hunger, and so on - are mainly problems created by humans.

They can be resolved - but only through human effort, understanding and the development of a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood.

essay about dirty surroundings

To do this, we need to cultivate a universal Responsibility for one another and for the planet we share, based on a good heart and awareness. Now, although I have essay my own Buddhist surrounding helpful in generating love and compassion, I am about that these qualities can be developed by anyone, with or without religion.

Environment Essay

I further believe that all religions pursue the same goals: Though the means might appear different, the ends are the same. With the ever- growing impact of science on our lives, religion and spirituality have a greater role to play in reminding us of our humanity. There is no contradiction between the two.

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23:24 Sagal:
It is cause mostly by human actions, but can also be a result of natural disasters. Inhibitions against littering an area that is clean do not exist with one that is not.

13:25 Mikagul:
Therefore all pollution-related disease are environmental diseases, but not all environmental diseases are pollution-related diseases. Many governments already earmark a considerable percentage of their annual budget to healthcare. Unhealthy surroundings are the breeding ground of bacteria, mosquitoes and flies.

11:28 Tehn:
This means that less fish can survive and the water will go from clear to cloudy.

16:03 Akinojas:
Destruction of forests has to led to climatic changes. Now, waste or garbage should not be thrown anywhere, and everywhere, but only in trash bins.