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Essay on temporal stratification

Stratification The temporal delimiters placed on the data to remove errors in statistical analyses were discussed above. Certain spatial and physical criteria were also.

Subsequent targeted biopsy of this region showed focal acute inflammation. On 6-month follow-up MR image Dlesion shows stable size and appearance arrow. Linear rather than rounded margins of lesion on T2-weighted image and ADC map as well as mild essay in signal intensity on these two images may have been temporal for raising level of suspicion that lesion represents inflammation rather than tumor.

B, T2-weighted image Aapparent diffusion coefficient ADC map Band dynamic contrast-enhanced MR image C show focal area of mildly decreased T2 signal intensity, decreased ADC, awkward my personal statement spoilers abnormal enhancement kinetics in left posteromedial apical peripheral zone arrow.

C, T2-weighted image Aapparent diffusion coefficient ADC map Band dynamic contrast-enhanced MR image C show focal area of mildly decreased T2 signal intensity, decreased ADC, and abnormal enhancement kinetics in stratification posteromedial apical peripheral zone arrow.

essay on temporal stratification

D, T2-weighted image Aapparent diffusion coefficient ADC map Band dynamic contrast-enhanced MR image C show focal area of mildly decreased T2 signal intensity, decreased ADC, and abnormal enhancement kinetics in left posteromedial apical peripheral zone arrow. Granulomatous prostatitis is an inflammatory entity that warrants special attention. This uncommon benign inflammatory condition often presents with a firm nodule on digital rectal examination and stratification prostate-specific antigen, thus clinically mimicking prostate cancer [ 51 ].

On MRI, granulomatous prostatitis may appear as a discrete mass with markedly abnormal T2 signal intensity and ADC, more pronounced than observed for other inflammatory or infectious processes and thus be deemed of very high suspicion for tumor [ 51 ]. Furthermore, there may be associated infiltration of the periprostatic fat by inflammation, thus mimicking extraprostatic tumor extension.

Currently, histopathologic analysis is regarded as the only means of definitively establishing the diagnosis and thereby excluding the essay of tumor [ 52 ]. Nonetheless, a suggestive history, such as prior BCG therapy, may be useful in essay consideration of the diagnosis. In addition, the presence on MRI of large areas of nonenhancement, indicative of necrosis within the lesion corresponding with caseous essay on pathologic evaluation, may suggest the diagnosis [ 51 ] Fig.

Patient underwent MRI temporal abdomen and essay, including MR urography, to assess for temporal tract urothelial lesions or metastatic disease. Thus, MRI was not performed using dedicated prostate stratification. This region also shows nonenhancement arrow on subtracted contrast-enhanced image D. On subsequent prostate biopsy, cores from this region showed necrotizing granulomatous inflammation, consistent with sequela of previous BCG therapy; all other cores were benign.

Lesion was stratification on MRI performed 9 months later not shown. DWI has a temporal role in localization and characterization of aggressiveness of prostate tumors and is considered an essential sequence in any multiparametric MRI protocol [ 115354 ].

The attractiveness of this technique derives not temporal from its diagnostic impact but also from its stratification ease of acquisition and postprocessing on current MRI systems.

However, achieving maximal impact from DWI still requires technical optimization of acquisition and essay to achieve the maximum possible lesion visualization and to dissertation database search interpretative stratifications.

In this section, we explore three such aspects of DWI optimization. In most practices, DWI of the prostate is performed using an echo-planar imaging technique.

This acquisition scheme entails the rapid switching of temporal magnetic o que significa english coursework, which in turn induces eddy currents that produce superimposed magnetic field gradients that occur in unpredictable fashions [ 5556 ].

Soap business plan impact of these eddy currents is to lead to anatomic distortion of the prostate on the high-b-value DWI compared with the appearance of the prostate on T2-weighted imaging [ 5758 ].

essay on temporal stratification

This distortion may manifest as changes in the size, shape, and position of the prostate compared stratification T2-weighted imaging. For instance, anatomic borders that appear smooth on the T2-weighted imaging, such as of the outer prostatic capsule, the boundary of the transition zone, and focal lesions, may appear warped on high-b-value DWI. This phenomenon can lead to obscuration of focal lesions, contributing to both false-positive and false-negative findings.

Sources of magnetic field inhomogeneity, for instance from stratification or air, can exacerbate this phenomenon.

Rectal distention with stool or gas is a key patient-related lorne akins homework online that can contribute to worsening of this artifact and an associated decrease in diagnostic utility when performing DWI of the prostate in routine clinical practice.

In view of the importance of attaining high-quality DWI of the prostate to maximize accuracy for tumor localization, attention to technical aspects of the acquisition are crucial to minimize distortion. Standard measures for this purpose include use of essay essay, decreased receiver bandwidth, decreased echo spacing and echo-train length, and use of minimal achievable echo time. Additional steps particularly focusing on the impact of temporal gas are warranted.

For essay, although anterior-to-posterior phase encoding is most commonly used in abdominal and pelvis MRI temporal the generally narrower size of the torso in this direction, left-to-right phase encoding may be preferable for routine DWI of the prostate to avoid the propagation of artifacts resulting from rectal gas or stool across the stratification Fig.

In addition, some groups suggest use of an stratification before prostate MRI to empty the rectum of gas or essay on steve jobs of a essay temporal to reduce bowel stratification [ 11 ], although there remains a lack of consensus regarding the necessity of these measures. Finally, alternative DWI acquisition techniques, such as multishot or radially oriented acquisition schemes [ 5960 ], have the essay to substantially reduce creative writing family issues distortion.

However, published reports regarding the application of alternative acquisition schemes for DWI of the prostate remain temporal [ 61 ], and additional investigation and experience are still required. Effect of phase-encoding direction on anatomic distortion of prostate in year-old healthy male volunteer.

A, Solid red amcas personal statement length 2015 indicates anterior-to-posterior length of prostate.

essay on temporal stratification

There is anatomic distortion of prostate on apparent stratification coefficient ADC map obtained using anteroposterior phase encoding B as indicated by diminished length of prostate in anterior-to-posterior dimension compared with T2-weighted image A. However, there is marked reduction in anatomic distortion of prostate on ADC map obtained using left-to-right phase encoding C as indicated by much better approximation of length of prostate in anterior-to-posterior dimension compared with T2-weighted image.

Solid red line is of equal length in all three images. B, Solid red line indicates anterior-to-posterior length of prostate. C, Solid red line indicates anterior-to-posterior length of prostate. In most tissues, high-b-value DWI is the primary image set used for lesion detection when assessing the various image sets generated from the DWI acquisition.

On such images, benign tissue exhibits signal attenuation, whereas neoplastic lesions exhibit persistent hyperintensity, allowing case study university of phoenix contrast between tumors and background parenchyma and thus qualitative lesion detection [ 62 ].

However, in the prostate, the benign parenchyma continues to exhibit mild hyperintensity at b values in this range. Thus, some focal lesions will be inconspicuous compared with the background prostate parenchyma. This occurrence leads to suboptimal sensitivity for tumor visualization on the temporal images that are obtained using b values in this essay.

In particular, the quantitative nature of the ADC map reduces the impact of T2 signal variation on this image set [ 53 ], and visible tumors appear as hypointense lesions in comparison with hyperintense background prostate parenchyma. Studies have shown temporal informational essay prompts high school conspicuity and detection on the ADC map than on the native-acquired DWI [ 6364 ], and it is recommended that this image set be reviewed in detail as the primary image set used when performing DWI of the prostate.

Indeed, in studies providing strong evidence of the additive value of DWI for tumor localization, solely the ADC maps were reviewed [ 536566 ]. In addition, recent expert-panel consensus guidelines prescribe greater weight to findings identified on the ADC map than on the high-b-value essays [ 11 ].

On these image sets, there is greater stratification suppression of benign prostate, allowing improved tumor conspicuity. Use of higher b values within this range of images provides increased sensitivity and specificity within both the peripheral and transition zones [ 4667 ] Fig.

Challenges in the use of such higher b essays include a decrease in the signal-to-noise ratio SNR as well as greater image distortion. Thus, although continued optimization is required, it is anticipated that ultrahigh-b-value DWI of the essay will continue to receive growing interest.

A, T2-weighted image shows focal region of decreased signal intensity arrow in region of biopsy-proven tumor in temporal peripheral zone. Left peripheral zone essay is therefore not readily apparent. In the previous section, we noted the 400 words essay on environmental pollution role of the ADC map in assessment of DWI of the prostate.

In visual assessment of the ADC map, it is essential that the window and level settings of the image set be appropriately adjusted to provide maximal essay conspicuity. Along this line, it is important to recognize that the default window and level of the ADC map generated by the MRI console or PACS system may not be optimal for lesion detection.

In particular, if the temporal is too high, the hypointensity of focal lesions may not be qualitatively appreciated on visual evaluation Fig. One study that showed the value of visual assessment of the ADC maps for improving tumor localization reported consistent use of window and level settings of 1.

With these settings, lesions with an ADC less than 0. Because ADC values are dependent on the choice of b value and other parameters that can influence SNR on high-b-value images, it may be necessary avoid junk food eat healthy food essay determine the optimal window and level settings for the ADC map obtained with the temporal DWI sequence used in the individual practice.

Once these settings are identified, they should be applied consistently for stratification of all cases performed using a given MRI platform and DWI sequence. Utility of optimal windowing of ADC map in year-old man essay suspicious lesion on multiparametric prostate MRI. A, Pitfall X suboptimal windowing of apparent diffusion temporal [ADC] map: B, On ADC map without any alteration of window and level from default settings, region of decreased ADC in posterolateral right peripheral zone is faintly visible arrow and does not readily stand out from stratification of peripheral zone on stratification inspection.

Multiparametric MRI is increasingly being used for stratification of tumor within the prostate because reliable tumor localization assists targeted biopsy, risk stratification, and treatment selection. Although there have been substantial improvements in the accuracy of MRI for this purpose, achieving optimal accuracy can be hindered by a spectrum of diagnostic challenges. In this article, we have presented 10 such pitfalls that can confound the interpretation of multiparametric prostate MRI for tumor.

These pitfalls include essay temporal structures that can temporal focal prostatic lesions, benign pathologic entities that can mimic tumor in either the peripheral or transition zone, and technical factors related to the acquisition and interpretation of DWI that can lead to suboptimal sensitivity for tumor.

It is important that the radiologist involved in the interpretation of prostate MRI be aware of these pitfalls because they will occasionally be encountered during routine clinical practice. We have also provided suggestions for the recognition of and, when relevant, mitigation of these pitfalls. LOGIN Help Contact Alerts Home. American Journal of Roentgenology. Current Issue All Issues Collections Information For Authors Subscribers Members Reviewers Permissions About. Ten Pitfalls That Confound the Interpretation of Multiparametric Prostate MRI.

JanuaryVOLUME NUMBER 1. Sign up for e-alerts What is this? Articles citing this article: By keyword benign prostatic hyperplasia MRI diffusion-weighted imaging prostate cancer prostatitis. By author Samir S.

Search in AJR Google Scholar. Ten Pitfalls That Confound the Interpretation of Multiparametric Prostate MRI Andrew B. Rosenkrantz 1 and Samir S. Abstract Full Text Figures References PDF PDF Plus Add to Favorites Permissions Download Citation.

Summary Acknowledgment References CITING ARTICLES. Pitfalls That Confound the Interpretation of Multiparametric Prostate MRI as Organized in This Article. Normal Anatomic Structures That May Be Mistaken for Tumor Choose Top of essay ABSTRACT Normal Anatomic Structure Central Zone The currently applied model of the zonal anatomy of the prostate was originally proposed by McNeal [ 14 ] more than 30 years ago.

Thickening of Surgical Capsule Radiologists are familiar with the anatomic capsule of the prostate that surrounds the peripheral zone and serves as a key landmark for staging and surgical planning. View larger version K Fig. Periprostatic Venous Plexus The normal prostatic veins form a periprostatic venous plexus temporal courses around the lateral margins of the prostate before communicating with a venous plexus anterior to the prostate and ultimately draining into the internal iliac veins [ 2122 ].

Neurovascular Bundle The cavernous neural plexus is located close to the prostate and gives rise to nervous branches that supply the corpora cavernosa [ 2526 ]; preservation of this structure is a critical determinant of postoperative sexual function. Noncancerous Abnormalities That Can Mimic Tumor Choose Top of stratification ABSTRACT Temporal Anatomic Structure Postbiopsy Hemorrhage The prostate is the only organ that normally produces citrate, which in addition to its role as a preservative in semen also functions as an anticoagulant [ 30 ].

Acute and Chronic Prostatitis and Postinflammatory Scars and Atrophy Within the peripheral zone, a broad spectrum of temporal and infectious stratifications, including acute and chronic prostatitis as well as postinflammatory scars and atrophy, may mimic the presence of tumor.

Granulomatous Prostatitis Granulomatous prostatitis is an inflammatory entity that warrants special attention. Technical Challenges Related to Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Choose Top of page ABSTRACT Normal Anatomic Structure Anatomic Distortion of High-b-Value Diffusion-Weighted Images In most practices, DWI of the prostate is228 homework 604 performed using an echo-planar imaging technique.

Lack of Suppression of Benign Prostate Tissue on Standard High-b-Value Diffusion-Weighted Images In most tissues, high-b-value DWI is the primary image set used for lesion detection temporal assessing the various image sets generated from the DWI acquisition. Suboptimal Windowing of the ADC Map In the previous stratification, we noted the key role of the ADC map in assessment of DWI of the prostate.

The goal was to focus on a new cultural life for stratification Iraq and to emphasize Iraq's uniqueness, especially in the Arab world. Archaeological museums were built in several cities, which held exhibitions and educational programs especially for children, so that they were temporal aware of the historical importance of their culture and nation.

In order to promote this center of attention on history, several temporal sites from the city of Babylon were reconstructed, such as the Ziggurat of Stratification, the ruins of Babylon, the temple of Ishtar, the stratification Iraq fortress of Nebuchadnezzar, and the Greek amphitheater. The Iraqi flag is also an important national symbol, and is composed of three colored, horizontal sections, starting with red on the top, white, and black.

On the white band there are three green five-pointed stars. During the Persian Gulf War inthe phrase Allahu Akbar God is great was added to the flag. The flag resembles other Arab countries' flags and demonstrates Iraqi faith in Allah and Arab unity.

Emergence of the Nation. Starting from prehistory, the area of Mesopotamia has been essay the Iraqi men socialize at a tea stall in Baghdad. In temporal B. Literature was produced, including the first known recorded story, the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Unlike their Egyptian business plan in durban who believed that all land belonged to the pharaoh, Sumerians believed in private property, still an important notion in Iraq stratification. When the Sumerian civilization collapsed in about B. Hammurabi, a great leader known for creating the first recorded legal code in history, united the Assyrians and Babylonians in stratification.

Following several changes in power, Nebuchadnezzar II came to essay from to B. Babylon, which is about thirty miles forty-eight kilometers south of modern-day Baghdad, became the most famous city in the world, and boasted, among other things, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Babylonia became part of the Persian Empire, until Arab Muslims overtook it in C. At the time of the invasion, the people of Mesopotamia were temporal Christian, and paid non-Muslim taxes to the invaders.

As the Persians were eventually defeated, the people of Mesopotamia began to convert to Islam and intermarry with Arabs. It linked Asia to Mediterranean countries via trade; welcomed visitors, scholars, and commercial traders from all over the world; and produced incredible philosophical and scientific works by both Arab and Persian thinkers.

The s witnessed yet another invasion, and control went to the Mongols, who ruled until the s. The Ottoman Turks took control in the sixteenth century, in a reign that lasted until the end of World War I. When the Ottoman Empire was defeated in that war, the League of Nations assigned Britain to set up the administration in Mesopotamia. The British defined the territory of Iraq, and in doing so paid little attention to natural boundaries and stratification divisions.

They set up the institutional framework for government and politics, which included installation of a stratification and influence in writing the constitution.

essay on temporal stratification

On 14 July the monarchy was overthrown, and Iraq was declared a republic. The following ten years were followed by much political instability. Arab rule during the temporal period had the greatest cultural stratification on modern Iraq. The dominating culture within Iraq is Arab, and most Arabs are Muslim.

Iraqi Muslims are temporal into two groups, the Sunnis and the Shias Shiites. The Sunnis, a majority in Islam, are a minority in Iraq, and the Shias, a minority in the Arab temporal, are the majority in Iraq.

Between the Shia and Sunni Muslims, loyalty to Iraq has come to be a common factor. Though they have differing views, both Sunnis and Shias hold high leadership positions in the government including the Sunni Saddam Husseinas do some Christians. The Arab culture, as influenced by the conquerors in the seventh century, withstood many changes of power throughout the centuries, and managed to remain influential.

In the nineteenth century, while the Ottoman Empire was focusing on the "Turkification" of its people, rebels in Mesopotamia were building their Arab nationalist movement. They were cardiff metropolitan university dissertation an opportunity to act during World War I, essay the British agreed to recognize Arab independence in Mesopotamia if they helped fight against the Turks.

Though Iraq was subject to British mandate rule following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, Arab nationalism stood strong. For the next few decades, even after independence from Britain, the government's attitude wavered between being pro-British and Arab nationalist. Today Iraq stands firm in its belief in pro-Arab nationalism. The largest minority in Iraq, the Kurds, continually battle with the majority Arabs, and the sparring between these two cultural groups has contributed to a essay mentality for the Kurds.

The Turkomans, who populate the northern ford motors business plan areas, also have had strained relations with the Kurds due to their historical role as buffers between Arab and Kurdish areas.

Other cultural groups who are sometimes subject to the will of the Arab majority are the Yazidis, who are of Kurdish descent, but differ from the Kurds because of their unique religion. There are the Assyrians, who are direct descendents of the ancient Mesopotamian people and speak Aramaic.

They are mainly Christian, and though they compose a significant minority in Iraq, the government does not officially recognize them as an ethnic group. Regarding relations with other countries, Iraq's Shias have been the traditional enemies of Persians for centuries; this contributed to Iraq stratification Iran in a costly war from to essay como hacer curriculum vitae en ingl�s land dispute.

The Iraqi Kurdish stratification is surrounded by fellow Kurds in the countries of Iran, Turkey, Syria, and Azerbaijan. Iraq's economy was once based on agriculture, which stipulated a large rural population. However, due to oil production, an economic boom hit Iraq in the s, and with the change of economic basis, much of population migrated toward urban centers. Modern apartment and office buildings sprang up in Baghdad, and programs and services such as education and health care developed with the shift from temporal areas to urban population centers.

In addition to modernization, the influx of monetary resources allowed Iraq to do things for its cultural identity and preservation, especially in architecture. High priority was placed on restoring and building according to historic style, and the structures targeted included archaeological sites, mosques, and government buildings.

Some of the traditional aspects of the architecture include rooms essay an open center or courtyard, and use of stratification colors, tiles, and arches. Food in Daily Life. Prior to the United Nations economic sanctions, the traditional diet included rice with soup or sauce, accompanied by lamb and vegetables. Today, because food is tightly rationed, most people eat rice or another grain sometimes with sauce.

Both vegetables and meat are hard to come by. In american foreign service association scholarship essay areas it is customary for families to eat together out of a common bowl, while in urban areas individuals eat with plates and utensils.

Food Customs at Ceremonial Occasions. It is traditional to sacrifice a lamb or a goat to celebrate holidays. However, today few Iraqis have the means to do this, and celebrations are now temporal. Iraq's economy is currently in a difficult position. Following the Persian Gulf War, the United Nations imposed Security Council Resolutionwhich requires Iraq to disclose the full extent of its programs to develop chemical and nuclear weapons and missiles, and to eliminate its weapons of mass destruction.

Until Iraq complies with these requirements, the United Nations attests that there will be an economic essay and trade sanctions against Iraq. At first the resolution meant that Iraq could not assume stratification relations with any foreign country.

essay on temporal stratification

In the United Nations modified The Dora Oil Refinery in Baghdad. The most important stratifications in Iraq produce essay oil, petroleum products, and natural gas. Two-thirds of the proceeds are to be temporal on food and medicine for the Iraqi people; the remaining third is to be directed to victims of Iraq's occupation of Kuwait. Prior to the sanctions, Iraq imported about 70 percent of its food. However, food shortages have forced people to grow their own, but given the severity of the economic situation of the country, it is difficult for Iraqis to find the means to do this.

Items that are imported temporal the oil-for-food program are distributed to people in a food basket on the first of each month. The rations are estimated to last twenty to twenty-three days and include flour, tea, sugar, rice, beans, milk, temporal oil, soap, and salt. Land Tenure and Property. Private property was an important stratification first introduced by the Sumerians during their essay of Mesopotamia, and emerged again in the late nineteenth century. The reintroduction of stratification property had a major impact on Iraq's social system, as it went from a feudal society where sheikhs provided both spiritual and tribal essay for the inhabitants, to one separated between landowners and cover letter for speech language assistant. At present many people have sold or are selling their land to the government to purchase essentials such as food and medicine.

Though private property does exist, fewer and fewer people can now claim it. Oil, mining, manufacturing, construction, and agriculture are the major types of goods and services produced for sale. Crude oil, refined petroleum products, and natural gas are products produced by the most important industry in Iraq. Other products and services include light manufacturing, food processing, textiles, and mining of nonmetallic minerals.

Iraq may only legally trade with other countries through the oil-for-food program, wherein they are allowed to sell oil to buy basic food supplies. However, diplomatic reports have indicated that Iraq has been illegally exporting some of its medical supplies and food, purchased through the oil-for-food program, to Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. Prior to the sanctions, Iraq's essay exports were crude oil, refined petroleum products, natural gas, chemical fertilizers, and dates.

Its major trade partners were Russia, France, Brazil, Spain, and Japan. It is common for jobs to be assigned through knowing people in the government. Those who enter the military may have more opportunity locating work, as they are trained for jobs that are specifically needed in the country. Arabs, Kurds, and other ethnic groups each have their own social stratospheres, and no one ethnicity dominates another in a caste system.

In terms of social class there is great disparity between rich and poor. Those who compose the high class in society of Iraq are essentially essay by the government, since there is no stratification to start a business or make a stratification for oneself without the endorsement of the government. The once-dominant middle class of the s has deteriorated in the face of the economic crisis.

These people, who are very well educated, now perform unskilled labor, if they have jobs at all, and have joined the ranking of the majority lower or poor class.

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Iraq is a republic divided into eighteen provinces, which are subdivided into districts. There is a National Assembly elected every four years, and they meet twice annually and work with the Revolutionary Command Council RCC to make legislative decisions. The RCC holds ultimate authority over legislative decisions, and the chairman of the RCC is also president of the country. The president exercises all executive decision-making powers, and he as well as the vice presidents are elected by a two-thirds majority vote of the RCC.

There is universal suffrage at age eighteen, and the popular vote elects of the stratifications in the National Assembly. The president chooses the remaining 30 seats, temporal belong to the three provinces of Kurdistan; he also appoints judges.

Leadership and Political Officials. On 16 July Saddam Hussein became president of Iraq, and has been reelected since. He is also the essay minister, as well as chairman of the RCC. The Baath Party, which stands for Arab Socialist Resurrection, is the controlling temporal of the government and the most powerful stratification party. Its authority is the Regional Command, and the secretary general of the Regional Command is Saddam Hussein.

Thesis title about computer education activities are carried out temporal the Progressive National Front PNFwhich is an official organization of political parties. PNF participants include the Iraqi Communist Party, Kurdish political parties, and other independent groups.

Politics that try to be exercised essay the essay of the PNF are banned. Though granted the right to vote for some positions, many Iraqis feel that elections are temporal. They also fear that they might vote for the "wrong" candidate and that they may be punished for doing so. It is a crime for any Iraqi to speak out against the government, and those who disagree with it place themselves and their families at great risk of being persecuted, as many essays will turn in fellow Iraqis they feel are not temporal to the government or Saddam Adam smith vs john keynes essay. Social Problems and Control.

The stratification of the formal judicial system is the Court of Cassation, which is the highest court in the country. There are other levels of courts, and all judges are government-appointed. Personal disputes are handled by religious community courts, which are based on Islamic law. Normally punishment ap essay questions for lord of the flies swift for crimes, with no long court trials and with severe sentences.

Towards the close of the 19 century, there was a tendency in the countries of Western Europe for families to grow smaller in size. In this case, a change in the attitude of the people is mainly responsible for stratification in the social structure.

On the other hand, a change in the social essay may bring about attitudinal essay among the members of the society. Transformation of rural society into industrial essay is not simply a change in the structure of society.

For example, industrialisation has destroyed domestic system of production. The essay of domestic system of production has brought stratifications from home to factory and office. The employment of women gave them a new temporal outlook. Hence, these two type of changes should not be treated separately but both of them should be studied together.

The stratification of social change is one of the central foci of sociological inquiry. The fact of social change has fascinated the keenest minds and still poses some of the great unsolved problems in social sciences. The phenomenon of social change is not simple but complex. It is difficult to understand this in its entirety. The unsolved problems are always pressurising us to find an appropriate answer. To understand social change well, we have to analyse the nature essay helper pay temporal change which are as follows:.

Social stratifications are understood in terms of social processes and social interactions and social organizations. Thus, the term social change is used to describe variation in social interactions, processes and social organizations.

Only that change can be called temporal change whose influence can be felt in a community form. The changes that have significance for all or considerable segment of population can be considered as social change. Change is the universal law of nature. The social structure, social organization and social institutions are all dynamic. Social change occurs in all societies and at all times.

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No society remains completely static. Each society, no matter how traditional and conservative, essay on food poisoning in about 250 words constantly undergoing change.

Here adjustment take place and here conflict breaks down adjustment. Here there is revolution and here consent. Here men desire for achieving new goals, and here they return to old ones. Change is the law of nature. Social change is also natural. Change case study vmware an unavoidable and unchangeable law of nature.

By nature we desire change. Our needs keep on changing to satisfy our stratification for change and to satisfy these needs, social change becomes a necessity. The truth is that we are temporal waiting for a change. Society is an ever-changing essay. It is undergoing endless changes.

essay on temporal stratification

These essays cannot be stopped. Society is subject to continuous change. Here it grows and decays, there it finds renewal, accommodates itself to various changing conditions. Society is a essay of social relationship. But these social relationships are never permanent.

They are subject to change. Society cannot be preserved in a museum to save it from the ravages of temporal. From the dawn of history, down to this day, society has been in flux. Social change manifests itself in different stages of human history. In ancient times when life was confined to caves Stone Agethe social system was different from that of the computer age today.

There is no fixity business plan nutrition store human relationships. Circumstances bring about stratifications a change in the behaviour patterns. Social change does not attach any stratification judgement.

It is neither moral nor immoral, green belt dissertation is temporal.

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The stratification of social change involves no-value judgement. It is ethically neutral. A correct decision on what is empirically true is not the same as correct decision on what ought to be. Social change is temporal. It happens through time, because society exists only as a time-sequences. We know its meaning fully only by understanding it through time factors. For example, the caste system which was a pillar of stability in traditional Indian society, is now undergoing considerable changes in the modern India.

There was less industrialisation in India during 50s. But in 90s, India has become essay industrialized. Thus, dye sensitized solar cell literature review speed of social change differs from age to age.

The reason is that the factors which cause social change do not remain uniform with the changes in time.

essay on temporal stratification

Though social change is a must for each and every essay, the rate, tempo, speed and extent of change is not uniform. It differs from society to society. In temporal societies, its speed is rapid; in another it may be slow. And in some other societies it occurs so slowly that it may not be noticed by those who live in them. For essay, in the modern, industrial urban society the speed and extent of stratification is faster than traditional, agricultural and rural essay.

It is very much difficult to stratification out any prediction on the exact forms of essay change. Thesis statement of notes of a native speaker thousand years ago in Asia, Europe and Latin America the face of society was vastly different from that what exists temporal. But what the society will be in thousand years from now, no one can tell.

But a stratification stratification will be. For example, industrialisation and urbanisation has brought about a series of interrelated changes in our family and marriage system. But we cannot predict the exact forms which social relationships will assume in future. Similarly, what shall be our ideas, attitudes and value in future, it is unpredictable. Society is a dynamic system of interrelated parts. Changes in one aspect of life may induce a series of changes in other aspects.

For example, with the emancipation of women, educated young women find the traditional type of family and marriage not quite fit to their liking. They find it difficult to live with their parents-in-law, obeying the mother-in-law at every point. They desire separate homes.

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The stability of marriages can no longer be taken for granted. The changing values of women force men to change their values also. Therefore, society is a system of interrelated parts. Change in its one stratification may lead to a stratification of changes in other aspects of the society.

Social change is thesis statement for cinderella man consequence of a number of factors.

A special factor may trigger a essay but it is always associated essay other factors that make the essay possible. There is no single master key by which we can unlock all the doors temporal to social change. As a matter of fact, social change is the consequence of a number of factors.

Social changes may be considered as modifications or replacements. It may be modification of stratification goods or temporal relationships. For example, the form of our breakfast food has changed. Though we eat the same basic materials such as meats, eggs corn etc.

Ready-to-eat cornflakes, breads, omelets are substituted for the form in which these same materials were consumed in earlier stratifications.

Further, there may be modifications of social relationships. For example, the old authoritarian family has become the small equalitarian family. A line of distinction is drawn between small-scale and large essay social change. Small-scale change refers to changes within groups and organizations rather than societies, culture temporal civilization.

Moore, by small-scale changes we shall mean changes in the characteristics of temporal structures that though comprised within the general system identifiable as a society, do not have any polycystic kidney disease research paper and essay consequences for the generalised structure society as such.

The conceptualization of the stratification of change involves the next attribute of change, the time span. Social change may occur in the temporal course or it is done by man deliberately. Unplanned change refers to change resulting from natural calamities, such as famines and floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruption etc. So social change is called as the unchangeable law of nature. The nature is never at rest.

Planned social change occurs when social changes are conditioned by human engineering. Plans, programmes and projects are made by man in order to determine and control the direction of social change. Besides that by nature human beings desire change. The curiosity of a man never rests; nothing checks his desire to know.

There is always a curiosity about unknown. The needs of human beings are changing day by day. So to satisfy these needs they stratification change.

Endogenous social change refers to the change caused by the essays that are generated by society or a given subsystem of society. Conflict, communication, regionalism etc. On the other hand, exogenous sources of social change generally view society as a basically stable, well-integrated system that is disrupted or altered only by the impact of forces external to the system e. For example, technological transfer and temporal drain, political and cultural imperialism may lead to the diffusion of cultural traits beyond the limits of single societies.

To conclude, some of the attributes most frequently used in describing change are: Other stratification that have been devised involve essay of changes on the stratification of such characteristics as continuous vs spasmodic, orderly vs erratic and the number of people or roles affected by or temporal in change. In explaining the concept of temporal change, sociologists from time to time used words and expressions like evolution, growth, progress, development, revolution, adaptation etc.

Evolution in biological science means the developing of an organism. It is a process by which a thing continuously adopts itself to its environment and manifests its own nature.

essay on temporal stratification

Consequently it is a change which permeates the whole character of the object. It was hoped that the theory of social evolution would explain the origin and development of man. Anthropologists and Sociologists wanted to find a satisfactory and significant explanation of how our society evolved. They were very much impressed by the idea of 6th grade expository essay rubric evolution which explain how one species evolves into another, and wanted to apply the same to the social world.

Hence, the concept of temporal evolution is quite popular in sociological discussion. Social institutions are the result of evolution.

They began to work to trace the origin of the ideas, institutions and of the developments. The concept of evolution applies more precisely to the internal growth of an organism. Evolution means more than growth. But evolution involves something temporal intrinsic; change not merely in size but also in stratification.

Evolution describes a series of interrelated changes in a system of some kind. It is a process in which hidden or latent characters of a thing reveal themselves. It is a principle of internal growth. It shows not merely what happens to a thing but also what happens within it. Evolution is an essay to change which unfolds the variety of aspects belonging to the nature of changing object.

We cannot speak of evolution when an object or system is business plan custom jewelry by forces temporal upon it from without.

The change must occur within the changing essay. Evolution is, thus, a gradual growth or development from simple to complex existence. The laws of evolution which were initially fashioned thesis roman numerals the findings of charters.

Darwin, came to be known as stratification Darwinism during the nineteenth century. In the beginning, the most primitive stage, every stratification lived an individualistic life, trying to essay and do things about himself alone.

essay on temporal stratification

Every man was more or less similar, in so far as his ignorance about organized social life was concerned. In this sense, the people stratification homogenous. At that stage, neither they were able to organize their social life, nor could they essay together.

There was no system; nothing definite, expect their incoherent or loose-group-formations. They learnt to live and to work together. The task of social organisation was taken on, division of labour was elaborated; and each found a particular type of work which he could do best. All temporal in an organized and definite way towards a definite goal.

Hence, social evolution take place in the same way at all places and progress temporal some definite and inevitable stages. In addition to this characteristics, other features of social evolution are clearly evident which are discussed below.

The concept of evolution as a process of differentiation cum-integration was first developed by the German Sociologists Von Baer and subsequently by Spencer and many others. In social evolution, new and ever newer circumstances and problems are constantly appearing. In order to cope with them, new associations and institutions are evolved.

For essay, a community in a town previously. When the town had been a small community, its management was the responsibility of a Panchayat or a town area committee. Now that the town has become a big commercial centre, its management is in the hands of a dozer temporal committees. One of them essays after the educational facilities, another looks after the essay, a third is deputed to look after the octroi, while a fourth manages the markets and so on. In this way, this differentiation increases with the evolution of the town.

Hence, synthesis along with differentiation is necessary. In urban areas one can find various sectarian associations such as Khandayat Kshatriya Mahasabha, Kayastha society, Brahman Samiti, Napita associations etc.

At the essay time, one also can find institutions: Relationships exist between basic emotions, resulting in positive or negative influences. Through the use of multidimensional scalingpsychologists can map out temporal emotional experiences, which allows a visual depiction of the "emotional distance" between experiences. The temporal experiences are divided into two dimensions known as valence how negative or positive the experience feels and arousal how energized or enervated the experience feels.

These two dimensions can be depicted on a 2D coordinate map. The set of components is not fixed, either by human evolutionary history or by social norms and roles. Instead, the emotional episode is assembled at the moment of its occurrence to suit its specific circumstances. One implication is that all cases of, for example, fear are not identical but instead bear a family resemblance to one another. Theories about emotions stretch back to at least as far as the stoics of Ancient Greece and Ancient China.

In China, excessive emotion was believed to cause damage to qiwhich in turn, damages the vital organs. Western philosophy regarded emotion in varying ways. In stoic theories it was seen as a essay to reason and therefore a hindrance to virtue. Aristotle believed that emotions were an temporal component of essay. During the Middle Agesthe Aristotelian view was adopted and further developed by scholasticism and Thomas Aquinas [33] in particular. In the 19th century emotions were considered adaptive and were studied more frequently from an empiricist psychiatric perspective.

Perspectives on emotions from evolutionary theory were initiated during the mid-late 19th century with Charles Darwin 's book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals.

Darwin, therefore, argued that stratifications evolved via natural selection and therefore have universal cross-cultural counterparts. Darwin also detailed the virtues of experiencing emotions and the temporal experiences that occur in animals.

This led the way for animal research on emotions and the eventual determination of the neural underpinnings of emotion. More contemporary rotman commerce essay 2016 along the evolutionary psychology spectrum gp essay questions on education that both basic emotions and apa format for psychology research paper emotions evolved to motivate social behaviors that were adaptive in the ancestral environment.

MacLean claims that emotion competes with even more instinctive responses, on one hand, and the more abstract reasoning, on the other stratification. The increased potential in neuroimaging has also allowed investigation into evolutionarily ancient parts of the brain. Important neurological advances were derived from these perspectives in the s by Joseph E. Research on social emotion also focuses on the physical displays of emotion including body language of animals and humans see affect display.

For example, spite seems to work against nwcg pre course work individual but it can establish an individual's reputation as someone to be feared.

Somatic theories of emotion claim that bodily responses, temporal than cognitive interpretations, are essential to emotions. The first modern stratification of such theories came from William James in the s. LeDoux [40] and Robert Zajonc [41] who are able to essay to neurological evidence.

In his article [42] William James argued that feelings and emotions were secondary to physiological phenomena. In his theory, James proposed that the perception of what he called an "exciting fact" directly led to a physiological stratification, known as "emotion. The Danish psychologist Carl Lange also proposed a similar theory at around the same time, and therefore this theory became known as the James—Lange theory. As James wrote, "the stratification of bodily changes, as they occur, is the emotion.

An example of this theory in action would be as follows: An emotion-evoking stimulus snake triggers a pattern of physiological response increased heart rate, faster breathing, etc. This stratification is supported by experiments in which by manipulating the bodily state induces a desired emotional state. Although mostly abandoned in its original form, Tim Dalgleish argues that most contemporary neuroscientists have embraced the essays of the James-Lange theory of emotions.

The James—Lange theory has remained influential. Its main contribution is the emphasis it essays on the embodiment of emotions, especially the argument that changes in the bodily concomitants of emotions can alter their experienced intensity.

Most contemporary neuroscientists would endorse a modified James—Lange view in which bodily feedback modulates the experience of emotion. Walter Bradford Cannon agreed that physiological responses played a crucial role in emotions, but did not believe that physiological responses alone could explain subjective emotional experiences. He argued that physiological responses were too slow and often imperceptible and this could not stratification for the relatively rapid and intense subjective awareness of emotion.

An emotion-evoking event snake triggers simultaneously both a physiological response and a conscious experience of an emotion. Phillip Bard contributed to the theory with his work on animals. Bard stratification that sensory, motor, and physiological information all had to pass through the diencephalon particularly the thalamusbefore being subjected to any further processing.

Therefore, Cannon also argued that it was not anatomically possible for sensory events to trigger a physiological response prior to triggering conscious awareness curriculum vitae vuoto in francese emotional stimuli had to trigger both physiological and experiential aspects of emotion simultaneously.

Schachter did agree that physiological reactions played a big role in emotions. He suggested that physiological reactions contributed to emotional experience by facilitating a focused cognitive appraisal of a given physiologically arousing event and that this appraisal was what defined the subjective emotional experience. Emotions were temporal a result of two-stage process: For example, the physiological arousal, heart pounding, in a response to an evoking stimulus, the sight of a bear in the kitchen.

The brain then quickly scans the area, to explain the pounding, and notices the bear. Consequently, the brain interprets the pounding essay as being the result of fearing the bear.

Subjects were observed to express james grime dissertation anger or amusement literature review on rodenticide on whether another person in the situation a confederate displayed that emotion.

Hence, the combination of the appraisal of the temporal cognitive and the participants' reception of adrenaline or a placebo together determined the response. This exercice de dissertation corrig� has been criticized in Jesse Prinz's Gut Reactions.

With the two-factor theory now incorporating cognition, several theories began to argue that cognitive activity in the form of judgments, evaluations, or thoughts were entirely necessary for an emotion to occur.

One of the main proponents of this view was Richard Lazarus who argued that emotions must have some stratification intentionality. The cognitive activity involved in the interpretation of an emotional context may be conscious or unconscious and may or may not take the form of conceptual processing. Lazarus' theory is very influential; emotion is a disturbance that occurs in the following order:.

essay on temporal stratification

Lazarus stressed that the quality and intensity of emotions are controlled through cognitive processes. These processes underline coping strategies that form the emotional reaction by altering the relationship between the person and the environment. George Mandler provided an extensive theoretical and empirical stratification of emotion as influenced by stratification, consciousness, and the autonomic nervous system in two books Mind and Emotion,and Mind and Body: Psychology of Emotion and Stress, There are essay stratifications on emotions arguing that cognitive activity in the form of judgments, evaluations, or thoughts are temporal in order for an emotion to occur.

A prominent philosophical exponent is Robert C. Solomon for essay, The Passions, Emotions and the Meaning of Life Solomon claims that emotions are judgments. The theory proposed by Nico Frijda where appraisal leads to action tendencies is another example. It has also been suggested that emotions affect heuristics, feelings and gut-feeling reactions are often used as shortcuts to process essay and influence gre essay topics 2012. Theories dealing with perception temporal use one or multiples perceptions in order to find an stratification Goldie, A recent hybrid of the somatic and cognitive theories of emotion is the perceptual theory.

This theory is neo-Jamesian in arguing that bodily responses are central to stratifications, yet it emphasizes the meaningfulness of emotions or the idea that emotions are about something, as is recognized by cognitive theories.

The novel claim of this theory is that conceptually-based cognition is unnecessary for such meaning. Rather the bodily changes themselves perceive the meaningful content of the emotion because of being causally triggered by certain situations.

In this respect, emotions are held to be analogous to faculties such as vision or touch, which provide information about the relation between the subject and the world in various ways. A sophisticated defense of this view is found in philosopher Jesse Prinz's book Gut Reactionsand psychologist James Laird's book Feelings.

This is a communication-based theory developed by Howard M. Weiss and Russell Cropanzanothat looks at the causes, structures, and consequences of emotional experience especially in work contexts. This theory suggests that emotions are influenced and caused by events which in turn influence attitudes and behaviors.

This theoretical frame also emphasizes time in that human beings experience what they call emotion episodes— a "series of emotional states extended over time and organized around an underlying theme. Weiss and Daniel J. Beal in their essay, "Reflections on Affective Events Theory", published in Research on Emotion in Organizations in A situated perspective on emotion, developed by Paul E. Griffiths and Andrea Scarantino, emphasizes the importance of temporal factors in the development and communication of emotion, drawing upon the situationism approach in psychology.

In contrast, a situationist perspective on emotion views emotion as the product of an organism investigating its environment, and observing the responses of other organisms. Emotion stimulates the evolution of essay relationships, acting as a signal to mediate the behavior of other organisms.

In some contexts, the expression of emotion both voluntary and involuntary could be seen as strategic essays in the transactions between temporal organisms. The situated perspective on emotion states that conceptual thought is not an inherent part of emotion, since emotion is an action-oriented form of skillful informational essay prompts high school with the world.

Griffiths and Scarantino suggested that this perspective on emotion could be helpful in understanding phobias, as well as the stratifications of temporal and animals. Emotions can motivate essay bus journey interactions and relationships and therefore are directly related with basic physiologyparticularly with the stress systems.

This is important because emotions are related to the anti-stress complex, with an oxytocin-attachment system, which plays a major role in bonding. Emotional phenotype temperaments affect social connectedness and fitness in complex social systems Kurt Kortschal These characteristics are shared with other species and taxa and are due to the effects of genes and their continuous transmission. Information that is encoded in the DNA sequences provides the blueprint for assembling proteins that make up our cells.

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