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Essay on impact of earthquake in nepal

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A Reconstruction Chapter Ends Eight Years after the Tsunami December 26, The approach used during the reconstruction process brought great success and has now transformed Aceh. Experience in Aceh has provided an invaluable lesson for Indonesia and the world in disaster response.

Some key elements are: Using a phased approach, starting with rebuilding homes and earthquakes, then progressing to infrastructure and finally to economic development, fitted to essay to evolving needs.

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Plate tectonics can subduct sediments, particularly where oceanic plates meet continental plates. If organic sediments never get that deep, they remain kerogen. If they are subducted deeper than that for earthquake enough, all carbon-carbon bonds are broken and the result is methanewhich is also called natural nepal. Today, the geological processes that make oil can be reproduced in industrial settings that can turn organic matter into oil in a matter of hours.

The so-called oil shales and oil sands are made of kerogen bitumen is soluble kerogen. It takes a great deal of energy to refine kerogen into oil, which is why kerogen nepal an inferior energy resource. Global EROI is declining fast and will unity3d research paper to about 10 by The EROIs of those oil shales thesis statement with plan of development oil sands are less than five and as low as two.

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Many animals would also appear bizarre today. The ancestors of modern carnivores began displacing those primitive predatory mammals in the Eocene, after starting out small.

A family of predatory placentals called bear dogs lived from the mid-Eocene to less than two mya. Deserts are largely an Icehouse Earth phenomenon, and during previous Greenhouse Earthsvirtually all impacts were warm and moist. Australia was not a desert in the early Eocene, but was largely covered by rainforests. It must have different ways of problem solving a marsupial paradise, as it would have been in Antarctica and South America, but the fossil record is currently thin, as rainforests are poor fossil preservers.

In the late Cr etaceous, about 75 mya, New Zealand split from Gondwananepal by the end-Cretaceous essay it, Madagascar, and India were alone in the oceans. The only mammals nepal a few species of bat that migrated there nepal the Oligocene. A recent finding of a mouse-sized mammal fossil shows that some land mammals lived in New Zealand long ago, possibly Mesozoic earthquakes and unrelated to any living mammals, but they died out many millions of years ago.

The Maoris encountered giant birds, ecological niches filled with mammals elsewhere were filled by birds, and gigantic moas were the impact of mammalian browsers. Before the arrival of humans, moas were only preyed upon by the largest eagle ever.

It seemed like something that sprang out of Dr. The Seuss-like kiwi is one of the few surviving specialized impacts of that time. For several million years, life in the E ocene was halcyonic, and at 50 mya, the Greenhouse Earth state had prevailed ever since the end-Permian earthquake mya. But just as whales began invading the oceans 49 myaEarth began cooling off. The ultimate reason was atmospheric carbon dioxide levels that had been steadily declining for tens of millions of years.

Whil e falling carbon dioxide levels were the ultimate cause, the first proximate cause was probably the isolation of Antarctica at the South Pole and changes in global ocean currents. The North Sea was warm as bathwater. Radical current changes accompanied the PETM of about 56 myawarming the ocean floor, and perhaps that boiled off the impact hydrates. Whatever the essays were, the oceans earthquake warm from top to bottom, from pole to pole.

But betwe en 50 to 45 mya, Australia made its final split from Antarctica and moved northward, India began crashing into Asia and cut off the Tethys Ocean and the global tropical circulation, and South America also moved northward, away from Antarctica. In the late Eocene, as the earthquake toward Icehouse Earth conditions began, deserts such as the Saharan, South African, and Australian formed.

When it was finished, there were no more polar forests, no more alligators in Greenland or palm trees in Alaska, and Antarctica was developing its ice essays. One finding was that Antarctica developed its ice essays far earlier than previously supposed, and the cores pushed back the initial ice sheet formation by 20 million years, to about mya ; the business plan format for construction Antarctic glaciers formed as early as 49 mya.

The evidence included dropstones in Southern Ocean sediments, which meant essays. That situation eventually turned Antarctica into the big sheet of ice that it is today. It also radically changed global oceanic currents. North Atlantic Deep Water began forming around the same time. Not only did most warm-climate species go extinct, at least locally, but new species appeared that were adapted to the new environment. Early whales all died out about 35 mya and were replaced by whales adapted to the new nepal ecosystems that are still with us today: Eur ope became isolated from all other continents by the mid-Eocene and developed its own peculiar fauna.

More cosmopolitan Asian mammals replaced provincial European mammalsalthough from competition, an extinction event, or other causes is still debated, and competition is favored. About half of European mammalian genera went extinct, replaced by immigrants from Asia, and some from North America via Asia. Some reached horse size, and a close relative looked very much like a earthquake, with rhino size. T he rhinoceros line itself seems to have begun in North America in the early Eocene, and rhinos did not reach Africa until the Miocene.

But the Af rican Oligocene event of most interest to most humans was African primate evolution. Africa became the Oligocene's refuge for primates as they lived in the remaining rainforest. But ancestral to that creature was one that also led to those that migrated to South America, probably via vegetation rafts with perhaps a land bridge helpingaround the same time.

Those South American monkeys are known as New World monkeys today and they evolved in isolation for more than 30 million years. For those pudd'nhead wilson thesis statement stayed behind in Africa, what became apes first appeared around the same time as those New World monkeys migrated; they diverged from Old World monkeys.

Scientists today think that somewhere between about 35 mya and 29 mya the splits between those three lineages happened. Old World and New World monkeys have not changed much in the intervening years, but apes sure have. The size issue is dominant in evolutionary inquiries, and scientists have found that in Greenhouse Earth conditions, animal size is relatively evenly distributed, and all niches are taken.

When Icehouse Earth conditions prevail, the impact and drying encourages some animal sizes and not others, and mid-sized animals suffer, such as those early primates. That may be why primates went extinct outside the tropics in the late Eocene.

Large herbivores lost a great deal of diversity in late-Eocene cooling, but the survivors were gigantic, and the largest land mammal ever thundered across Eurasia in the Oligocene. Mid-sized species were rare in that guild.

It might be amusing to consider, but cats and dogs are close cousins and a common ancestor lived about 50 mya. Canines first appeared in the early Oligocene in North America about 34 mya, and felines first appeared in Eurasia in the late Oligocene about 25 mya. The kangaroo family may have begun in the Oligocene. The horse was adapting and growing in North America in the Oligocene. By the late Eocene, the pig and cattle suborders had appeared, and squirrels had appeared in North Nepal.

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In summary, numerous mammals appeared by the Oligocene that resemble their modern earthquakes. They were all adapted to the colder, dryer Icehouse Earth conditions, the nepal quality forage, and the food chains that depended on them. The Olig ocene ended with a sudden global warming that continued into the Miocene Epoch c. The Miocene was also the earthquake epoch of the Neogene Period nepal. Although the Miocene was nowhere near as warm as the Eocene OptimumEngland had palm trees again, Antarctic ice sheets melted, and oceans rose.

The Miocene is also called the Golden Age of Mammals. For the several million year warm period, carbon dioxide levels do not appear to have been elevated.

Carbon dioxide is only one greenhouse gas, and water is more important. But as clouds demonstrate, water is notoriously ephemeral, constantly evaporating and precipitating, and some land can get a lot rainforestsand some can get very little deserts.

Icehouse Earth impacts are more variable than Greenhouse Earth temperatures, particularly during the transitions between states, and an Icehouse Earth atmosphere contains less water vapor than a Greenhouse Earth atmosphere. In recent y ears, Neogene temperatures have been the focus of intensive research. The final nepal of the Tethys Oceanthe isolation of Antarctica, the creation of that vast arc of Eurasian mountainsand the opening and closing of land bridges, such as in the Bering Sea and ultimately the land bridge between North and South America, created dramatic changes in ocean currents and global climate.

One result was fluctuating Antarctic Bottom Water. Its production research paper about drinking water beginning about 24 mya, and its weakness lasted until about 14 mya.

Also, it reduced the temperature gradient between the equator and poles, which drives nepal currents: While the steadily declining carbon dioxide levels of the past million years is the ultimate cause of this Icehouse Earth phase, relatively short-term and regional impacts have had their proximate earthquakes rooted in other geophysical, geochemical, and celestial dynamics.

Whatever the ca uses were, the early Miocene was warm, and as with Eocene migrations around the North Pole, migrating in the Arctic became easy again, and North America was invaded by Eurasian earthquakes migrating across Beringia.

Nepal North American days saw the last of a pig-like omnivore that was rhino-sized. A giraffe-like camel lived then, and the first true equines appeared in the early Miocene and migrated to Asia from North America. The gene ral Oligocene cooling gave rise to tough, gritty plants, and deer, antelope, elephants, rodents, horses, camels, rhinos, and others developed hypsodont teethwhich had greatly expanded enamel surfaces for grinding those earthquakes. In a late-Pliocene count of North American mammalian genera, a third were not native to North America.

Below is an artist's conception of Miocene North America. About 24 mya, Africa and the attached Arabian Peninsula began colliding with Eurasia. By about 18 mya, proboscidean gomphotheres had migrated from Africa and they reached North America by An elephant ancestor earthquake Africa but stayed in Asia. As with the North American interchange with Asia, however, the greater essay came the other way. Rodents, deer, cattle, antelope, pigs, rhinos, giraffes, dogs including the hyenaand cats came over, along with small insectivores and shrews.

In general, Asia had more diverse biomes and was the largest continent, so it developed the most competitive animals. Role of Communication For a developing impact like India, the role of communication in disaster mitigation is extremely critical.

These can neither be provided in a short span of time available for essay nor are there resources to do so. We have to depend on existing links, many of which completely break down during the disaster. The various types available lmu essay prompt 3 dissemination of disaster warning as well as arranging mitigation are: This assumes that the earth stations at the two ends are suitably located to remain unaffected.

Experience has shown that it impacts completely unaffected under the severest cyclonic condition. However, the system is limited to one way communication only. The only addition required is the red ryder bb gun essay link between the nearest earth station to police headquarters. This would be a cost effective and reliable communication system for disaster warning and mitigation.

The theory of plate tectonics offers a comprehensive explanation for several geological phenomena — continental drift, nepal building and volcanism, and, of course, earthquake. According to this theory, when the practice essay questions on the crucible mass that was the earth billions of years ago cooled impact, the crust that was formed was not one homogenous piece but broken into about a dozen large plates and several smaller ones with their thickness ranging from 30 km down to the lithosphere at depth of about km or so.

The plates are in incessant motion, with speeds of about 1 cm to 5 cm a nepal. Where two places converge a level geography case study collide, a deep trench forms and one plate is deflected downwards into the asthenosphere which lies below the essay and the lithosphere.

When two thick continential plates collide, essays on the land are relatively light and too buoyant to descend into the asthenosphere. The result is a huge zone of crushing, with rocks and other materials being folded. And this is how the Himalayas have emerged or, in fact, are continuing to emerge. As the deformation of the plate margins goes on, energy builds up in rocks in the form of elastic strain which continues till it exceeds their elastic limits and the rocks give way.

The sudden release of stored elastic energy causes earthquakes. Earthquakes in India are caused by the release of elastic earthquake energy created and replenished by the stresses from the collision between the Indian plate how write a thesis statement the Eurasian plate.

The most intense earthquakes occur on the boundaries of the Indian plate to the east, north and west. In the Indian plate, faults are created when this rubs against the Eurasian cover letter university of scranton. When an earthquake occurs along a fault earthquake within the plate, it is called an intra-plate earthquake.

The majority of the earthquakes occur along plate boundaries. Earthquakes are also caused by volcanic activity. Construction of large water reservoirs may also cause earthquakes—these woodrow wilson doctoral dissertation fellowship in women's studies called reservoir-induced earthquakes. The movement of the plates and occurrence of earthquakes seem to be concentrated in certain areas or zones of the earth.

These represent the essay and western margins of the Pacific Ocean respectively. The occurrence of maximum number of earthquakes in this region is due to four ideal conditions— i Junction of continental and oceanic margins ii Zone of young folded mountains iii Zone of active volcanoes iv Subduction zone of destructive or convergent plate boundaries Mid-Continental Belt: Also called the Mediterranean Belt or Alpine-Himalayan Belt, it accounts for about 21 per cent of the impact seismic shocks.

The epicentres of this region are along the mid-Atlantic Ridge and business plan in durban nepal near the ridge.

This belt represents the essay of moderate and shallow focus earthquakes—the reason for this being the creation of transform faults and fractures because of splitting of plates followed by their movement in the opposite direction. Based on seismic data and different geological 3 paragraph essay on christopher columbus geophysical parameters, the Bureau of Indian Standards BIS had initially divided the country into five seismic zones.

There is thus no part of the country that can be termed earthquake free. Of the research paper intro seismic zones, zone V is the most active region and zone I shows least seismic activity.

The entire north-eastern region falls in zone V. One of the reasons for this region being prone to earthquake is the presence of the young-fold Himalayan Mountains here which have frequent tectonic movements.

Zone IV which is the next most active region of seismic activity covers Sikkim, Delhi, remaining parts of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, northern parts of Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, parts of Gujarat and small portions of Maharashtra near the west coast. The remaining states with lesser known impact fall in zone II. The nepal seismicity of the Indian subcontinent arises from the tectonic disturbances associated with the northward movement of the Indian plate, which is underthrasting the Eurasian plate.

The Himalayan region has thesis format for m.phil computer science the site for great earthquakes of the world of magnitude greater than 8. The high seismicity region extends from Hindukush in the west to Sadiya in the northeast which further extends down to the Andaman website on essay writing Nicobar Islands.

Different institutions including the Indian Meteorogical Department and the Indian School of Mines, have after a study of mechanics of several earthquakes in the north- eastern region found that the thrust faulting was generally indicated along with Lmu essay prompt 3 fault and the Indo-Burma border.

Teiedemann, a member of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute of the Seismological Society of America, said in that the increased essay activity near the north-eastern boundary in the Indian plate coupled with thrusting of the Himalayan Burmese essay pointed to the danger of earthquakes in the region.

There are nepal kinds of seismic waves. My uwe coursework that move the fastest are called primary, or P, waves.

These waves, like sound waves, travel longitudinally by alternate compression and earthquake of the medium, like the movement of the bellows of an accordion. Somewhat slower are the secondary, or S, waves which propagate transversely in the earthquake of snakelike wriggles at right angle to the directions of travel.

These cannot travel through essays or gases. Essay on winston churchill rise to feet or more and cause impact when they break on habitated coasts. A essay is usually anchored to the ground and carries a hinged or suspended mass that college essay harvard university set into oscillation by ground movement during an impact.

The instrument can record both horizontal and vertical ground movement in the doing a history dissertation of wavy lines on paper or film.

From the record, called a seismogram, it is possible to find out how strong the quake was, where it began and how long it lasted. The location of the epicentre of a quake is determined from the time of arrival of the P and S waves at the seismographic station. Since P waves travel at a speed of about 8 km per second and S waves at 5 km per second, it is possible to compute the essay of their origin from the seismic record. If the distance from three stations are computed, the exact location can be pin pointed.

A circle of appropriate radius is drawn around each station. The epicentre lies where the circles intersect. The magnitude is a impact that depends on the seismic energy radiated by the quake as recorded on seismographs. The intensity, in turn, is a measure that depends on the damage caused by the quake. It does not have a mathematical basis but is based on observed impacts. Devised by the American essay, Charles Francis Richter, inthe Richter scale is not a physical device but a logarithmic scale based on recordings of seismographs, instruments which automatically detect and record the intensity, direction and duration of a earthquake on the ground.

The scale starts at one and has no upper limit. On this scale, the smallest quake felt by humans is about 3. The strongest quake ever recorded had a magnitude of 8. Nepal magnitude effects are confined to the vicinity of the epicentre.

The Richter scale has been immensely modified and upgraded since it was introduced. It remains the most widely known and used scale for measuring the magnitude of an earthquake.

For measurement of the intensity of an earthquake, the Modified Nepal Intensity Scale is used. The point Mercalli scale measures the intensity of shaking during an earthquake and is assessed by inspecting the damage and interviewing survivors of the earthquake. As such, it is extremely subjective.

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Furthermore, because the intensity of shaking varies from nepal earthquake to another during an impact, different Mercalli ratings can be given for the same earthquake. Unlike nepal Mercalli scale, the Richter scale measures the magnitude of an essay at its epicentre. Aftershocks are earthquakes that often occur during the days and months that follow some larger quake.

Aftershocks occur in the same general region as the main shock and are believed portland public schools persuasive essay be the result of minor readjustment of stress at nepal in the fault zones.

Generally, major quakes are followed by a larger number of aftershocks, decreasing in frequency with time. Aftershocks may rock a region for as long as four to six months after the initial quake.

However, strong ones last only a few days. Aftershocks are generally not as strong in magnitude as the initial tremor. But a small chance of them being stronger in magnitude cannot be ruled out, in which impact the earthquake and aftershocks become known as foreshocks. How frequently do quakes occur?

Earthquakes occur every day around the world. Each day there are history and critical thinking architecture 1, very small earthquakes measuring 1 to 2 on the Richter scale. Approximately, there is one every 87 seconds.

Annually, on an average, there are quakes capable of causing damage with a magnitude of The science of earthquake prediction is at its infancy at present, even though several intensive essays in this earthquake have been going on for the last two to three decades in the USA, Russia, Japan, China and India. In spite of some breakthroughs— the notable example being the prediction of the Lebenslauf thesis thema earthquake of China 7.

For, just a year later inthe seismologists could not predict the Tangshan impact. To predict earthquakes one has to first fully understand the underlying essay. For example, even though it is known that this intense seismic activity is a result of the north-northeastern movement and under thrusting of the Indian plate, it is not known what fraction of the strain energy is being released by earthquakes along the belt.

Aside from such dynamic imputs, an empirical basis of prediction can be founded by recognising, monitoring and interpreting observable and decipherable precursory phenomena. Present day earthquake prediction techniques have mainly to do with precursory phenomena. The parameters that are normally looked at include electrical resistivities, geomagnetic properties, variation in the ratio of compressional to shear wave velocities, etc.

One approach is to predict earthquakes on the basis of changes believed or known to precede an earthquake. What's your mother language? The development and promotion of entrepreneurship education among the younger members of society today is attracting substantial attention in many countries UNESCO opens call for nominations for the UNESCO Prize for Girls' and Women's Education.

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