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I have been diagnosed with alopecia areata, at first I was not worried because its located at the back below my head but now its as big as apple and becoming noticeable. Just today, I have found another bald patch forming on top of my head. This really frustrates me. Has anyone of you there taken any drugs with glutathione and now has alopecia? If I found out that this drug caused 50mg alopecia, they will surely face me in court! Brandi October 13, at 6: It has the t3 in it as well as t4.
I have about half the hair I used to have. I am seeing a specialist at the end of the month. I might suggest looking into your other hormones. Are you having any other symptoms for possible hormone issues?
I have luvox been taking Spironolactone. I started at just 50mg per day and now I am at mg. It has not stopped my hair loss. But it did clear up my skin.

And I guess it works well for alot of women. I also got alot luvox information out of Dr. I have to say. I went to see him in NY and we could not afford to, but I did we live in kansas. The book gave me the same luvox he did at the visit. I am also seeing a Naturopath who is also a DO. My hair loss started after starting birth control two years ago and has never stopped completely.
Danielle October 22, ms do luvox 50mg, at 8: COuld this be a result from this? Carolyn October 30, at About a month ago my hair started to fall out.
I have always had a thick head of hair so this was very noticeable. I 50mg on blood pressure and cholesterol meds: Metotoprol, lisinopril, and lovastatin. Which would cause hair loss? And is the loss permanent?
I 50mg what you mean. He said I would feel a differnce luvox about weeks, ms do luvox 50mg. I can say however, that some regrowth has stayed in on the back of my head and sides. The hairs are finer strands. I have an appointment at the end of this month and will tell him I stopped taking Lexapro. But he ordered a more in depth blood test I will take next week before my appt. Sorry for that outburst! There are many worse things, I know.
My fingernails have gotten very thin and two of them split down from the tips benicar 50mg which I filed down short, ms do luvox 50mg.
I want to try Biotin and will ask him if this might help my hair and nails. I wish all of you the luvox and happy thriving follicles! I also have had help with natural estrogen for the scalp pain. I got to a DO that is also into natural medicine. She had also mentioned the ridges being linked to needing estrogen. I think birth control may have started my hair loss so I might stay away from it. I use a compounded bio-identical form, ms do luvox 50mg.
You might talk to a Endo. And also, everyone is different when it comes to what a normal test result number is for you. By the way, keep the hair loss in perspective. I have been sad for two years, ms do luvox 50mg. And then my husband was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer.
My hair no longer seems quite so important. Although it would still be nice to no longer worry about it also. Blue1 November 20, at My internist thought a Biotin supplement would be worth trying, so I will start taking luvox tomorrow.
He felt this 50mg be related somehow and is sending me to an immunologist that might also have more knowledge about T. I had a complete surgical hyster. I did notice that after I take an 20mg lexapro while pregnant at 50mg, the pain definitely subsides a lot and my scalp feels just numb, on top.
I was recently switched to Levothyroxine the generic form and have had quite a bit of hair loss. I was told that this drug has caused other problens as well. I am thinking this could be the cause of my hair loss. Sadie December 5, at 2: I know thats what it was since I was not on anything else 50mg changed nothing else in my life and habbits. I was not under acute stress either.
I might stop and see what happens. I wish there was something I could do to keep my hair and keep taking the Effexor, because it is realllllly helping with my anxiety and depression.

Sherri December 18, at I also have had body aches especially at night and they seemed to start around luvox time I got on it…but who really knows. The only other med I started for the body aches!! Somewhat of a new medication and I know not a lot of people take it. They prescribe 50mg mostly for fibromylgia I believe, ms do luvox 50mg. Has anyone taken that and had hair loss problems? Nothing horrific, just luvox okay, on-going, recurrent yeast infections.
The antibitotics kills the bad bacteria but also the good which is needed to stop the overgrowth of 50mg.
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If the antibiotics are necessary for your infection, then you must take them. If you do have this yeast issue, please post a comment and I can help you.
I had to do some other things and have not 50mg once since!! Okay, I know this is about hair loss but this situation was incredibly frustrating to me so I wanted to let you know, ms do luvox 50mg. I have been on adderall for the last 6 months. In the last month I have lost a ton of hair and it seems to be getting worse. For those of you who have taken medications known to cause hair loss, did it happen immediately after the start of the medication?
If not, ms do luvox 50mg, when did you notice? Brandi January 6, at 2: So, here I am, giving you an update. It was very scary. Finally saw a specialist. The only thing he did luvox put my on the name brand Synthroid and had me wait it out — again. Try giving 50mg body ALL the nutrients you can via supplements and give yourself at least a year to see what happens. Very scary, I know! I also believe in the power of luvox, which is likely my real reason for the improvement!
I am absolutely crushedscared venlafaxine xr 37.5mg death its like every time I shower, or brush my hair it just gets thinner and thinner. I am on atenolol,lisinopril,levothroid, and alprazolam…. He checks my thyroid and says well its only off such a minor amount I cannot believe its even causing a problem. But 50mg he should have checked the side affects as my primary care doctor, knowing the problem that I was having.
That hair loss listed as a side affect was not important enough to list? This is gross negligence. Its a very big company, I hope the attorney can add enough zeros to make this company aware of the fact that their oversite has caused me great anxiety and stress beyond belief. By the way does anyone know if I stop these meds if my hair will grow back? There does need to be something donein this fast paced world we live in we have enough to worry about without having to research the side affects of drugs that are being prescribed all over the place every day.
When I found this site by accidentI almost cried…. I feel your stressI love my hair…. I will include this websire address so she can see how we are 50mg being affected 50mg this. Good luvox to all and thanks in advance for any answers to my questions.
Wanda January 26, at 7: Brandi — I agree with you about the power of prayer, and trust me, I send lots of it up everyday!! I think there are so many toxins in our environment, food, cosmetics, and not to mention any drugs we take. I am 58 years old, in excellent naprosyn ec to buy everyone thinks I am 15 years younger than I amand have never taken any drugs except for valium occasionally for benign positional vertigo that hits me out of the blue now and then.
In the very depth of my soul, I think stress has played a major role in my hair loss. I luvox from a low stress teaching position to a very high stress teaching position and that is when it all started.
I am trying very hard to conquer that one. I had really long, naturally curly hair, but now I have cut it to about two inches above my shoulders. Everyone loves it short. I spend so much time trying to cover any scalp that may be showing. I 50mg even used dark brown eyeshadow on a q-tip to cover the scalp areas.
I teach school and see so many teens with super thin hair. However, a year ago you would have to DIG through my hair to see my scalp!! Everyday, I am thankful to my Maker for the hair I have and ask to keep it. I would be happy now just to keep what I have.
I know someone mentioned hating to take showers and wash their hair. I was counting how many hairs that came out when I combed it 50mg a shower, but yesterday I decided not to do that anymore. It was almost like a word of wisdom. Stop counting what you have LOST. I agree with you. The big drug companies that our government helps support oh yes, you know there are kickbacks are causing us great harm. I believe there are natural cures for everything.
If hormones are causing our hair loss, then why did our hormones get so out of whack??? When I read the Bible, I never read any stories about bald headed women!!!! There has to be an answer here. Oh, and I am sure that someone will say well androgenetic hair loss cannot be helped.
I have lived on this earth for 58 years and I have never seen so many women with hair loss issues. Perhaps someone will say that it is because, ms do luvox 50mg, I never noticed until I had problems. The one thing I always noticed about women is their hair. Okay, I will get off of my soap box now, but I am sending good vibes and prayers to all of you. It is against human nature for women to lose their hair!! Whats a luvox more weeks of hair loss….
So I told the receptionist that while I waited to see my busy Dr. I would be going cold turkey …off all medications while I awaited this important only to me obviously appointment, and that since I am the only living parent that if I ended up in the hospital, I was sure that my children could easily find a good attorney. Like magic I was given an appointment for the next day.
Interesting to say the least. I go in and my Dr. I said so I can have a healthy heartbut I have to be bald to do it? You are getting older and that is part of aging, we go bald.
Sp get used to luvox. He really blew me off basically, I feel very alone right now. What the hell gives these drug companies the right to be allowed 50mg do these types of things?
And how are luvox getting away with it? Obviously nobody is listening to us. Can we not have our heath in a safe way with out the odd ball side effects. What a waste of time, ms do luvox 50mg, I left crying of course. Conferences in all the major cities so we can all get to them would be great, we may 50mg able to get a more accurate accounting of how many women are actually having this 50mg is after all strength in numbers? Maybe we could sign a petition to have this problem officially researched.
Well I came and vented luvox. Sorrybut I am so glad to have someplace to talk about this. The important thing to tell is: After start mg, I had this terrible problem with my hair. I was feeling better with 75 mg, and with no collateral effects.
Now, I have made a research and I intend to try: I woul like to know if somebody had loss of hair with this drugs. Lori Watson March 3, at 6: Noticeable hair loss began desloratadine tabs 5mg age 48 and has continued consistently, ms do luvox 50mg.
Lori Barbara March 14, at Briefly, I had a closed head injury 33 yrs ago which resulted in migraines which have increased in severity and occurence. This problem, besides mostly ruining my life, caused or added other health problems: Believe me, the medications I have taken and do take make up quite a luvox. I have always tried to find out everything I can about my ailments, medications, and their side effects, but it has only 50mg in the last year that I noticed an increasing hair loss.
I have always been proud of my hair, but no longer. I am fearful of the extent of loss. But I noticed that someone here mentioned Oprah. I think that is a wonderful idea. I bet she could do a show or segment on women and hair loss.
We could all start contacting her with this suggestion. She has the ability to gather experts, ms do luvox 50mg, and do a program using a research team, and I suspect there is an luvox of women suffering hair loss who would appreciate such information. What do you think? Thanks, Barb Marsha Malone March 17, at Benazepril-HCTZ one tablet daily. PANIC took over, and l, like the rest of you, have been doing research to see if my medication is causing my thinning hair. I do believe it is and I am considering getting off medicaiton all together and trying a more holistic method….
Has anyone out there had good results by using holistic methods for BP and hair loss? March 22, at 3: I have had some sleep problems over the years, anxiety, etc which I think triggered some hair loss. Bees March 24, at 1: I am so stressed over my hair luvox am ready to start anti-depressants, but hate the thought of putting that into my body where something is not right at the moment because I am experiencing hair loss. Judy April 24, at 1: Has anyone had any experience with hair loss on Coumadin?
I have been using the EAL serum along with some of their shampoo and conditioner…I have noticed a dramatic lessening of the hair loss. She told me some people do have regrowth of hair, but I have not experienced that so far.
I have been using it for about 2 months. If anyone has other suggestions, at this point I will try almost anything. Kathy May 3, at 5: Does anyone know anything about this?
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I have been on and off them for 2 years, and my hair has been falling out for exelon 2mg/ml long. It seems like it 50mg up about 3 to 4 months after starting, ms do luvox 50mg. But also takes 3 or 4 monts of big hair loss after i stop. I heard that it 50mg 2 to 4 months for your hair 50mg fall out after something affects it.
It is so confusing. I have Barrettes esophagus and doctors say, ms do luvox 50mg, take luvox antacid or get cancer. Has anyone experienced their hair loss after taking nexium, pepcid tagamet etc?
I hear tagametcan cause it, but also can help with hair loss. How can this be? PSI think the Oprah thing luvox perfect. Charlene May 4, ms do luvox 50mg, at I just turned 70 and am on coversyl for blood pressure, periat for heartburn and fosmax for bone loss once a week. I take one calcium a day. In Nov I was hospitalized for pancreatitis luvox was on lots of 50mg, Also had a shot of cortizone for foot pain two weeks before pancrea attack.
Could that have something to do with hair loss. This is very upsetting and I did not know luvox there are thousands of us people out there having the same problem.
Christine May 13, at 1: I took that medication before and it buy brand zoloft online took all of my hair out…I have been off the medication for about 3 years and all of my hair came back…They try to tell you that it is because of hypothyroidism that you lose hair but I started to lose my hair after taking that medication…It was heartbreaking.
The endocrinologist tried to tell me maybe it was because of menopause. Yea right… I am going to look for some herbs for relief. Judy May 17, at Iam 57 years old.
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Please help Ann Peeples May 27, at I feel totally amazed by problems experienced by so many of us who need to take perscription drugs. Anxiety and depression have been a concern since my 40s.
I have just tried the 3rd anti depression drug recommended, Lexapro. One tablet and I was in for 12 hours of non-stop diarrhea: That damn tablet should be lisinopril 10mg description off the market! Luvox to all of you who have heard…you are just aging, trade off stuff, etc.
Now am taking clonazepam to control anxiety. Hair loss is at the end of side effects, but I think it would be unwise to discontinue before I have another fix in place. Was hair loss the only thing noticed by those of you on effexor? I broke out in horrible disfiguring red acne-like bumps…so bad I hated going to Starbucks with daughter.
I think my cancer is in remission and am seeing a therapist and nutritionist M. Anderson here in Orlando. 50mg ease into the vitamin regimine she suggested. I put on 50 lbs on antidepressant therapy. Ann Michele May 27, at 7: My hair is falling out faster than ever.
To ignore a side effect like hair loss that obviously will cause excess stress is outrageous and negligent. My female gynechologist, though, is totally empathetic about this situation. I do believe it helps, but my doctor only prescribes mg a day, while I see others on this site all take mg.
Oh, I have written to Oprah a couple of times already, with no response. I do think if they hear from lots of women about hair loss problems, they will look into this for all of us! I love that show, and I know Sherri wears wigs, and also Joy has a hairpiece supposedly she wears as a topper, I believe.
I totally sympathize with all the others on this site who share this common and HUGE problem. We are 50mg alone, ms do luvox 50mg. Sally June 22, at 5: I have always had thick curly hair but since going on to Zantac and candesartan cilexetol my hair has been falling out. Cardiologist put me on to a beta blocker which I discontinued after reading the side effects. Hard to know what to do for the best Josie July 3, at Have noticed my hair thinning also for ahwile now, ms do luvox 50mg.
I am very distraught luvox feeling ashamed and embarrassed because you can see my scalp on top-front of my head. I always had kind of thin hair, but my hairdresser always said I had a lot of it.
So I start looking up thinning hair on the internet and I found out alot. If you have too much testosterone, it can increase levels in androgen which causes hair loss.
I also found out that Atenolol, ms do luvox 50mg, which I take for blood pressure can cause hair 50mg. So now I have an apt. I so relate to all of you women out there. I look in the mirror and cry everyday. I know there are much worse things, trust me I luvox.
I pray for all you gals and if I come up with any solutions, I will definately be back to let you all know.