Topiramate in bipolar disorder - [BINGH2]
Topamax (topiramate) Brand and Generic Names: Also unlike many other drugs used to treat bipolar disorder, topiramate does not generally cause weight gain.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews: Plain Language Summaries [Internet]. Topiramate for bipolar affective episodes in bipolar disorder This version published: Link to full article: People with bipolar disorder and their healthcare providers.
Why is this review important? Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that is a common mental health problem. Patients may experience recurrent symptoms of elevated or irritable mood, depressionor a disorder of topiramate. Treatment is usually with psychiatric medication; commonly used medications include mood stabilisers, topiramate in bipolar disorder, antidepressants, and antipsychotics.

Topiramate is a drug used in epilepsyhowever it topiramate have a role in the treatment of bipolar disorder. What questions does this review aim to answer?

This review investigated the disorder and acceptability of topiramate compared to placebo and other agents in the treatment of acute affective episodes in bipolar disorder. Which studies were included in the review? We searched medical databases to find reports of clinical trials specifically randomised bipolar trials published up to 13 October We identified topiramate studies that involved people.
The studies compared topiramate with placebo or conventional medication such as lithiumboth on its own or in disorder with other treatments such as sodium valproate or atypical antipsychotics. Five of the studies were at low risk of bipolar in the majority of the domains, and at unclear risk for disorder concealment because of insufficient details regarding how those who admitted participants to a study were shielded from knowing the assignments and other potential sources of bias because they were industry funded.
The McIntyre study was at high risk of performance bias because participants and personnel knew who was taking each medication ; at low risk for attrition bias and reporting bias ; and at unclear risk of bias for the other domains.
What does the evidence from the review tell us? Limitations of the review were that the quality of the evidence was generally low, therefore there is a need for further research. Future research could involve more controlled studies with clearly detailed methods comparing topiramate with placebo and alternative or combination bipolar treatments for manic, mixed, and depressive episodes.
Bipolar disorder is a common recurrent illness with high levels of chronicity. Previous trials have suggested that the anticonvulsant topiramate may be topiramate in bipolar disorder. This is an update of a previous Cochrane review last published on the role of topiramate in bipolar disorder. To assess the effects of topiramate for acute mood episodes in bipolar disorder in adults compared topiramate placebo, alternative pharmacological treatmentand combination pharmacological treatment as measured by treatment of symptoms on bipolar rating scales for disorder episodes, topiramate in bipolar disorder.
We performed handsearching, reviewing of grey literature and reference lists, and correspondence with authors and pharmaceutical companies. Randomised controlled trials comparing topiramate with placebo or with active agents topiramate the treatment of acute mood episodes in adult male and female patients with bipolar disorder. Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently performed data extraction and methodological quality assessment. For analysis, we used odds ratio OR for binary efficacy outcomes and mean difference MD for continuously distributed outcomes, topiramate in bipolar disorder.
This review included six studies with a total of male and female participants, of all ethnic backgrounds in both inpatient and outpatient settings. In five studies, participants were experiencing a manic or mixed episode, and in the other study the participants met the criteria for a depressive phase. Topiramate was compared with placebo and alternative pharmacological treatment as both monotherapy and as adjunctive treatment. For troublesome side effects experienced of any nature, we found no difference between topiramate and placebo as monotherapy endpoint 12 weeks OR 0, topiramate in bipolar disorder.
In terms of participants experiencing side effects of any nature, we found no difference between topiramate and an alternative drug as monotherapy endpoint 12 weeks OR 0. We bipolar five of the studies to be at low risk of selection bias for random sequence generation, performance, topiramate in bipolar disorder, detection, attrition, and reporting biasesand at unclear risk for allocation concealment and other potential sources of bias.
Topiramate in Bipolar and Schizoaffective Disorders: Weight Loss and Efficacy
We considered the McIntyre study to be at high risk of performance bipolar unclear risk of bias for random sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding of outcome assessment, and other potential sources of bias; and at low risk for attrition bias and reporting bias. Topiramate is not possible to draw any firm conclusions about the use of topiramate in clinical disorder from this evidence. As we graded the quality of the evidence for the other findings as low and very low, it was not possible to draw any conclusions from the results.
In particular, bipolar could compare placebo, alternative, and combination treatments including a wide range of mood stabilisersatypical antipsychotics for manic and mixed episodes, topiramate in bipolar disorder, and antidepressants in combination with mood stabilisers or topiramate antipsychotics for depressive episodes.
Is Topiramate a Mood Stabilizer?
Cochrane Common Mental Disorders Group. New search for studies and content updated no change to conclusions. Topiramate for acute affective episodes in bipolar disorder in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic ReviewsIssue 9.

Link to Cochrane Library.