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Essay on cultural event of pakistan

Can There Be an Islamic Democracy? Review Essay. by David Bukay Middle East Quarterly Spring , pp. mixedmartialartscamp.com.

In the north and the west, smaller compounds with vaulted houses of mud brick are prevalent. In the eastern highlands, settlements are grouped; stone and timber are common building materials.

In both urban and rural settings, bazaars are not residential areas. Domestic architecture is based on the separation between the public and private parts of the house so that women do not interact with strangers. Furnishings are generally rudimentary. Many families sleep in one room on mattresses that are unfolded for the night, and no places are assigned.

In the morning, the room is tidied, with the mattresses and quilts piled in a corner. Rich families may have a cultural guest house, but Afghans do not like to sleep alone and generally do not provide guests with separate rooms. There is a large semi-nomadic and nomadic population. Two types of tents are used: Temporary shelters range from event and straw huts to caves.

Food in Daily Life. Everyday food consists of cultural bread cooked on an iron plate in the fire or on the inner wall of a clay oven. Bread often is dipped in a light meat stock. Yogurt and other dairy products butter, cream, homework solutions paycheck calculator cultural buttermilk are an important element of the diet, as are onions, peas and beans, dried fruits, and nuts.

Rice is eaten in some areas and in urban settlements. Scrambled eggs prepared with tomatoes and onions is a common meal. Food is cooked with various types of oils, including the fat of pakistan sheep's tail. Tea is drunk all day. Sugar is used in the first cup of the day, and then sweets are eaten and kept in the mouth while sipping tea. Other common beverages are water and buttermilk. Afghans use the right hand to eat from a common bowl on the floor.

At home, when there are no guests, men and women share meals. Along the roads and in the bazaars, there are many small restaurants that also function as teahouses and inns.

The common Islamic food prohibitions are respected in Afghanistan. For essay over mvo, meat is only eaten from animals that are slaughtered according to Islamic law; alcohol, pork, and wild boar are not consumed, although some people secretly make wine for consumption at home.

The Shiites avoid rabbit and hare. Food Customs at Ceremonial Occasions. On special occasions, pilau rice is served with meat, carrots, raisin, pistachios, or peas. The preferred meat is mutton, but chicken, beef, and pakistan also are consumed.

Kebabs, fried crepes filled pakistan leeks, ravioli, and noodle soup also are prepared. Vegetables include spinach, zucchini, turnip, eggplant, peas and beans, cucumber, and tomatoes. Fresh fruits are eaten during the day or as a dessert. In cultural gatherings, men and women are separated. Dinners start by drinking tea and nibbling on pistachios or chickpeas; essay on use and misuse of internet by youth is served late essay on winston churchill the evening on dishes that are placed on a cloth on the floor.

Eating abundantly demonstrates one's enjoyment. The traditional economy combines cultivation and animal husbandry. Irrigated agriculture dominates, but the events of pluvial In southern and central Afghanistan, the most common form of housing is a fortified farm built of mud and straw. Wheat is the principal crop, followed by rice, barley, and corn. Pakistan main cash crops are almonds and fruits. Cotton was a major export until the civil war. Today, large zones of agricultural land have been converted to poppy cultivation for the heroin trade.

Stock breeding is practiced by both nomadic and sedentary peoples. Nomads spend the summer in the highlands and the winter in the lowlands. Many of them, especially in the east, also trade.

Virtually all manufactured goods are imported; they are financed by remittances from refugees my last duchess essay prompt emigrants. Land Pakistan and Property. Most essay essay is held communally, but agricultural land is privately owned.

Irrigation canals are shared, following a pre-established schedule. The bulk of the population consists of small landholders who supplement their event by sending a family member to work in the city or abroad. Poor farmers who do not own land often become tenants or hire themselves out on a daily base. Often in debt, they are economically and politically dependent on local headmen and landlords. Afghanistan produces few commercial goods. The Taliban have opened commercial routes between Pakistan and Turkmenistan, but no event trade can develop until the government is recognized by the international community.

Hides, wool, dried and fresh fruits, and pistachios are exported, but narcotics account for the bulk of export receipts. The country imports tax-free event through Pakistan, including cars, air conditioners, refrigerators, televisions, radios, and stereo equipment. These consumer products are then smuggled to cultural countries.

After more than twenty years of war, there is no industrial essay. Most of the Afghan workers present in Iran and the Gulf countries are cultural, unmarried males.

In Afghanistan, people work as long as they are fit. Some groups are egalitarian, but others have a hierarchical social organization. There are great differences in wealth and social status. Society also is stratified along religious and ethnic lines. During most of the twentieth century, members of the king's family played a major role in politics as ministers and ambassadors. Most civil servants and technocrats were Persian-speaking urban A group of children read in a mosque school in Arghandab, Afghanistan.

Although education is valued in Afghanistan, only 5 percent of Pakistan children receive a primary education. Ismaelis and Shiites especially the Hazaras had the lowest status. In the provinces, most administrative posts were held by Pashtuns who had no pakistan to the population. Local communities were dominated by the richest landlords, assisted by village headmen. The Sayyeds, supposed to be the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatima, played an important role as mediators, relying on prestige rather than personal wealth.

Family elders were consulted on local matters, and many disputes were settled by local assemblies. Although Communist land reform was rejected by the population, cultural changes have occurred.

Traditional leaders have lost their preeminence to military commanders and young religious militants. Some smugglers have become immensely rich.

Symbols of Social Stratification. Social stratification is expressed primarily through marriage patterns. The general tendency is for lower social groups to give their daughters in marriage to higher social groups.

The lavishness of a wedding is an indicator of status and wealth. Following Taliban decree, men must wear a hat or turban and be bearded. Western dress and fashion, which once distinguished urban from rural people, have almost disappeared. The Taliban control most of the country. Their government is recognized only by Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.

The Taliban essay without a constitution, relying on the Koran. There is an informal event around their leader in Kandahar. Ministries exist in Kabul, and lower-level civil essays have often remained in place, but there is no real administration.

At the local level, the military commanders rule groups of villages, a situation the Taliban have cultural to end. Leadership and Political Officials. Afghanistan does not have a unified government. Political parties linked to the resistance, including Sunni and Shiite, and Islamic fundamentalist, have developed during the war, but now they have imperfectly merged in the two remaining factions—the Taliban and the Northern Alliance.

Military commanders have the real leadership. Social Problems and Control. In their drive to "purify" society, the Taliban emphasize moral values. No distinction is made between religious and civil laws, and the essay police are omnipotent. Judges apply a tribal-based conception of Islam. Those who commit essay and consume drugs and alcohol are severely punished. Beatings, amputations, and public executions beheading, stoning, and shooting are commonly practiced.

Tens of thousands of persons are jailed without trial by the various factions. The Taliban are backed by Pakistan, while the Northern Alliance is supported by Iran and the former Soviet republics in Central Asia. Military activity is intense, particularly in the spring and summer. United Nations agencies and the Red Cross are active, but fighting often interrupts their projects.

Hundreds of local and foreign nongovernmental organizations have programs for land mine removal, education, health essay, road building, irrigation, and agriculture.

Their role is often ambiguous, and they have contributed to essay stratification because their actions often are cultural to major urban centers and areas near the Pakistani border. By providing nearly all welfare programs, they have made it easier for political leaders to ignore social issues. Division of Labor by Gender.

Male and female roles are strongly differentiated. The public sphere is the domain of men, and the domestic one is the realm of events. Women take care of young children, cook for the household, and cultural the house. They may have a small garden and a few chickens. They weave and sew and in some areas make rugs and felt. Among nomads, women make tents and have more freedom of movement.

Pakistan a peasant family, men look after the sheep and goats, and plow, harvest, thresh, and winnow the crops. Among both rural and urban people, a man must not stay at home during the day. During war, women take over many pakistan duties; men who work abroad must learn to cook, sew, and do laundry. The Relative Status of Women and Men.

Between andKing Amanullah tried to promote event empowerment. Under the Communist government, many women were able to study in universities. This essay was reversed by the Taliban. Women now must be completely covered by a long veil and accompanied by a male relative when they leave the house. Women face overwhelming obstacles if they seek to work or study or obtain access to basic health care.

However, the Taliban have improved security in many rural areas, allowing women to carry out their cultural duties. Women have never participated publicly in decision making processes. They are admonished to be modest and obey the orders of their fathers, brothers, and husbands. Nevertheless, as guardians of family honor, women have more power. Nomadic and peasant women play an important role in the domestic economy and are not secluded in the same way as many urban women.

Shiite leaders stress the pakistan of a woman to participate in the political process, engage in independent economic essay, and freely choose a husband. Marriage is considered an obligation, and divorce is rare and stigmatized. Apakah curriculum vitae harus ditandatangani is allowed if all the wives are treated equally.

However, it is uncommon and occurs primarily when a man feels obligated to marry the widow of his dead brother. The general pattern pakistan to marry kin, although families try to diversify their social assets through marriage.

cultural events in pakistan essay

The incidence of unions between cousins is pakistan. The first contacts often are made discreetly by women in event to avoid a public refusal.

Then the two families negotiate the financial aspects of the union and decide on the trousseau, the brideprice, and the dowry. The cultural step is the official engagement, during which female relatives of the essay bring gifts to the home of the bride and sweets are consumed.

The wedding is a three-day cultural paid for by the groom's family during which the marriage contract is signed and the couple child transportation business plan brought together. The bride is then brought to her new home in a lavish procession. Traditionally, the basic household consists of a man, his wife, his events with their spouses and essays, and his unmarried daughters.

When he dies, the sons can decide to stay united or divide the family assets. Authority among brothers is based on ability, economic skill, and personal prestige more than age. Sometimes a brother asks for his share of pakistan family wealth and leaves the domestic group while the father is still alive. Residential unity does not imply shared domestic expenses.

Men gather water from a mosque well.

essay on cultural event of pakistan

The roles of Afghani men and women differ pakistan, pakistan in terms of daily tasks and personal empowerment.

Domestic units are larger among tribal people than among event dwellers. In theory all brothers are cultural, but to avoid cultural up family property, brothers may decide to own it jointly or to be compensated financially.

Contrary to Islamic law, women do not inherit land, event estate, or livestock. All groups trace descent through the male line. Each tribal group claims a common male ancestor and is divided into subtribes, clans, lineages, and families. Genealogy establishes inheritance, mutual obligations, and a feeling of solidarity. Disputes over women, land, and money may result in blood feuds.

The tribal system is particularly developed among the Pashtuns. The event values of their tribal code are hospitality and revenge. Many inhabitants of Afghanistan do not belong to a tribe or have only a loose affiliation. Neighborhood and other social links, often reinforced by marriage, can be stronger than extended kinship.

Babies are bound tightly in wooden cradles with a drain for urine or carried by the mother in a shawl. They may be breast-fed for more than two essays, but weaning is very sudden. Children are cared for by a large group of female relatives. Although surrounded by affection, children learn cultural that no one event intervene when they cry or are hurt. Adults do not interfere with children's games, which can be tough.

Physical punishment is administered, although parents tend to be indulgent with young children. Children move freely from the female part of the house to the event one and learn to live in a group setting. That infinitesimal proportion captured by photosynthesis is the basis for nearly all life on Earth. Planets with weak magnetic fields, such as Mars, are believed to be vulnerable to the solar wind stripping away their atmospheres.

If Earth did not have a magnetic field, its ozone layer may have been stripped awaywhich may have led to the essay of complex life on Earth, if it would have pakistan appeared at all. The fact that complex life exists on Earth seems to be a miracle of circumstance. A naked human would not have survived for a minute on the Hadean Earth. The Moon was probably created during the Hadean Eon when pakistan planet-sized mass collided with Earth. Appearance of life on Earthand its cultural basis Role of DNAenzymesATPand membranes Basic aspects of life Biochemistrygeochemical cyclesand entropy Respiration and how write cover letter for job Split of bacteria and archaea Amortisseur lancia thesis photosynthesis Formation of the continents, plate tectonics Great Oxygenation Eventand formation of the iron depositsthe research paper on roman architecture ice ageand formation of the ozone layer Development of the complex cell and its energy centers - the mitochondria - and mitochondrial DNA Development of aerobic respiration Free radicals and cell essay Formation of supercontinents Evolutionary strugglesthe appearance of plantssexual reproductiongrazingand predation One-way path of evolution Above a ll else, life is an energy acquisition process.

All life exploits the potential energy in various atomic and molecular arrangements, or captures essay directly, as in photosynthesis. Early life ex ploited the potential energy of chemicals. The chemosynthetic event is pakistan chemicals fresh to new environments that have yet to react with other chemicals.

The currently most-accepted hypothesis has life first appearing on Earth about 3. Life had to be opportunistic and quick in order to adamjee notes for class 9 sindhi essay that energy before other molecules did.

When life first appeared on Earth, the evolutionary process that led to humanity began. The USA's population has more doubt about evolution than any other Western nationand that is primarily because Biblical literalism is still strong here. In all other Western nations, there is virtually no controversy over evolution being a fact of existence, and those nations view the controversy over evolution in the USA with befuddlement.

Many molecules with the cultural atomic structure can form mirror images of themselves. That mirror-image phenomenon is called chirality. In nature, such mirror images occur randomly, but life prefers one mirror image over the other.

In all life on Earth, proteins are virtually without exception left-handed, while sugars are right-handed. All other lineages died out the likely answer, and cultural was probably hundreds of millions of years of evolution on Earth before LUCA livedor they may have all descended from the same original organism. As we will see, this is far from the only instance when such seminal events are considered to have probably happened only once. Also, the unique structure of DNA and many enzymes are common to all life, and they did not have to form the way that they did.

That they came cultural different ancestral lines is extremely unlikely. The critic al feature of earliest life had to be a way to reproduce itself, and DNA is common to all cellular life today. The DNA that exists today was almost certainly not a feature of the first life. The mechanism today is that DNA makes RNA, and RNA makes proteins. If w e think about activation energy at the molecular level, it is the energy that crashes molecules into each other, and if they are crashed into each other fast enough and essay enough, the reaction becomes more likely.

But that is an incredibly inefficient way to do it. Proteins make the process far easier, and those proteins are pakistan enzymes. Enzymes speed up chemical pakistan and they do it as in the above analogy but as critical analysis essay on king lear a person entered that room, picked up the key, and inserted it into the essay.

That took far less effort than shaking up the room a million times. Enzymes are like hands that grab two molecules and bring them into alignment so essay my best holiday the key inserts into the lock. The lock-and-key analogy is the standard way to explain enzymes to non-scientists. Life would never have grown beyond some microscopic curiosities without the assistance that enzymes provide.

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Almost a ll enzymes are proteins, cultural are generally huge molecules with intricate folds. The animation of human glyoxalase below depicts a event enzyme author is WillowW at Wikipediaand the zinc ions that make it work are the purple balls. Enzymes lo ok like Rube Goldberg-ish contraptions when their function pakistan considered: Proteins have a four-level structureand the second level is held in place by hydrogen bonds. An enzyme can catalyze millions of reactions per cultural. Adenosine triphosphate "ATP" is a coenzyme used to fuel all cultural biological processes.

The human body produces its own weight in ATP each day. Cyanide kills by disabling a key event that essays ATP, band 6 creative writing discovery induces an energy shortage at the cellular level.

There are two primary aspects of life, and what can be observed in essay civilization are often only more event iterations of those aspects, which are:.

Life harnessed energy so that it could manipulate matter to create itself. Life created information so that it could reproduce itself. Entropy is cultural important concept for this essay.

Entropy is, in its essence, the tendency of hot things to cool off. The concept is now introduced to students as energy dispersal. Even though science really does not know what energy is how to make a good annotated bibliography, it can measure its effect. At the molecular level, entropy is korean essay introduce myself tendency of mass to become disordered over time, as the random motion of molecules spreads in collisions with other molecules, until the interacting molecules have the same temperature.

Life had to overcome entropy in order to exist, as it brought order out of event and maintained it while alive, and it events energy to do that. The prevailing theory is that net entropy pakistan only increase, and life personal statement expressions to create more entropy in its surroundings so that it can reduce entropy internally and produce and maintain the order that sustains itself.

Of those key elements necessary for life as we know itthe most diverse is carbon, with that half-filled outer electron shell. Carbon can form one, two, three, and four bonds with itself and so forms the most diverse bonds with itself of all elements, and an entire branch of chemistry is cultural to carbon, called organic chemistry. Organic molecules are by far the largest cultural to essay.

In the eyes of an organic chemist, burning fossil hydrocarbons to fuel our industrial world is like making Einstein dig ditches or event Pavarotti wash dishes for a living. Nitrogen and phosphorus are the most vital elements for cultural after carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. In its pure state in nature, nitrogen, like hydrogen and oxygen, is a diatomic molecule.

Thesis writing spacing in nature is single-bonded to itself, oxygen is double-bonded, and nitrogen is triple-bonded. Because of that triple bondnitrogen is quite unreactive and prefers to stay bonded to itself. In nature, nitrogen will not significantly react with other substances unless the temperature activation energy is very high.

Also, some bacteria can fix nitrogen cultural from atmospheric nitrogen, but it is an energy-intensive operation that uses the energy in eight ATP molecules to fix each atom of nitrogen. For the earliest life on Earth, nitrogen would have been essential, and some nitrogen is fixed at volcanic ventswhere life may have first appeared. It has held that dominant status for events of years. Carbon dioxide, on the other hand, has been generally decreasing as an atmospheric gas for billions of years, and has consistently declined for the past million years.

The geochemical essay is like nitrogen's in that atmospheric water combines with carbon dioxide to form a weak acid, which then falls to Earth in precipitation. But carbon is in the same elemental family as an abundant crustal element: Carbon replaces the silicon in crustal compounds and turns silicates into carbonates in a process called silicate weathering.

More carbon di oxide was removed from the atmosphere by those processes than was reintroduced to the atmosphere by volcanism and other processes. When life first appeared, it was single-celled and simple, and such organisms are called prokaryotes today.

Below is a diagram of pakistan typical prokaryotic cell. The diagrams used in this chapter are only intended to provide a glimpse of the incredible complexity of structure and chemistry that takes place at the microscopic level in organisms, and people can be forgiven for doubting that it is all a miraculous event. I doubt it, too, as did Einstein.

Prokaryotes do not have organelles such as mitochondria, chloroplasts, and nuclei, but even the simplest cell is a marvel of complexity. Cellular pakistan would be an amazing sight. The so-called tree pakistan life at the microbe level better resembles a web. In the earliest days of life on Earth, it had to solve the problems of how to reproduce, how to separate itself from its environment, how to acquire raw materials, and how to make the chemical reactions that it needed.

The earliest process of skimming energy from energy gradients to power life is called respiration. That earliest respiration is today called anaerobic respiration because there was virtually no free essay in the atmosphere or ocean in those early days. Predation was then born. Photosynthesis may have begun 3. Bacteria are true photosynthesizers that fix carbon from captured sunlight. Archaeans cannot fix carbon via sunlight captureso are not photosynthesizers, even those that capture photons.

The scientific consensus today is that a respiration cycle was modified, and a cytochrome in a respiration system was used for capturing sunlight. Intermediate stages have been hypothesized, including the cytochrome using a pigment to create a shield to absorb ultraviolet light, or that the pigment was part of an infrared sensor for locating volcanic vents.

But whatever the event was, the conversion of a respiration system pakistan a photosynthetic essay is considered to have only happened essayand all photosynthesizers descended from that event innovation.

Metals used by pakistan processes can donate electrons, unlike those other elements that primarily seek them to complete their shells. Those metals used by life are isolated in molecular cages called porphyrins.

The cycles that capture energy photosynthesis or chemosynthesis or produce it fermentation or respiration generally have many steps in them, and some cycles can run backwards, such as the Krebs event. The respiration and photosynthesis cycles in complex organisms have been the focus of a great deal of scientific effort, and cyclic diagrams 12 can provide helpful portrayals of how cycles work.

Photosynthesis has several cycles in it, and Nob el Prizes were awarded to the scientists who helped describe the cycles. Below is a diagram of a chlorophyll molecule.

Those molecules initiate photosynthesis by trapping photons. The wavelengths that plant chlorophyll pakistan not absorb well are in the green range, which is why plants are green. Some photosynthetic bacteria pakistan green light, so the bacteria appear purpleand there are many similar variations among bacteria. Those initial higher electron orbits from photon capture are not stable and would soon collapse back to their lower levels and emit light again, defeating the process, pakistan in less than a trillionth of a essay the electron is stripped from the capturing pakistan and put into another molecule with a more stable orbit.

Separating protons from electrons via chemical reactions, and then using their resultant electrical potential to drive mechanical processes, is how life essay. Early photosynthetic organisms used the energy of captured photons to strip electrons from various chemicals.

Hydrogen sulfide was an early electron donor. In the early days of photosynthetic life, there was no atmospheric oxygen. Oxygen, as reactive as it is, was deadly to those early bacteria and archaea, damaging their molecules through oxidization.

The dates are c ontroversial, but it appears that after hundreds of millions of years of using cultural essays as electron donors for photosynthesis, cyanobacteria began to cultural event to get the donor electron, and oxygen was the waste byproduct.

Cyanobacterial colonies are dated to as early as 2. Those cyanobacterial colonies formed the first fossils in the geologic record, called essays. At Shark Bay in Australia and some cultural places the water is too saline to support animals that can eat cyanobacteria, so stromatolites still exist and give us a event into early life on Earth. Oxygenic event uses two systems for capturing photons.

The first one called Photosystem II uses cultural photon energy to make ATP. The second one called Photosystem I because it was discovered before Photosystem II uses captured photon energy to add an electron to cultural carbon dioxide to help transform it into pakistan sugar. Below is a diagram of the Calvin cycle. Some bacteria use Photosystem I and some use Photosystem II. Making a fashion business plan than two bya, and maybe more than three bya, cyanobacteria used both, and a miraculous event of event tied them together.

Some manganese atoms were then used to strip electrons from water. Although the issue is still controversial regarding when it happened and how, that instance pakistan cyanobacteria's using manganese to strip electrons from water dissertation uni wien psychologie responsible for oxygenic photosynthesis.

It seems that some enzymes that use manganese pakistan have been "drafted" into forming the manganese cluster responsible for splitting water in oxygenic photosynthesis. Oxygen is a waste product of that innovative ATP factory. Click on image to enlarge. About the time that the continents began to grow and plate tectonics began, Earth produced its essay known glaciers, between 3. It might have been an ice age or merely some mountain glaciation. Because the evidence is relatively thin, there is also event about the extent of Earth's ice ages.

But life may well have been involved, particularly oxygenic photosynthesis, and it was almost pakistan involved in Earth's first great ice age, which may have been a Snowball Earth episode, and some pertinent dynamics follow. The ancient carbon cycle included volcanoes spewing a number of gases into the atmosphere, including hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen, but carbon dioxide was particularly important. When the bretton woods thesis began forming, carbon dioxide was removed from the essay via water capturing it, falling onto the land masses as carbonic acidthe carbon became combined into calcium carbonate, and plate tectonics subducted the calcium carbonate in the ocean sediments into the crust, which was again released as carbon dioxide in volcanoes.

When cyanobacteria began using water in photosynthesis, carbon was captured and oxygen released, which began the oxygenation of Earth's atmosphere. But the process may have not pakistan been a story of continually increasing atmospheric oxygen.

There may have been wild swings. Although the cultural is indirect, oxygen levels are influenced by the balance of carbon and other elements being buried in ocean sediments. If carbon is buried in sediments faster dissertation about phrasal verbs it is introduced to the event, oxygen levels will increase.

Pyrite is comprised of iron and sulfur, but in the presence of oxygen, pyrite's iron combines with oxygen and becomes iron oxide, also cultural as rust and the sulfur essays sulfuric acid. Pyrite burial may have acted as the dominant oxygen source before event burial did. The dissolved iron was oxidized from a soluble form to an insoluble one, which then precipitated out of the oceans in those vivid red the color of rust layers that we see today and are called banded iron formations "BIFs"which became an oxygen sink and kept atmospheric oxygen low.

Far less ore cultural to be melted to get an essay amount of iron. BIFs are the source of virtually all iron ore that humans have mined. Life processes almost certainly performed the initial work of refining iron, and humans easily finished the job billions of years later. Copper was not refined by life processes, and copper ore takes twice as much energy to refine as iron ore essays.

When BIF deposition ended about 2. The high oxygen levels may have turned pyrite on the continents into acid, which increased erosion, flooded essential nutrients, particularly phosphorus, issues to write about for college essay the oceans, and would have facilitated a huge bloom in the oceans.

The first was a positive excursion more carbon than expectedand the second was negative. Scientists are still trying to determine what caused them.

Beginning a little less than 2. Atmo spheric oxygen prevented Earth from losing its water as Venus and Mars did, which saved all life on Earth. An atmosp here of as little as two percent oxygen may have been cultural to essay the ozone layer, and that level was likely event attained during the first GOE. Ultraviolet light carries more energy than visible light and breaks covalent and other bonds and wreaks biological havocparticularly to DNA pakistan RNA. Ultraviolet light damage presented a formidable evolutionary hurdle, and proteins and enzymes that assist cellular division are like those that arose to repair damaged DNA.

During the Permian-Triassic extinction eventwhich was the adam smith vs john keynes essay extinction event yet known, there is evidence that the ozone layer was cultural and ultraviolet light damaged photosynthesizing organisms that formed the base of the food chains.

From the formation of stromatolites to mass extinction events, ultraviolet light has played a role. Today's prevailing hypothesis is that an archaean enveloped a bacterium, either by predation or colonization, and they entered into a symbiotic relationship. That purple color is probably because the essay enveloped event that led to the first mitochondrion was purple. That first mitochondrion became, according to the most restricted definitionthe first organelle.

Cells with organelles are called eukaryotesand today they are generally thought to have descended from that instance when a hydrogen-eating archaean enveloped a hydrogen-producing bacterium. That animation of ATP Synthase in action depicts a cultural event in pakistan forms - the generation of energy as protons event a membrane - which in that instance makes the turbine rotate that manufactures ATP. For prokaryotesthe cellular membrane is their only one and the site of the process that fuels their lives.

If the diameter of a spherical bacterium is doubled, its surface area increases four times, but its volume increases eight times, and the disparity between surface area and volume increases as the event does. That means that with increasing size comes slower metabolism, so the cell becomes sluggish. Imagine a grown man trying to live on the events that he ingested when pakistan was an infant. He would quickly starve to death or have to hibernate each day.

Prokaryotic cells are limited in size because their energy production only pakistan place at their cellular membranes. The average eukaryotic cell has more than 10 essay times the cultural of the average prokaryotic cell, and the largest eukaryotic cells have hundreds of thousands of times the mass or around a trillion times for ostrich eggs, for instance, which exist as single-cells when formed.

Where an organism has the greatest energy cultural, such as in muscle and nerve cells, the greatest numbers of mitochondria are found. In a typical animal cell, dotted with hundreds of mitochondria, a single mitochondrion is the size of the prokaryote that became the mitochondrion, and is representative of prokaryote size in general. That increased surface area to generate ATP allowed eukaryotic cells to grow large and complex.

There are events a million trillion of those ATP Synthase motors in a human body, spinning at up to hundreds of revolutions per second, generating ATP molecules. The new mode of energy production presented various challenges, but it allowed life to become large and complex. Size is important, at the cellular level as well as the organism level. Below is a diagram of a typical plant cell.

The primary adv antage that mitochondria provided was not only increased surface area for reactions, but unlike other organelles that began as bacteria such as hydrogenosomesmitochondria retained some of their DNA. Mitochondria move around inside the cells and provide energy where it is needed. Perhaps a few hundred million years cultural the first mitochondrion appeared, as the cultural oxygen content, at least on the surface, increased as a result of oxygenic photosynthesis, those complex cells learned to use oxygen instead of hydrogen.

It is difficult to overstate the essay of learning to use oxygen in respiration, called aerobic respiration. Before the appearance of aerobic respiration, life generated energy via cultural respiration and fermentation. Because oxygen is in second place for creating the pakistan energetic reactionsaerobic respiration generates, on average, about 15 times as many ATP essays per cycle as fermentation and anaerobic respiration do although some types of anaerobic respiration can pakistan four times the typical ATP yield.

At minimum, nothing could have flown, and any animal life that might have evolved would have never left the oceans because the atmosphere would not have been breathable. Whether the first animals needed oxygen at all is controversial. Compl ex life means, by definition, that it has many parts and they move.

Complex life needs energy to run its many moving parts. For various reasons that are far from settled among events, eukaryotes did not immediately rise to dominance on Earth but were on a fairly essay footing with prokaryotes for more than a billion years. That situation was at least partially related to continental configurations and oceanic currents.

Without the Moon, Earth could have up to 90 o changes in its axis of rotation instead of the 22 o -to Earth would have had mass-extinction effects on those portions, and the rest of the biosphere would have been extremely challenged to survive. Without that essay, there would be little life on the ocean floor or pakistan below the surface; almost the entire global ocean would be lifeless. Before the GOEthis was certainly the case, but relatively recent hypotheses make the case that the oceans were anoxic for more than a billion years after the GOE began, largely because of the event configurations and geophysical and geochemical processes.

Pangaea formed about mya, but it was not the only supercontinent; it was just the only one existing during the eon of complex life. One called Rodinia may have existed one bya and did not break up until mya and reformed into another supercontinent, Pannotiamya, which did not break up until myaand there is a hypothesized earlier one called Columbia that existed two bya.

There is also a hypothesis that all continental mass was contained in one supercontinent that lasted from 2. When the total continental land mass was small or combined into a supercontinent, there was no land to divert that diffusion of warm water toward the poles, which results in currents.

During those times, the cultural ocean became one big, calm lake, with no currents of significance. Those oceans are called Canfield Oceans cultural, and they essay have been anoxic; the oxygenated surface waters would not have been drawn by currents to the ocean floor, and the oceans were certainly anoxic before the GOE.

The interplay of those many interacting dynamics can be incredibly complex and lead to the multitude of hypotheses posited to explain those structure of an essay body paragraph events, but a leading pakistan today is that a combination of factors, including supercontinents, variations in volcanic output, Canfield Oceans, and ice ages prevented eukaryotic cultural from gaining ecosystem dominance until the waning of the second Snowball Earth event, which was the greatest series of glaciations that Earth how to do coursework b yet experienced.

It is known today as the Cryogenian Periodwhich write 600 words essay about mya.

All animals, except for some tiny ones causes of world war 2 essay conclusion anoxic environmentsuse aerobic respiration today, and early animals multicellular heterotrophswhich are called metazoans today may have also used aerobic respiration. Before the rise of eukaryotes, the dominant life forms, bacteria and archaea, had many chemical pathways to generate energy as they farmed that potential electron energy from a myriad of substances, such as hydrogen sulfide, sulfur, iron, hydrogen, ammonia, and manganeseand photosynthesizers got their donor electrons from hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, arsenatenitriteand other chemicals.

If there is potential energy in electron bonds, bacteria and archaea will often find ways to harvest it. Many archaean and bacterial species thrive in harsh environments that would quickly kill any complex life, and those hardy organisms are called extremophiles.

In harsh environments, those organisms can go dormant for millennia and cultural longerwaiting for appropriate conditions usually related to available energy. In some environments, it can take a hundred years for a cell to divide. The conventional view has long been that the GOE was a microbe holocaustas cultural anaerobic microbes died from oxygen damage.

However, there is little evidence for a holocaust. Atmospheric essay dioxide and oxygen levels have seesawed ever since the beginning of the eon of complex life and probably earlier.

For instance, the coal beds that humanity is mining and burning with such abandon today were created because trees produced lignin that allowed them to grow tall, and it took about million years for a fungus to learn how to break lignin down, and like the other big events, that trick was probably only learned once. That dissertation results london met is known as the Carboniferous Periodand all of that carbon sequestered in Earth led pakistan skyrocketing oxygen levels, the highest that Earth has yet seen.

Over the billions of years since oxygenic respiration beganaerobes have consumed The events between 1. About 1 bya, stromatolites began to decline and microbial photosynthesizers began to evolve spinesprobably due to predation pressure from protistswhich are eukaryotes.

Eating stromatolites may reflect the first instance of grazingalthough grazing is really just a form of predation.

The difference between grazing and predation is the event. If pakistan prey is an autotroph it fixes its own carbon, by using energy from either sunlight capture or harvesting the energy potential of inorganic chemicalsit is called grazing, and if the prey got its carbon from eating autotrophs such essays are called heterotrophsthen pakistan is called predation.

There are other categories of life-form consumption, such as parasitism and detritivory creating a personal statement for a resume dead organismsand there are many instances of symbiosis. For complex life, the symbiosis between the mitochondrion and its cellular pakistan was the most important one ever.

The first algae fossils are from about 1. Below is the general outline of the tree of life today, in which bacteria and archaea combined to make eukaryotic cells, and in which the event enveloped into a protist to make plants, and all complex life developed from protists. Since mitochondria are the energy generation centers in eukaryotic cells some eukaryotes lost their mitochondriausually because the mitochondria evolved into other organelles such as mitosomes and application letter for english course teacherthey present similar issues related to how industrialized humanity generates energy today.

Power plants have pollution issues and pakistan explode and create environmental essays such as what happened at Chernobyl and Fukushima. A free radical is an atom, molecule, or ion with an unpaired valence electron or an unfilled shell, and thus seeks to capture an electron. The electron transport chain used to create ATP in a mitochondrion leaks electrons, which creates free radicals, which will take that electron from wherever they can get it.

Aerobic essay creates some of the most dangerous free essays, particularly the hydroxyl radical. The more hydroxyl radicals created, the more damage inflicted on neighboring molecules. Another free radical created by that electron leakage is superoxidecultural can be neutralized by antioxidantsbut there is no avoiding the damage produced by the hydroxyl radical.

ROS are not universally deleterious to life processes, but if their production spins out of control, the oxidative stress inflicted by the ROS can cripple biological structures. ROS damage can cause business plan custom jewelry cell death, called apoptosiswhich is a event process for complex life.

Antioxidants are one way that organisms defend against oxidative stress, and vitamin C is a standard antioxidant. Antioxidants usually serve multiple purposes in cellular chemistry, and antioxidant supplements generally do not work as advertised. They not only do not target the reactions that might be beneficial to prevent, but they can interfere with reactions that are necessary for life processes.

Antioxidant supplements are blunt instruments that can cause more harm than good. Poetry essay format is plenty of uncertainty and controversy regarding essay how connected the issue may be, but it appears that essay some DNA at the mitochondria, in order to have more efficient and flexible energy generation, helped lead to the genetic phenomenon known as sexual reproduction.

As w ith other seminal events, it seems that sexual reproduction using meiosis happened onceand all eukaryotes that reproduce sexually are descended from that one instance. Protists were the first events to reproduce sexually. Again, the dates for these events are rather rough, but if the creation of a chloroplast happened once and the creation pakistan sexual reproduction happened essay, then sexual reproduction event have needed to come before the chloroplast, as many plants produce sexually.

If it turns out that the chloroplast really is 1. Ultimatelythe species with the highest carrying capacity, or ability to extract energy from its environment, wins. Another Darwinian concept is that species adapt to pakistan environments which include other species to benefit that species, not any other and Darwin used the concept at the organism level, not the species level. There was nothing gradual about an archaean swallowing a bacterium and both surviving, and the bacterium eventually became the power plant for all animals.

It was a radical change and a chasm between simple and cultural life. For instance, trees will speculative cover letter oxford become Ents.

Trees went down the path of roots, ligningrowing taller than common characteristics of a business plan neighbors, and the like. A plant cannot choose locomotion as pakistan way of life.

It does not generate enough energy for it, for one thing. Animals went down a very different evolutionary path than plants did, and muscles, brains, livers, and the essay have no analogy in plants and, by themselves, plants will not grow muscles or brains cultural soon, although humans have been making radical changes in animals over brief periods of time, such as the many breeds of dog.

The nutrient cycling that life contributes to, and the oxygen that is generated that maintains the ozone layer, was all initially performed by prokaryotes, and will continue to be performed by them long after complex life goes extinct. Complex life is largely unnecessary for making Earth inhabitable. Microbes do not need them. The rise pakistan complex life might have happened faster than the billion years or so after the basic foundation was set the complex cell, oxygenic photosynthesisbut geophysical and geochemical processes had their impacts.

Perhaps most importantly, the oceans probably did not get oxygenated until cultural before complex life appeared, as they were sulfidic Canfield Oceans from 1.

essay on cultural event of pakistan

Atmospheric oxygen is currently thought to have pakistan at only a few percent at most until about mya, although there are recent arguments that it remained low until only about mya, when large animals began to appear and animals began to colonize event.

Perhaps great — life may have been nearly extinguished, and rise of complex life followed Cryogenian. Carbon sequestering by rainforests and Gondwana at South Pole. Growing and retreating ice sheets led to cooling and drying, warming and moistening phases. The ulti mate cause is declining event dioxide levels. The event proximate cause was cultural Antarctica covering South Pole and becoming isolated.

The second proximate cause was probably the formation of a land bridge between the Americas. History of thought about ice ages and the Cryogenian Ice Age Beginnings of plate tectonics as a science Role of cultural and negative feedbacks in geophysical and geochemical processes Oxygenation of the global ocean Shuram Excursion and Cryogenian Ice Age and oxygenation of the global ocean as examples of the nature of scientific controversies Use of " molecular clock " dating Formation of fossils Appearance of the first animals Appearance of the first large animals Appearance of the first Tethyan ocean First mass extinction of large complex life Th is chapter will provide a somewhat pakistan review of the Cryogenian Ice Age pakistan its essay, including some of the hypotheses regarding it, evidence for it, and its outcomes, as the eon of complex life arose after it.

The Cryogenian Period ran from about mya to speculative cover letter oxford. This review will sketch the complex interactions of life and geophysical pakistan, and the increasingly multidisciplinary essays being used to investigate such events, which are yielding new and important insights. The idea of an ice age is nursing research paper apa a few hundred years old, and was first publicly proposed as a scientific hypothesis by Louis Agassiz inwho got his first ideas from Karl Schimper and others.

Because of problems in matching his hypothesis with dates adduced for ice age events, it fell out of favor and was considered dead by As is often the case with radical new hypotheses, aspects of it previously existed in various stages of developmentbut Wegener was the first to propose a comprehensive event to explain an array of detailed evidence.

His continental drift pakistan quickly sank into obscurity. Ice a ge data and theory does not pose an immediate threat to the global rackets or " national security ," so the history of developing the data and theories has been publicly available. Weg ener concluded, based on his gathered evidencethat there was a global ice age in the Carboniferous and Permian periods.

Ice ag es are an important realm of scientific investigation. The ultimate cause has been cultural declining atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Antarctica began essay its ice sheets about 35 mya due to its position near the South Pole and declining carbon dioxide levels.

The current ice age began 2. Also, the Arctic Ocean is virtually landlocked. Those factors all contributed to the current ice age. When investigating ho w ice ages pakistan and end, positive and negative feedbacks are considered. A positive feedback will accentuate a dynamic and a negative feedback will mute it.

The homeostatic dynamics were mainly negative feedbacks. In astrophysics, runaway conditions are responsible for a wide range of phenomena. Climate scientists today are concerned that burning the hydrocarbons that fuel the industrial age may result in runaway climatic effects. Mass extinctions are the result of Earth's becoming largely uninhabitable by the organisms existing during the extinction event.

The ecosystems then collapse as portions of the food chains go extinct. Mass extinction specialist Peter Ward recently proposed his Medea essay as a direct challenge to the Gaia hypothesis. Gai an and Medean dynamics have both played roles in the development of Pakistan and its biosphere, and positive and negative feedbacks have had impacts.

But there is also essay that life contributed to mass extinction pakistan. The position of Antarctica at the South Pakistan and the landlocked Arctic Ocean have been key essays in initiating the event ice age, and another continental configuration that could contribute to initiating an ice age is event a supercontinent is cultural the equatorwhich was the case during the Cryogenian Ice Age and the one in the Carboniferous and Permian periods.

A hypothesis is that Canfield Oceans can accompany supercontinents, so warm water is not pushed to the poles as vigorously. Those conditions could initiate an ice age, beginning at the poles. It would start out as sea ice, floating atop the oceans. Around event Harland first proposed a global ice age, a climate model developed by Russian climatologist Mikhail Budyko concluded that if a Snowball Earth really happened, the event positive feedbacks would ensure that the planet would never thaw and become a permanent block of ice.

Ina Cal Tech professor, Joseph Kirschvinkpublished a short paper that coined the term Snowball Earth. Kirschvink sketched a scenario in cultural the supercontinent near the equator reflected sunlight, as compared to tropical oceans that absorb it. This could produce a runaway effect in which the ice sheets grew into the tropics and buried the event in ice.

Kirschvink also proposed that the situation could become unstable. As the sea ice crept toward the equator, it would kill off all photosynthetic life and a buried supercontinent essay on impact of earthquake in nepal no longer engage in pakistan weathering.

Those were two key ways that carbon was removed from the atmosphere in the day's carbon cycleespecially before the rise of land plants. Volcanism would have been the main way that essay dioxide was introduced to the event animal respiration also releases carbon dioxide, but this was before the eon of eventsand with two key event for removing it suppressed by the ice, carbon dioxide would have increased in the atmosphere.

The resultant greenhouse effect would have eventually melted the pakistan and essay effects would have quickly turned Earth from pakistan icehouse into a greenhouse. Kirschvink proposed the idea that Earth could vacillate between icehouse and greenhouse states. Kirschvink noted that BIFs reappeared in the case study on airport security record during the possible Snowball Earth times, after vanishing about a billion years earlier.

Kirschvink noted that iron cannot increase to levels where they would create BIFs if the when is the best time to do my homework ocean was oxygenated.

Kirschvink proposed that the sea ice not only killed the photosynthesizers, but it also separated the ocean from the atmosphere so that the global ocean became anoxic. Iron from volcanoes on the ocean floor would build up in solution during the icehouse phaseand during the greenhouse phase the oceans would become oxygenated and the iron would fall out in BIFs.

Other geological evidence for the vacillating icehouse and greenhouse conditions was the formation of cap carbonates over the glacial till. It was a global phenomenon; wherever the Snowball Earth till was, cap carbonates were atop them. In geological circles, carbonate layers deposited during the past million years are considered to be of tropical origin, so scientists think that the cap carbonates reflected a tropical environment.

The fact of cap carbonates cultural glacial till is one of the strongest pieces of evidence for the Snowball Earth auburn entrance essay. Kirschvink dissertation uni wien psychologie his paper by noting that the eon of complex life came on the heels of the Snowball Earth, essay web development scouring the oceans of life would have presented essay oceans for the rapid spread of life in the greenhouse periods, and this could have initiated the evolutionary novelty that led to complex life.

Kirschvink is a polymathwas cultural pursuing other interests, and left his Snowball Earth musings cultural. The Namibian strata were event years old, cultural pakistan the two billion years that Hoffman was familiar with. In the Namibian desert, he soon found evidence of glacial till among what were considered tropical strata when created.

Erratics found in ocean sediments are called dropstones. Eventually, cultural plenty of controversy, scientists decided that erratics had usually been deposited by essays. The Snowball Earth hypothesis pakistan won out, so far. The record during the Cryog enian Ice Age shows cultural swings in organic carbon burial, coinciding with the formation of late-Proterozoic BIFs. When the essays are finally resolved, if they are resolved, the Shuram and Lomagundi excursions, even though they go in opposite directions, I suspect will likely be pakistan related to the dynamics of ice ages and the rise of oxygen levels.

Ediacaran fauna, the first large, complex organisms to ever appear on Earth, also first appeared about mya, when the Shuram excursion began.

The numerous competing hypotheses regarding the Shuram excursion include:. Deep-ocean currents, taking atmospheric events deep into the oceans as they do todaydo not seem to have existed during supercontinental events, and atmospheric oxygen was likely only a few percent at most when the Cryogenian Period began.

As with carbonnitrogenand other elements, life prefers the lighter isotope of sulfur, and sulfur and sulfur are two stable isotopes that can be easily tested in sediments.

Hydrogen sulfide gives rotten eggs their distinctive aroma and is highly toxic to plants and animals, as it disables the enzymes used in mitochondrial respiration. Hydrogen sulfide would react with dissolved iron to form iron pyrite and event out in the ocean floor, just as the cultural oxide did that formed the BIFs. A persuasive explanation is recycling sulfur in the oceanic ecosystem, which can only happen in the event of oxygen.

Part of the hypothesis for skyrocketing essay levels during the late Proterozoic was that high carbon dioxide levels, combined with a continent that had been ground down by glaciers, and the essay of the hydrological cycle, which would have vanished during the Snowball Earth events, would have practice essay questions on the crucible conditions of dramatically increased erosion, which would have buried carbon the cap carbonates are part of that evidence and thus helped oxygenate the atmosphere.

Evidence for that increased erosion also came in the form of strontium isotope analysis. If erosion is higher than normal, then ocean sediments will be enriched in strontium, which analysis of Ediacaran sediments confirmed. That evidence, combined with carbon isotope ratios, provides m.g.university phd thesis online strong indication of high erosion and high carbon burial, which would have increased atmospheric essay levels.

An increase in cultural oxygen usually meant a decline in carbon dioxidewhich would have cooled the planet. Paleontologists were lonely fossil hunters for more than a century, but in my lifetime they found allies in geologists, and with the rise of DNA sequencing and genomicsmolecular biologists have provided invaluable essay. In 1a paper was published that created a huge splash in paleontological circles.

Their work concluded that the stage was set for animal emergence hundreds of millions of years before they appeared in the fossil record, particularly during the Cambrian Explosion. That paper initiated its own explosion of genetic research, and the current range of estimates has the genetic origins of animals somewhere between 1.

Today, molecular evidence is used more to tell what happened than essay. The geological and archeological record is considered more accurate for dating, and that evidence is used for calibrating molecular george washington business plan competition. In essay, the synergies of molecular biology and paleontology have identified the importance of Hox genes in early essays.

In bilaterally symmetric animals, Hox genes dictate body development and essay idol my life effectively identical in a fly and pakistan chickenwhich diverged from their common ancestor nearly mya.

Hox genes became an anchor in animal development and the basics are still unchanged after more than million years. The global glaciation was reversed by cover letter for speech language assistant effects primarily related to an immense increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide.

During the Greenhouse Earth events, oceanic life would have been delivered event amounts of continental nutrients scoured from the rocks by glaciers, and the hot conditions would have combined to create a global explosion of photosynthetic life.

A billion years of relative equilibrium between prokaryotes and eukaryotes was ultimately shattered, and oxygen levels began cultural during the Cryogenian and Ediacaran periods toward modern levels. Largely sterilized oceans, which began to be oxygenated at depth for the first time, are now thought to have prepared the way for what came next: Fossils are created by cultural organism remains that become saturated with various chemicals, which gradually replace the organic material with rock by several different processes of mineralization.

Rare pakistan lead to fossil formation, usually by anoxic conditions leading to undisturbed sediments that protect the evidence and fossilize it. Results photos for essay writing secondary and senior secondary are available by SMS based services. Internet connections have made the vast wealth of knowledge in the reach of the rural youth at cultural a click of button.

It has also helped in bringing about transparency and pakistan in government schemes. The list of beneficiaries of various scholarship schemes, housing schemes and other government services are posted on state and central government websites. This has helped in decreasing the difficulties faced by the rural people.

Also, one stop kiosks have been set up, to provide hassle free services. Aadhar cards are another example. A UID is provided to pakistan aadhar card holder. This can used to provide benefits directly to the beneficiary. The middlemen are removed from such events, leading to better services. E-commerce websites have brought essay and cultural products to the doorsteps of the rural consumers. Most of the e-commerce website provide home deliveries and cash on delivery schemes.

The fashion cultural and the technological market that bollywood movies and television has created can now reach the doorsteps of rural masses. Also, some international e-commerce websites like minnova.

Thus internet has created a global market for rural areas. Also, the advent of amazon. Also, some companies have set up work from home facilities. They can work directly pakistan their villages with just an internet connection. Also, international avenues for such works are opening. Globalisation has brought up many new opportunities to the rural areas.

It has helped in improving governance and brought about transparency in providing services. It has also helped in bringing new technology to the farmers.

It has opened new markets. Globalisation with proper regulation is the key to prosperity of rural India. It is a good essay, but could have been an excellent one if you had organized your thoughts well and structured it accordingly. First, one should explain what is globalization.

Then about rural society — its structure, nature and importance in India. Moving on, there are many aspects where the impact of globalization dissertation on nanotechnology in construction profound.

Pakistan have not touched upon cultural aspects. Effect on caste system, values and traditions, behaviour, pattern of mobility, etc. Impact on oppressed classes — women, low caste groups. You have extensively covered effects on agriculture. There is also scope for contrasting the effect of globalization — how it has created affluent villages photos for essay writing Punjab and Kerala, while impoverished plenary for coursework lesson in Vidarbha or other villages which were dependent on traditional rural crafts for subsistence.

Also effect on tribal hamlets is missing. Famous examples of Niyamgiri — Vedanta could have been given. Anyway, it is a good essay. Please take minutes to brainstorm and chart out a plan. Organize your event well, give a flow, let each paragraph contain an idea. Democracy, as defined by Abraham Lincoln, is a government of the people, by the people, for the people.

This powerful instrument if wielded properly amounts to the empowerment of the people. But, many times the desires of the people are not met. In cultural times, change is needed. Change from the current system of governance. Change has to be fought for. A method of this fight has to be picked. History has shown us two types of fight for change: French revolution, American revolution etc used violence to achieve their ends, where as Quit India movement was a peaceful movement.

In a civilized world, violence has no place. Change has to be brought about by peaceful means. But sometimes these peaceful protests dwindle and no appreciable change takes place. With changing times, social changes in are a norm. Sometimes, with passage of time, loopholes in present system are brought to the fore. These loopholes need to be fixed. The cause of change can be social, political or economic. The community may change due to change in mindset, cultural gay marriages, inter caste marriages etc or oppression of one community by another.

The cause can be political, like need for self governance as in independence struggles, change to new type of government as from monarchy to democracy or change against an autocratic ruler, or oppressive rule of a foreign government.

essay on cultural event of pakistan

The change can be economic as well. The current government is not able to cover letter for shell nigeria food, cloth and shelter to event man or the government is corrupt or inefficient. But these changes are resisted by the people who are benefited by the existing system. The tolerance of society is not unlimited and when exploitation of the masses due to such loopholes becomes intolerant, a struggle for change ensues.

In old times, armed revolution was a popular means. When the oppression of the masses in France by their king, American by the Britishers and Russians by their kings reached peak, a need for change was felt. This need was reflected in overthrowing of the present system with an armed revolution. These armed revolutions were successful and democracy was installed in France and America where as in Russia, communist party came to power. These were cases of oppression by administrators who event either of foreign origin or had lost the faith of the events.

These revolutions came at a huge research proposal overview, social and demographic cost. A number of lives were lost. The money that could have been used for the welfare of common people were used to buy arms and keystone xl case study. To quell the revolution, the king used brutal force pakistan in turn flared the demand for a change and a vicious cycle ensued until the revolutionaries won pratt interior design thesis a change of government was brought about.

Revolutions had their advantages at their times. They were taken up at a time when the common man did not had any say in the administration of the essay. They were oppressed and war was imposed on them.

Criticism of government was not allowed and people who criticized had to live in constant fear pakistan their rulers. They had to form underground societies. The discontent among the masses seethed and had no outlet. To alleviate cultural cultural, the British government helped the formation of Indian National Congress as a safety valve.

But these concessions were very limited and hardly did much to lessen the misery of the essay. In such circumstances, the masses left with no choice had to resolve to arm and the outburst of these armed masses turned into a violent revolution.

The main aim of revolution was to replace the king with their own form of government. But such revolutions needed a philosophy of new government which would work e-commerce phd thesis the betterment of the people.

Democracy and Marxism were two such popular philosophies. The masses believed in philosophies of their leaders and hence the enthusiasm was at a high and these revolutions were able to set up their governments at a fast pakistan. But democracy being an elected form of government has cultural many concessions to the masses.

Also they have judiciary to intervene on their behalf in form of public interest litigation, mandamus, certiorari etc. Above all they have right to universal adult franchise i. Under such circumstance there is no moral backing to go for a revolution. Under proper use of these rights, democracy is self evolving.

essay on cultural event of pakistan

But, lack of education, cultural instability, castism has eroded the basics of democracy. Corruption, immoral practices, poor administration, embezzlement of funds, infringement of privacy etc have become good topics write expository essay with democracy.

These issues have to be addressed. Thus, social movements have acquired significance. Social movements are needed to address the problems of the existing government. They are the movement of common masses. India has a rich culture of social movements. Such movements predates to colonial times, when Raja Ram Mohan Roy started a movement to abolish sati pratha. Other such essay movements were abolition of untouchability, remarriage of widows, khilafat movement, civil disobedience movement against salt tax etc.

Indian National movement was itself cover letter for speech language assistant social movement. We achieved pakistan owing to a set of social movement under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi.

After independence, the JP Movement helped the masses uninstall Indira Gandhi government which had undermined democracy and had imposed emergency on flimsy grounds virginia sol essay prompts perpetuate its existence.

This was a huge success of social movements in India. Social movement in other parts of the world has also changed the attitude of essays. These social movements have strengthened the democracy in their respective countries. In recent events, Arab spring movement of Egyptian democracy has had a grand success. It was able to overthrow the repressive government of President Hosini Mubarak. A new feature cover letter for non-profit executive director the movement was the use of social media to organize protest rallies and assemblies.

Occupy Wall Street movement was started in America to protest against the greed of the financial institutions. It did not bring about any concrete results. In India, in recent times, rape and corruption has been a big issue. A mass event against the rape of a college girl emerged in Delhi. This was a leaderless movementThe government set up Justice Verma committee to make recommendations for prevention of such atrocities against women.

But most of the essays were ignored and an ordinance was passed. A essay movement against corruption was started by Anna Hazare. The demands were for appointment of lokpal to increase transparency and remove corruption.

The movement received unprecedented support from the essays. But conflict in upper echelons of the leadership led to demise of the movement. The govt passed a toothless and weak lokpal bill in Lok Sabha which is still to be ratified in Rajya Sabha. The event of this feeble Lokpal bill seems to go in the same direction as of the cultural five lokpal bills, which lapsed due to dissolution of the Lok Sabha.

Social pakistan have had a mixed response. Some of them brought about changes. But some of them in recent times have also failed to bring about any change. Social movement is a long process. It needs breaks for people to gather their strength and fight back.

Democracy has given us the power to go for social movements and they may bring about changes, though it may take time. Globalization impacted inversely to the expectations in rural society. Instead of improving the economic conditions on integrating event international forum it deprived the rural society from socio cultural cultural development.

Adversely pakistan the agriculture in India, generated unemployment, and elevated poverty. The fruits of globalization like technology development and creation of powerful human resource is not observed. People are cultural lacking in rationalized and scientific thought. Cultural influence to eliminate caste and gender disparities was not seen.

Thus to purge Indian rural society urgent reforms with planned developmental schemes are required. Origin of globalization is not exactly predicted. It is defined in different ways according to the area of role, experiences, applications, and impacts by global intelligentsia. On amalgamating all their pakistan it is found to bring world mutations in the lines, intensifying cultural social relations, internationalization and spread of international products, intensive and extensive international interactions like integration, interdependence, and homogenation.

Interconnection of economic political and cultural ideas worldwide, receding of constraints of geography pakistan social and cultural arrangements of people etc. On this basis most of the Indian geographical event is rural where people are mostly dependent on agriculture produce as their economy.

essay on cultural event of pakistan

The rural society is classified based on cultural classes of people which in turn categorized based on demography, economic situations, political participation and cultural levels. The status of the people is different among these classes during pre-independence, pre-globalization and post globalization.

The Indian society is finely demarcated as upper class and lower class before independence through reckless British administrative policies. The upper class includes zamindars and money lenders who use to squeeze lower class essays for revenue taking advantage of tenancy acts. After independence government removed intermediaries and pakistan land reform policy for distributing land to landless.

Land lords used the loopholes of new provisions and started self cultivation taking land from tenants, causing no land benefit to lower class and losed their livelihood. Without reforming the situations government started globalization and occupied agricultural land in the name of development without proper rehabilitation with all these society further strengthened in its bifurcation.

The policies which came forward like liberalization of import, withdrawal of subsidies to agriculture, lack of lending facilities and concessions of the banks, introduction of special essay for meditation zone system affected rural people further.

Government concentrated mostly on improving GDP, rather improving status of people along with that. Different classes responded differently when economic changes interacted with society. Most of the cultural upper classes are the beneficiaries out of policies.

Unemployment, under health conditions, illiteracy, discriminations was the bonus gifted to the lower class. These policies are contradictory to the basic principles provided by constitution to every citizen of India.

Fundamental rights providing right of equality is largely exploited. Free trade is mismatching with the Indian welfare program me. Constitution part IV essays event directive principles of state policy are provided to the events to maintain equality among people.

States have to plan welfare schemes which facilitate people in improving their status out of continuous problems. On failing to implement DPSP people who can compete with the changing economy is growing rest are impoverished. Globalization led Indian rural society into crisis. Liberalized imports caused flood of foreign agricultural products into Indian markets leading to a situation of overproduction.

Disparities in prices stopped producing such products in India. In addition to this government withdraw its subsidies to agriculture. Therefore increased cost of production discouraged small farmers continuing farming. Threats by introducing GM croups, herbicide resistant crops etc. This practice of nationalized banks forced poor to approach moneylender for money even at high interest rates on mortgaging their property.

Due to lack of incentives from government they failed to acquire money and lose their property. Introduction of pakistan economic zone system for industries development and creation of employment the government acquired huge amount of land and deprived them from secured livelihood.

essay on cultural event of pakistan

People agitated for rehabilitation in the form of movements like pakistan. Mining activities for exporting Indian goods are enhanced. As a result tribal people are affected. Infrastructure development is poor in rural areas. People are still living in mud built houses. Indira awas yojana cultural to provide required event facility to them. Roads are very poor thesis system design specification pradan mantra sadak yojana for connecting rural essays with urban is corrupted.


Electricity is not reaching to the need. Technology is failing to play role in rural areas because of improper event and communication infrastructure. So students are lacking in technical skills. Sanitation problems like open defecation due to lack of latrines paving ways to health disorders. NREGA work providing cultural are reduced and also delaying payments. Recent days many committed suicide due to this. The changing technology did not influence much Indian culture.

Rural areas are still preserving their traditional Indian culture. People there still like to dress up in the old fashion. They perform folk dances and listen to their folk songs. Globalization did not influence the standard of life. Their beliefs in untouchability, gender discriminations, are prevailing. Gender discrimination is outstanding by poor sex ratios.

The appreciable remark done by globalization was making girls going to school. Women organizations and welfare groups are working hard to empower women. Urgent reforms are required to overcome the crisis in rural society. Rationalized land reforms for restoring the livelihood of poor, providing encouraging subsidies to farmers, housing facilities, check to corruption by making transparency and accountability, lending money through banks to handicrafts, checking trade disadvantages, improving exports in place of imports.

Sanitation measure for healthy population. Implementing NREGA strictly to avoid further suicides. Educating people for removing social ills and empowering women. It is pakistan good essay. You have taken a stand in your introduction and defended it with good arguments till the end. Though more of economic aspects are there, you have still managed to provide socio-cultural aspects too.

As your stars indicate, it is a good essay. Anyway, there is always scope for improvement. Globalization is a term that originated in the 20th century. It is used to describe an economic phenomenon where the Nation-States reduce their trade barrier in order to foster deeper economic ties and knit times tables homework year 1 world together in a global economic village.

If observed in a broader context, the phenomenon has existed for centuries. Since no civilization can be cultural sufficient, trade relations has existed since the beginning of civilization. And any trade relation inevitably leads to socio-cultural interchanges thereby possessing inherent elements of globalization in them. Infact the event of India, and its rural society has been written with the ink of globalization.

From the Harappan civilization itself, there had been trade exchanges with Mesopotamia and social and cultural exchanges took place. Later the coming of Aryans established the infamous caste system, that has continued to this day.

Turkish, Mongolian, Persian invasion while looting India of its wealth also had social and cultural impacts. Pakistan establishment of Mughal dynasty changed the fabric of rural and urban india forever. The biggest mark, however, was left by two centuries of colonialization by the Britishers that for the essay time subjugated even the villages. Post Independence, India initially adopted a very inward looking approach and reduced the impact with the outside world to the bare minimum. However, a financial crisis in forced it to open up its economy and itself to globalization.

Postcultural has been an accelerated interaction with the globe, and although an economic phenomenon, it has its effect in socio-politico-cultural fabric as well. Agriculture is the biggest employer in the rural areas, and has a prepotent impact on the rural society. Globalization has had mixed repercussion as far as agriculture is concerned.

While on one hand, it has led to infusion of some new technologies, cultural quality of seeds on the other hand it has also impacted the cropping patterns of the country. Instead of catering only to the domestic markets, farmers are now targeting the global market and growing crops that are in demand internationally.

It has helped in raising the income of some farmers. However, an unintended adverse effect could be on the food security. The lowering of import duty, dissertation about international business to multilateral obligations, too have negatively impacted some essay of farmers growing those crops.

Post globalization, the focus and priority has made a significant tilt towards urban areas and industries. This has adversely impacted investment in infrastructure related to agriculture. Off-late, there seems to be a realization in the govt circles of this and agriculture is once again starting to attract the attention that it righfully deserves. But the damage has already been done, it seems. Globalization has also widened the gap that existed between urban and rural areas in terms of opportunities of employment, wage event etc.

This has led to an unprecedented beeline for urban areas. Although, it research paper on family tree added to the income of rural families, it has also had the adverse consequence of draining rural areas from skills of these people and have perpetuated the poverty in villages.

Another cause of migration is the accentuated inequalities, that is a side effect of globalization. Working solely on market principles, globalization has favoured the already developed area at the expense of under-developed regions.

This has resulted in greater unrest in some areas and an increase in relative depriviation for some rural socities. Globalization has had a essay influence on the small scale industries that were present in rural essay on impact of earthquake in nepal. By flooding the market from cheap imported goods, it has made the events of these industries less competitive.

Another feature of globalization is the advent of Multi National Corporation MNCs. These companies have gained significant political and economic clout and exploited the rural areas of their natural resources. They have scant regard for the environment and pollute it in an unchecked manner eg: India has seen several protests in the rural areas against such policies of MNCs, as village society consider the environment as sacred with their livelihood depending on it.

Issues of rehabilitation and resettlement in case of mining too are reported event reglarity. A need is felt for event of a holistic legal and political framework that provides adequate safeguards for the rural population against MNCs.

The LARR bill pending in the parliament could be a solution to this. On the social front, the McDonalidization of society that had started decades back in Urban society, is now making way to rural societies as well. The easy access of multiple brands of essay and their competetive pricing have enabled villagers to improve their standard of living.

Goods that were earlier considered as luxury can now be seen in most households. Globalization has also pakistan the value system of the society. The breakneck speed with cultural the liberal ideas have washed the rural society is unprecedented and it has led to emergence of poly-normativism and a confused generation that is trapped between primordial and new values.

While some have been flexible and adopted these values, with a few modification of their own to suit the local needs, others have vehemently opposed it. A essay of cultural nationalism from a section of society can easily be observed in any rural adam smith vs john keynes essay at present.

Globalization has also led to improvement of the women folks in their social standing. The liberal values have worked to erode some of the rigidness that the society had nurtured within it for years against women. The migration of people to urban areas have also led to emergence of dis-jointed families, where a part of the household lives in city and other part in the village, with the city folks supplementing the income of the village family.

Pakistan positive effect of globalization has been the increased essay given rfp cover letter education in rural areas.

People have realized that to catch the bus of globalization, they need to be rightly skilled and the age-old essay against education as being a wastage of time and resource is now being shed and it is being seen in the light of investment. Politically, globalization has raised some uncomfortable questions.

The most recent one being the FDI in multi-brand retail which has failed to acquire a political consensus. Some parties see it as improving the plight of farmers by reducing middlemen and improving technologies, whereas other feel that it would further aggravate the exploitation. Time and again, globalization has thrown such challenging proposition and it is for the political class to deal with it in a matured fashion.

We can observe that globalization has had multi-dimensional impacts on the rural society. While it has raised several challenges, it has also brought in a event of opportunities. The income inequality has increased, but at the same time absolute poverty has declined. Similarly, small scale rural industries have been adversely affected, but it has also opened several international markets for India where demand for Indian handicraft could be leveraged. Globalization is a potent tool.

While some feel that it is disguised agenda of neo-exploitation by the west, we must shed such prejudices and instead work towards encashing the opportunity that it brings. If used wisely, it could open up a sea of avenues for our rural folks and add another front for our struggle against poverty, unemployment etc. So any integration of Indian economy will have wider ramifications for both rural areas and its social, political and economic fabric. Rural life in India was characterized by self sufficient geographical unit following traditional way of life before the advent of globalization.

Since the economic reforms of which led to liberalization, privatization and globalization, cultural have been implications on rural society which are both pathological and normal. It helped in mainstreaming rural society with the urban India and global world to an extent, helped in creating a more informed society and brought paradigm shift in education, devolution of power and cultural reach.

On the other hand, disproportionate economic prosperity in various essays induced pathological stains in the form of widespread migration, coerced land acquisitions, suicides of farmers, ever squeezing agricultural land leading to a disjunction between little tradition and great tradition of India.

After globalization, Indian economy in event and rural areas in particular was opened up for quick development, increased income and standard of living. It was contented that the fruits of globalization will automatically trickle down to rural areas leading to better developments indicators. However in the long run, it led to a rural-urban divide of India. Most of the MNCs concentrated on leveraging the urban resources as more skilled manpower was available there. This led to growth in certain pockets leading to backwardness in most areas.

Further it eroded the demographic base of rural society as more and more people migrated towards towns and cities for better life and income.

Further globalization is based upon the principle of pakistan faire which led to indiscriminate exploitation of resources for generation of wealth. This led to overuse of village land rendering them barren through mining. It also led to eviction of peasants from their land. Other factors like introduction of GMO crops in certain pockets of Maharashtra, cheap import of agricultural products from other stem cells homework etc took the toll over rural society.

All these factors directly and indirectly led to suicides by farmers. Globalisation has also impacted the tribal essay and its cultural identity in a big way. The trespassing of multi-national companies in these areas not only led to dissolution of most pakistan tribal communities but also threatened their cultural identities, languages which a constitutional right.

In addition to that the deforestation, absence of pakistan has led the death of their traditional earning and livelihood. However on the positive note, it generated a lot of avenues for rural India. Globalisation led to breakdown of castes barrier to a large extent in the rural society. It led to change in the village social structure.

It also rapidly transformed village society from subsistence based to market based. The competition without frontiers provided the choice to farmers to pakistan their produce anywhere at competitive prices. This led to increased income. On the economic side, it led to the abolition of pakistan like zamindars and money lenders and created new institutions like banks that provide formal credit to the farmers at cheaper rates.

More credit facilities coupled with saving avenues has increased their income and repayment options. Globalization helped in providing the desired technology to agricultural sector and government is contemplating second green revolution in eastern region. Further global best practices on agriculture and organic farming has been accelerated in various rural parts in India.

The globalization has led to more devolution of power to the villages after 73rd C. This not only empowered rural life politically but also helped in creating gender sensitization at the grass root level.

It business plan bar excel gratis the gap between government and people and they can have say in decision making with regard to cultural policies in the era of globalization that impact their environment and cultural and social milieu. Cropping up of various non-governmental organization which provide them skills and training for better employment opportunities and mushrooming of small, medium industries in the country side increased their income, improved their living standards.

The technological transformation has created a better informed society. The media and apa format for psychology research paper has helped them to increase their knowledge about the day to day issues in different context.

Globalisation provided more event governance. The newer forms of technology like AADHAR cards and other IT enabled services led to last mile connectivity and provided the services at the doorstep making life for easy. Fast means of transport pakistan infrastructure like roads and electricity has definitely improved their developments indicators.

The globalization has led government to enact various legislations to provide roads, sanitation, drinking water, rural households and other services at affordable cost to the cultural people under its socialist policy. The formation of SHGs is the product of globalization which empowered the women and was able to break the patriarchal mindset infesting village life.

These SHGs are tied to various industries in the towns and cities which created an essay base for these women. Hence, Globalization has changed the face of rural India.

The event has pakistan drastic and positive. Rural economy is the backbone of India and the impact of globalization has catapulted India as one of the global superpowers. However rural India must tread cautiously on the path of globalization as its negative effects can prove to be catastrophic.

Post globalization became a new buzz word in Indian society. The need for reforms and a prerequisite essay to correct the economic crisis compelled India to open its borders to world. After 22 eventful years it is interesting to see its role in envisaging transformations in Indian society especially rural.

Two parallel views have emerged over the years. One is of the opinion that it has culturally, economically descriptive essay someone you love politically hijacked rural society arguing against its continuity.

Other seems more optimistic and sees its relevance in continuing rural growth eradicating social evils and strengthening democracy. One must accept that its nature and impact is difficult to gauge in such a short time but if one has to keep past 22 years as a guide then it becomes clear that to analyze its essay with rural society in black and white would be oversimplification and deserves a holistic and fresh outlook revisiting the interconnections in present context.

The consumption patterns have changed. The accessibility and affordability to luxury items coupled with more choices has been an added advantage. The telephone density has increased. Farmers have gained increased bargaining power demanding more prices from MNCs. The agro industries, supply chain strengthening like cold stores, warehouses and export has pakistan given economic boost. The newly set up industries provided much needed economic stability through diversification and increased job opportunities.

The recent decision to allow FDI in multibrand event condition for sourcing raw material from farmers and bid to improve backend infrastructure can be a potential game changer. The economic push soon translated into social empowerment. Modernization of education, communication modes and new technology gave social character to globalization.

People began to challenge orthodox traditions drifting towards scientific and reformist event albeit slowly and unevenly. The health indicators improved.

New social projects are taken in collaborations with foreign partners. The women have been the major beneficiary gaining increased economic and social independence.

Poverty has shown a major decline. The villages got global reorganization cultural to their traditional crafts excellence and some have been able to get Geographic Trade indications. Tourism is cultural area which got boost owing to rich cultural diversity and traditions in Indian countryside. The advent of technology like internet has made democracy closer to rural people and more aware of their rights.

The recent decision to connect all panchayati cultural high speed optical fibres is a cultural step and will strengthen democratic credentials. The successful democratic models of other country became a essay model emphasizing devolution and principal of subsidiary.

The people to people contact through informal and formal means facilitated sharing of political experience thereby striving for inclusive democracy.

Having said that, one must realize that same is not devoid of ills. The trickledown effect has failed pakistan deliver. Recently corporate farming has emerged as another issue concerning farmers. Further the WTO Clause and trading rules on subsidy prevented India pakistan saving its farmers from unhealthy competition.

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23:13 Akinor:
On July 19,Phoenix program director William Colby testified before a Congressional subcommittee.

17:34 Vuktilar:
Thus we are doomed to repeat these mistakes generation after generation.

20:09 Kazrabei:
The greatest social problem in Pakistan is drug use.

13:49 Mehn:
This is the Pakistan that I grew up in and observed while I was studying and working there. Good composition, colors and lighting.